Just got Morrissey's autograph!!

Black Eyed

Isn't he gorgeous !!
After waiting for about 6 hours in and around the Liverpool Empire, me with my YOR CD in my hand and my friend Lori with a small YOR promo poster in her hand the great man eventually arrived at the stage door. He signed my CD and my friends poster putting both our names on. The man was gorgeous, he looked beautiful and spoke so softly:) I AM IN LOVE!!!

Off now to get ready for the gig:guitar::guitar::):horny::)


Wow, you are so very lucky, well done!!
Aw :love: That is so lovely, very happy for you. :)

Did he write "Sup" :laughing:
Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you. :)
Congrats! very happy for you.
sod the album, you should have got him to sign your arm. :D
Wow! What happy news, well done both of you! Thanks for sharing the pictures... so quickly too!

Enjoy the show tonight.
omg!!! :eek::eek:

Love you guys!!!
YEAH! That's so awesome!! Woo-Hoo! Oddly enough I met the man a year ago today! ( Well the date was the 11th but it was Mother's Day here in the US!)
That is too cool! So happy for you :thumb: :D.

You guys are so deserving. You both are such amazingly dedicated fans.

I have chills down my spine.

Can't even imagine how happy I am right now.

oooh lucky lucky girls...
you must be so INCREDIBLY chuffed?

*is happy for you* :cool:
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