"List of the Lost" review by Ludovic Hunter-Tilney in Financial Times

skinny is right they have to be legitimate reviews. not bs reviews, ie reviews by the cult or by moz under different names as you find in amazon. all the readers who find the book noteworthy on amazon have, strangely, almost identical reviewing styles.
they find awful prose appealing.

the book is terrible face it.
Are you Mrs Joyce? Go get your tesco club points and leave good literature to those who appreciate it.
So, how's that plus vs neg going, you f***ing jackass? You went looking in the UAE to find this. I commend you. And by the way, is this a review from someone who reviews books for a living, or just something you found? Got the link, not the text? You see, people whose job it is to review books almost universally find the book shit. Is this a book reviewer, or some dude on Amazon or summat?

wasn't that a joke? talk about tight knickers.
I just started reading "List" and finding the novel very Morrissey but vocal are way over my head. Are there cliff notes yet for this book.? LOVE YOU MORRISSEY
Ha ha !
Clutching at straws, it's wank ! Accept it you fool.

What number is it in the book chart ? Why hasn't nephew posted how well it's doing on true to uncle?
Because it's a load of wanky old wank shit.


And what numbers do "wanky old wank shit" songs often get to in the music chart?
Don't call someone a fool for liking something you don't.
I'm ill, what's your excuse for spending your saturday night skulking around the internet?
Is your wife having a fat day and you can't stand to look at her?
Did you even bother getting dressed today or are you still in your undercrackers?
Do you wank over pictures of Morrissey then post something insulting about him to relieve the guilt?
Did he not shake your hand one night?
Leave the answers in a note for us before you go.

Oh the book, I loved it! Well done Moz.
I'm about half-way through and am enjoying it immensely.

It is flawed, but he is a first-time novelist, after all.

Never trust the critics.
benny is right. this turd is now know to have sullied the reputation of the publishing house foolish enough to have released it upon the unsuspecting public. heads will inevitably roll and moz certainly will refuse to return his advance.
while the upheaval carries on, the book is quickly assuming first place among the worst books ever committed to paper.
its a travesty, really.
moz has to avoid the uk until the situation plays itself out, though he will never be able to live down this regrettable turn of events never be able to live down writing the worst book of all times.
Reviewed by a music critic. This now seems to be the basic picture, I think in fact only the Guardian (in their second review) and The Times have featured reviews written by actual literature critics.

Since the whole concept of literary reviews rather relies on the notion that it's worth listening to the subjective views of someone who've invested enough time, thought and knowledge into literature that they can make a living writing about it, that makes it all a bit pointless, no? I mean, why should I care what a feature journalist thinks about a novel?

That being said, that probably reflects that edictors have quietly concluded that it doesn't merit treatment as literature, and is basically just newsworthy from a celebrity angle. So they allocate their manpower accordingly.
Reviewed by a music critic. This now seems to be the basic picture, I think in fact only the Guardian (in their second review) and The Times have featured reviews written by actual literature critics.

Since the whole concept of literary reviews rather relies on the notion that it's worth listening to the subjective views of someone who've invested enough time, thought and knowledge into literature that they can make a living writing about it, that makes it all a bit pointless, no? I mean, why should I care what a feature journalist thinks about a novel?

That being said, that probably reflects that edictors have quietly concluded that it doesn't merit treatment as literature, and is basically just newsworthy from a celebrity angle. So they allocate their manpower accordingly.

makes sense to me. im interested in the average mans opinion because i like sociology and psychology but ill take the review of an actual literary critic when it comes to judging the quality of the book even if i disagree with them
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