Los Angeles, CA - Greek Theatre (Nov. 12, 2022) post-show

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We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Our Frank / First Of The Gang To Die / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Billy Budd / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / Jim Jim Falls / Rebels Without Applause / Girlfriend In A Coma / *Show ends due to unforeseen circumstances*

Setlist courtesy of: SYL via FWD.

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Well, until proven otherwise, I’ll leave my posts. And delete them if it is fake. Don’t know why someone would fake that, but not impossible.

Thanks for the heads up.
No worries! I spotted this first on Twitter and I’m in ‘can never be too careful’ mode at the moment with all that’s going on.

I don’t think Team Moz have necessarily acknowledged a cancellation previously so seems a bit out of sorts.
It was cold but so was the show at the Five Points when Interpol opened up for MOZ, so I don’t know but he sounded good and seemed excited to be at The Greek so will see when the rescheduled date is set.
If it was too cold for you to carry on as a singer because it could have affected the entire small tour not a problem. It is what it is. The problem is though that at your age your quirks should no longer be acceptable. You personally should have informed your audience the need to postpone.
He has pulled stuff like this so many times, I think people were saying he was uninsurable at one point or would become uninsurable. I can't think of any other artist who does this and I can't remember any show I have bought tickets for being cut short like this and I do not remember any artists ever canceling or postponing except for pandemic related reasons.

This is on The Greek website now, just says postponed and will be rescheduled. Postponed usually means you can't get a refund, you can usually only get one if a show is canceled, tho when he did this when I saw him, you were given a choice of a refund or another show and I took a chance on another show and he did show up and do an entire show. People who were there tonight were talking to staff and were told the new show would be next year sometime.

Come Armageddon come (lol)
Oh dear, once again - the irony of Stop Me in the set; I weep. The expense that we go to, to support him and he pulls this stunt yet again, sending Bodger & Badger out to make his excuses. I feel your pain LA.
and they say nurses have a hard time.my broken heart bleeds for you,boo hoo.
So was that post about being able to request a refund fake? Haven’t seen anything on the official moz page or the Greek theatre. I bought a ticket on the official ticket link from the Greek (axs) but it was a resale ticket because by time I sorted my schedule all the regular ones were sold out, and I’m worried that when it’s rescheduled the ticket will be sent to the original purchaser instead of me (they said it won’t, but the ticket has already disappeared from my account and order history in axs)…Kinda just wanted a refund and then if I want to and am able to go to the rescheduled show I could just buy a new ticket, but axs told me they hadn’t been authorized for refunds. Does anyone know?
I just dumped my tickets for DC at The Anthem and cancelled the hotel. No sense driving 12 hours round trip for this crap to happen. Empty the concert halls. Can’t play to an empty venue.
4 songs in? was this person even there?
Exactly. I couldn’t remember how many. I actually thought it was about six. Come to find out it was actually nine. Nine songs in thirty mins seems like a lot but some are pretty short songs. And 51 ain’t that cold
Interesting this shit happens again AFTER he signed his record contract. I thought it was funny that he was on his best, most professional behavior as he was fighting to get signed. The most predictable cancellation ever.
so messed up. just got back from the show and he seemed very distracted by something. i hope he’s okay but also cutting the show short in LA where your fans are is messed up. i hope there’s a redo.
Where the (heat) fans are messed up, indeed... 🥶❄️
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There is a difference between being cold, and singing in the cold. Any voice coach will tell you that singing in cold, dry air is a sure recipe for losing your voice, especially if you're singing for an hour and thirty minutes as Morrissey would have been. There are another 13 shows to go in this tour. I reckon he was thinking about that when he decided to stop. Having to cancel a dozen shows because of a croaky voice would have been a real disaster. I'm sure he was as gutted as the audience was about having to stop. He does need to reschedule the show or ensure the audience gets a refund, that is clear. Respect for your fans is important. But other than that, time to chill out - like the California evening weather. Let's cut the guy some slack. He's not a performing monkey. These things happen.
He’s a non performing monkey.
bloke who says he;s the only one brave enough to say and sing certain things can't even muster the courage to tell the crowd and just walks off, once again
Cancellations and losing money happens to people in all aspects of life; concerts, vacations, broadway shows, airline flights, weddings, etc. I always tell myself never spend more than I can afford to lose. I feel for those that lost out, but Mr. M is human, and I am now left wondering where are all the understanding, kind words I read when his mother passed away.
So was that post about being able to request a refund fake? Haven’t seen anything on the official moz page or the Greek theatre. I bought a ticket on the official ticket link from the Greek (axs) but it was a resale ticket because by time I sorted my schedule all the regular ones were sold out, and I’m worried that when it’s rescheduled the ticket will be sent to the original purchaser instead of me (they said it won’t, but the ticket has already disappeared from my account and order history in axs)…Kinda just wanted a refund and then if I want to and am able to go to the rescheduled show I could just buy a new ticket, but axs told me they hadn’t been authorized for refunds. Does anyone know?
It’s on the Greeks website.

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