Lyrics You Don't Understand

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I've just rediscovered the excellence of "What Difference Does It Make?", but I'm unsure what the line

"And you must be looking very old tonight"

"People think all we do
Is lie around and think of how
Rich we'd be if we didn't think
Life could improve"

I don't get it at all. One way you can think life could improve is by getting richer, so by thinking you won't get'll get rich? So you have to be hopeless in life to succeed in life? If you think your life will improve you'll be stuck poor?
I've just rediscovered the excellence of "What Difference Does It Make?", but I'm unsure what the line

"And you must be looking very old tonight"


I think "old" is just a bitchy insult, "old" meaning exhausted, haggard looking, a few years past your sell-by date. Something a young man might say to an older man if he'd been scorned in some way. (Also, he said he felt "old inside" on "Margaret On The Guillotine".)

"People think all we do
Is lie around and think of how
Rich we'd be if we didn't think
Life could improve"

I don't get it at all. One way you can think life could improve is by getting richer, so by thinking you won't get'll get rich? So you have to be hopeless in life to succeed in life? If you think your life will improve you'll be stuck poor?

People think all they do is sit around and dream of the riches they're giving up by not accepting the status quo. By having a dream or a vision of how life ought to be, they're poor, instead of the rich people who exploit the ills of the world. Of course, this is meant ironically because "Trouble Loves Me" mocks the patronizing attitude others have toward Morrissey and his fellow "dreamers and schemers".
"Im tired again, Ive tried again, and
Now my heart is full".

"Underact - express depression"

"Could you pass by?"

Could someone enlighten me, please?
Here's mine...

When I first heard Our Frank, I thought Moz was singing about trying to escape from a vulgar person's car as in...
"you're frankly vulgar...
red (as in a traffic light) - pull over (as in pull the car over to the side of the road)"

When I finally saw the printed lyrics...
"your frankly vulgar red pullover"
I laughed out loud cause he was singing about someone's sweater.

However, it's the next line I don't get...
"now see how the colours blend" - what's that suppose to mean?


Hahahaha, I always thought it was about a car too. I thought he was saying, "Arret, pull over!" Arret, the French word for stop.

I don't get the next line either.
At the record company meeting
On their hands - a dead star
And oh, the plans they weave
And oh, the sickening greed

At the record company party
On their hands - a dead star
The sycophantic slags all say :
"I knew him first, and I knew him well"

Re-issue ! Re-package ! Re-package !
Re-evaluate the songs
Double-pack with a photograph
Extra Track (and a tacky badge)

A-list, playlist
"Please them , please them !"
"Please them !"
(sadly, THIS was your life)

But you could have said no
If you'd wanted to
You could have said no
If you'd wanted to

"Please them ! Please them !"
(sadly this was your life)

But you could have said no
If you'd wanted to
You could have walked away
...Couldn't you ?

I touched you at the soundcheck
You had no real way of knowing
In my heart I begged "Take me with you ...
I don't care where you're going..."

But to you I was faceless
I was fawning, I was boring
Just a child from those ugly new houses
Who could never begin to know

Who could never really know
Oh ...

Best of ! Most of !
Satiate the need
Slip them into different sleeves !
Buy both, and feel deceived

Climber - new entry, re-entry
World tour ! ("media whore")
"Please the Press in Belgium !"
(THIS was your life...)

And when it fails to recoup ?
Well, maybe :
You just haven't earned it yet, baby

I walked a pace behind you at the soundcheck
You're just the same as I am
What makes most people feel happy
Leads us headlong into harm

So, in my bedroom in those 'ugly new houses'
I danced my legs down to the knees
But me and my 'true love'
Will never meet again ...

At the record company meeting
On their hands - at last ! - a dead star !
But they can never taint you in my eyes
No, they can never touch you now

No, they cannot hurt you, my darling
They cannot touch you now
But me and my 'true love'
Will never meet again


Well I understand them, pity Morrissey seemingly doesn't! HA HA
Oh, you silly old man
You silly old man
You're making a fool of yourself
So get off the stage

You silly old man
In your misguided trousers
With your mascara and your Fender guitar
And you think you can arouse us ?

But the song that you just sang
It sounds exactly like the last one
And the next one
I bet you it will sound
Like this one

Downstage, and offstage
Don't you feel all run in ?
And do you wonder when they will take it away ?
This is your final fling

But then applause ran high
But for the patience of the ones behind you
As a verse drags on like a month drags on
It's very short, but it seems very long

And the song that you just sang
It sounds exactly like the last one
And the next one
I bet you it will sound
Like this one

So, get off the stage
Oh, get off the stage
And when we get down off of the stage
Please stay off the stage - ALL DAY !

Get off the stage
Oh, get off the stage
And when we've had our money back
Then I'd like your back in plaster

Oh, I know that you say
How age has no meaning
Oh, but here is your audience now
And they're screaming :

"Get off the stage"
Oh, get off the stage
Because I've given you enough of my time
And the money that wasn't even mine
Have you seen yourself recently ?

Oh, get off the stage
Oh, get off the stage
For whom, oh ...
For whom, oh ...
For whom, oh ...
For whom, oh ...

Get off the stage
Get off the stage
Get off the stage

For whom the bell tolls

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