Mike Joyce tweets on Glastonbury performance and "cover versions"

Update, June 25, 6:53 PM PT:
Maurice E mentions the additional tweets:

@QuintinForbes You're right. I just didn't enjoy The Smiths songs. He was in fine form though.

@QuintinForbes Quite right. I think "cover versions"was maybe the wrong phrase. I just didn't enjoy The Smiths songs. He sounded great tho.

@mj_quinn The "band" were the musicians in The Smiths...Mozzer wasn't in the "band' M was the singer/lyricist in the group.

From Mike Joyce's Twitter page:

"Gr8 performance from M at Glasto but didn't like the cover versions. M was in the group...but not in the band, those tunes belong to them."

Presumably, he thinks Marr's solo versions of Smiths songs are faultless?
Also, how about Joyce Michael, as a member of the 'band' treats us to his own version of the Smiths songs?
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The smiths never wore the same clothing.

I have just watched Morrissey jewell in the crown.....bloody hell he never paid Craig gannon either and gannon had to take out legal proceedings to get his money.

M rings him up and says drop the legal case and you can work with me. This would be around the release of last of the famous.......

Bloody hell this why they split the second time....

Does he pay anyone or has mike Joyce stated , m has probably still got the first £1.00 he ever earned.
First, the comment about Mexico beating the U.S.A., Mexico is supposed to beat us. Americans don't give a shit about Soccer (football). We honestly don't. American Football, Baseball, Basketball, and in some regions Hockey... ALL come before soccer (football). There are exceptions here, in pockets.... but in Europe, chants fill balls and stadiums.... when your country or side loses, it's devastating... Here? If the game is on TV in a bar, unless it's a mock British Pub, instead of chants you may hear "Turn the channel". I personally love it, played it and love it - but I'm certainly the exception.

I think the most appropriate response here was the guy who smartly said "Without Marr, Rourke and Joyce, they would have just been the Nosebleeds." I say that because Marr was a huge, critical part of the Smiths. If he wasn't, then why did Morrissey instruct Stephen Street and Vini Reilly to write Smiths-copycat songs for VIVA HATE?? One of the reasons I Love YOUR ARSENAL is that was the first record where there was a different style, no Smiths to be found. THE SMITHS are my favorite band ever, but some songs done by Morrissey's current line up make me wince. I loved the YOUR ARSENAL Line-up though!

I mean, just because you may not have liked Marr's choice to form ELECTRONIC, it doesn't mean he's a failure or not brilliant... HOW SOON IS NOW and BIGMOUTH STRIKES AGAIN, all of that was MARR... The brilliant inventiveness... Not to take anything away from Morrissey... I love Morrissey too. But I do think Joyce has a say... He was IN the Smiths., whether he wrote it or not... I hear people making fun of him, yet the agree with him about This Charming Man?
The smiths never wore the same clothing.

I have just watched Morrissey jewell in the crown.....bloody hell he never paid Craig gannon either and gannon had to take out legal proceedings to get his money.

M rings him up and says drop the legal case and you can work with me. This would be around the release of last of the famous.......

Bloody hell this why they split the second time....

Does he pay anyone or has mike Joyce stated , m has probably still got the first £1.00 he ever earned.

You're absolutely right. It wasn't just Joyce and Gannon he tried to screw. He also short-changed, as you've said Rourke (who instituted legal proceeding against him, but later accepted an out-of-court settlement) and, latterly, Street (hence the breakdown of their partnership).
The smiths never wore the same clothing.

I have just watched Morrissey jewell in the crown.....bloody hell he never paid Craig gannon either and gannon had to take out legal proceedings to get his money.

M rings him up and says drop the legal case and you can work with me. This would be around the release of last of the famous.......

Bloody hell this why they split the second time....

Does he pay anyone or has mike Joyce stated , m has probably still got the first £1.00 he ever earned.

You're absolutely right. It wasn't just Joyce and Gannon he tried to screw. He also short-changed Rourke (who instituted legal proceeding against him, but later accepted an out-of-court settlement) and, latterly, Street (hence the breakdown of their partnership).
First, the comment about Mexico beating the U.S.A., Mexico is supposed to beat us. Americans don't give a shit about Soccer (football). We honestly don't. American Football, Baseball, Basketball, and in some regions Hockey... ALL come before soccer (football). There are exceptions here, in pockets.... but in Europe, chants fill balls and stadiums.... when your country or side loses, it's devastating... Here? If the game is on TV in a bar, unless it's a mock British Pub, instead of chants you may hear "Turn the channel". I personally love it, played it and love it - but I'm certainly the exception.

I think the most appropriate response here was the guy who smartly said "Without Marr, Rourke and Joyce, they would have just been the Nosebleeds." I say that because Marr was a huge, critical part of the Smiths. If he wasn't, then why did Morrissey instruct Stephen Street and Vini Reilly to write Smiths-copycat songs for VIVA HATE?? One of the reasons I Love YOUR ARSENAL is that was the first record where there was a different style, no Smiths to be found. THE SMITHS are my favorite band ever, but some songs done by Morrissey's current line up make me wince. I loved the YOUR ARSENAL Line-up though!

I mean, just because you may not have liked Marr's choice to form ELECTRONIC, it doesn't mean he's a failure or not brilliant... HOW SOON IS NOW and BIGMOUTH STRIKES AGAIN, all of that was MARR... The brilliant inventiveness... Not to take anything away from Morrissey... I love Morrissey too. But I do think Joyce has a say... He was IN the Smiths., whether he wrote it or not... I hear people making fun of him, yet the agree with him about This Charming Man?

Mighty USA cannot beat poor Mexico and american goalkeeper cried about the presentation being in spanish.
You are a bad loser Sir!
Football won and soccer lost!
USA lost the soccer game because Mexico played football.
jajajajaja Chicharito!
USA puta!!!

Your boys took a helluva beating!!!

King James' quote sums up your experience quite nicely.

"All the people that were rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. So they can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal. But they got to get back to the real world at some point."
Is Jesse as good as Johnny? No. Is he as good as Stephen? No. Is he as good as Alain? No.

But you know what? He's been in the band for 7 years now and Morrissey hasn't kicked him out so he MUST be doing something right.

Regardless of whether or not you like his songwriting, you should still show him some respect.
lets get back to the story. The point is that a drummer is just a drummer. Those songs were morrissey and marr. Those songs can be played by anyone but who wants to go and see a drummer play themi on his own. Come on. Even Joyce cant get in a decent band now. He is finished. Infact his career was over before it really began.
Who cares what he thinks. He is just trying to make some publicity for himself in a childish way.
Guys, come on. The Jesse bashing may have been 'cool' back in '05 or '06 but last time I checked it is now 2010. It got real old real quick!

If Jesse is as bad as you lot say he is, wouldn't you think Morrissey would have gotten rid of him by now? Exactly! So think before you shout out random nonsense. Jesse is a great live player. He's brought so much new life into the songs. And his playing on Smiths songs are a hell of a lot better than Alain or Boz's!

And you say he can't write a song? Last time I checked, Jesse has a lot of chart positions in the Top 10 & Top 20 with Morrissey. Yeah, I guess that means he doesn't know how to write a song? Sorry!

If Jesse is good enough for Morrissey, he's good enough for me. And he's good enough for us!
He is just trying to make some publicity for himself in a childish way.

Yeah, it could be worse: he could be saying he wants the Prime Minister to be executed, or likening the slaughter of animals to The Holocaust, or making racist comments about Chinese people, or praising terrorists, or wishing death on the United States' president, or putting naked photos of himself on record covers, or saying "controversial" things about royalty. At least he's not THAT desperate.
... and so the age old debate goes on. Last time I met MJ he was DJing in a pub in Brixton and playing Smiths songs. I know he's bitter at how 'ole supercilious ripped him off for a bob or two; but Moz was awesome at Glasto and always will be The Smiths :)

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