Moby Compares Morrissey To A "Drunk Uncle" - Radio X

Moby Compares Morrissey To A "Drunk Uncle" - Radio X
The Porcelain star has called some of the comments from the Smiths singer "weird" and "racist".


Moby has lamented over some of Morrissey's views and compared him to a "drunk uncle".

The musician - whose real name is Richard Melville Hall - has revealed that while he likes some of the former Smith frontman's songs, he doesn't agree with his views.

Asked about the former Smiths frontman's recent controversial comments, the Porcelain star told the The Telegraph: "This reminds me of a Chris Rock skit, where he's talking about a weird drunk uncle.

"Everyone in the family is like, 'OK... we love him but he's gonna do something weird. Just stay away.'

"I don't know Morrissey. I liked The Smiths, I like some of his solo records, I appreciate that he's a vegan... but I kind of wish he would not say weird, racist things."
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It is really rich to hear all these out of touch celebrities who harbor views most people would view as highly eccentric labeling views shared by the majority of Americans and Englishmen as representing a "Drunk Uncle". The irony is Morrissey does have some eccentric views, his veganism being one of the most prominent, but it isn't that view that Moby finds so weird. It is his populist views that are the strange ones. This is why the elites are losing elections everywhere across the globe. In the past, they at least played along with respecting the views of the common man, but today's elitists have dropped all pretense of believing the working class deserve any respect or consideration.
I pulled up Johnny Marr doing his new song "Bug" because the Far Left Guardian was claiming it's "brilliant", but Vegan.cro Spirit# 568 on these boards said it sucks. This is apparently his big political anthem for the times, but it's just 5 minutes of annoying, boring mediocrity. It's obvious the Guardian just pretends to like it because they wanna pat Marr on the head for being a good, conforming lefty. Yes, it's that easy to get good press from lefty outlets, no matter how dull the music is. Vegan.cro was right on this one......
The only reason I can imagine someone going to a Marr show is just to hear the Smiths songs, but then it still makes you wish you were hearing the real Morrissey singing them.....

We have good news, the lab has been able to identify what seems to be a discernable sound on the track, composed of 4 syllables " Na Na Na Mo". There is much speculation that Drama Johnny is trying to emulate
bug sounds on this particular track, which, fact is pretty much sucks :soccerball:
Moby tried to single out M&M years ago for misogeny or violence in his lyrics and M&M hit back hard very publicly at an awards show. You would think he would have learned then to cool it with the public shaming.
He is the trophy winning douchebag of the universe. Happy Birthday Mozzerino. Big Kiss. Call Johnny soon. He loves and understands you. Like me.

Blame the journalists. unfortunately most people have only heard parts of whats Moz had said not his explanation. Its not very cool when they don't ask about that too.
I pulled up Johnny Marr doing his new song "Bug" because the Far Left Guardian was claiming it's "brilliant", but Vegan.cro Spirit# 568 on these boards said it sucks. This is apparently his big political anthem for the times, but it's just 5 minutes of annoying, boring mediocrity. It's obvious the Guardian just pretends to like it because they wanna pat Marr on the head for being a good, conforming lefty. Yes, it's that easy to get good press from lefty outlets, no matter how dull the music. Vegan.cro was right on this one......
The only reason I can imagine someone going to a Marr show is just to hear the Smiths songs, but then it still makes you wish you were hearing the real Morrissey singing them.....
f*** you righty politics you are all the same.
Yeah, it’s hard to believe this is someone who once was a part of the most influential band of the 80s.
Moby's 'Play' album had a booklet with some political essays in it. He closed them by saying, 'You can enjoy the essays and hate the music or hate the essays and enjoy the music. You might like both'

Some people would do well to have that attitude.
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