Morrissey Birthday Party - San Antonio, Thurs, May 22


all i ask of you...
all you SA lurkers out there, I know there are a few of you, come to this shindig Thursday night.


and this is weird, only a few towns out there celebrating Mozz's b-day tomorrow?

or only a few posting adverts on what I thought was the best Mozzer board out there.

also - rumor has it some of the band Girl In a Coma may be in attendance, the person in charge of this shindig is the one who designs their flyers.
was a great event.

I only stayed for a little while but the person behind Moz Krew San Antonio should be thanked and there will be many more events to come here in the future it seems. anyone in the SA area that reads here should definitely keep in contact with me or check out the Moz Krew SA myspace.

two of the three GIAC girls were there, and to prove I am a man that does not hide behind a computer I told one of them that I apologize for any disparaging remarks I have made against the girls (I have promoted them heavily in the past, before they were made openers, when we were fab) - and that most remarks I made were intended to get a rise out of a certain individual.

of course, the drummer was not too very happy but she was overall pleasant with it and they are really great girls with their own style of indie rock so with that I'd like to say, do go check them out if they are ever near your home town.

however, I still want to take up the offer for free admission to their next gig because I am a fairly cheap individual, in all aspects.

oh, one more thing, rumor has it that Boz was contacted about our gathering and he got message to Mozz that SA was throwing a shindig in his honor. He replied something to the effect of 'I have to take an airplane to attend my own party.'

so in essence, the only Morrissey approved birthday party happened in San Antonio, TX last night and you smeggers all missed it!!!

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