Morrissey in Manchester Arena 20.08.16 by SER (video footage, clips, 1:09)

Morrissey is one sexy MAN!. The operative word is man, not a male that posts drivel non stop on a fan site and pics apart everything about someone. I don't think he has ever said an unkind word about any of you hate infested "people". Not one word. That is SEXY, he is a better person than me and need less to say, a better person than you.
Oh, and i love the video.
That's okay! It's my native tongue, and unless my cousin was a singer, I wouldn't have known. In this context, I believe it's "in-ear monitor," worn by some singers.

Thank you.
Ryan too.
I've read somewhere he tried it but doesn't like it.
If the monitor sound is so close to his ears he can't hear what the public is shouting.
He still wants to hear what is being said an have the option to make a comment.
I like it that he still is trying to communicate with his audience and more or less, ignores the insults, ahem.
Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! Hopefully it eventually has the audio split into separate files
Looks great, only watched the first 5 minutes as wanting to enjoy it on a big screen with a beer, reminds me of "Show" by The Cure which is unfortunately only available on vhs, it's still wonderful though
This is a pretty good footage Sam. At last, you have redeemed yourself.
Just a thought. If Morrissey decides to retire from singing, he should run for the Mayor of Manchester. He is the King of Manchester.
Fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! Hopefully it eventually has the audio split into separate files

I'm doing that right now.

Watched it all.
Great show! Great footage!
Thanks Sam,
And uncle Steven off course. ;)
Without whom (permission) etc. etc. we would not be able to see this.
If he is such a money grabbing monster would he allow it to be as easy available? :confused:
Just saying :thumb:
The cows also look to the farmer !
The cows love the farmer !
The farmer feeds the cows !
And so the cows trust the farmer !
The cows follow the farmer !
And are artificially inseminated by the farmer !
At birth the calves are taken away/killed by the farmer !
The farmer steals the milk from the cows !
The milk stolen from the cows is then turned into cheese/butter/milk products !
The performer stands up for the cows to sing meat is murder !
The performer sells animal slogan t-shirts for profit !
The performer loves his cheese !
But the cheese he loves so much !
Ssshhhhh ! ! !
Hush ! Hush !

The performer is a CrankFraud !

And so it goes on and on and on !
Does he care ? Does he care ? Does he care ?
What's his excuse now ?

L O L @ that silly Mayor of Crankfester.


Hopefully the cow bites on your mini frankfurter!

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