Morrissey is anti-immigrant backs a white nationalist party. Why don’t fans care? - LA Times

Morrissey is anti-immigrant and backs a white nationalist political party. Why don’t fans care? - Los Angeles Times
By Randall Roberts

The singer, who plays the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday, has always enjoyed a special bond with his Southern California fans. But could hateful remarks about immigrants spoil that?


Los Angeles Councilwoman Rodriguez, who facilitated the city’s 2017 Morrissey Day celebration, stresses this distinction between art and artist. Asked whether the singer’s recent provocations have caused her to reassess her fandom or the wisdom of her resolution, she says no. “Morrissey has had a long history of saying controversial commentary about England and the monarchy. I think it’s part of what he has always been.” She and her family have tickets to Saturday’s Bowl concert.

On a larger level, Rodriguez adds, “Everyone in this country and anywhere, in my belief, is entitled to their opinions, even if I am not a proponent of that mindset.” Artists have permission to be controversial, she says. “It is, by nature, art.”

That doesn’t mean Morrissey should get a pass, says Nic Harcourt, a morning drive-time DJ for KCSN and music supervisor. For a long time, Harcourt chose to laugh off many of Morrissey’s public rows. The singer even did a guest DJ session with Harcourt when the latter hosted “Mornings Become Eclectic” on KCRW.

“He’s always flirted with this right-wing thing. This didn’t just suddenly happen,” Harcourt says. Something has shifted, though, and it prompted a reckoning. “When he made it so obvious earlier this year, I decided I wasn’t going to play his music anymore on the radio.” (Harcourt stresses that he’s speaking as a DJ and not as a spokesman for KCSN.)

Morrissey’s manager, Katsis, said that most frustrating to him is that, artistically, his client is at the top of his game. The shows have been phenomenal, but the media is focused on what Morrissey says offstage. “It’s just his opinion, and it’s taken as gospel. That’s the most bizarre part of it.”

Katsis adds, “Everyone keeps repeating that Morrissey said, ‘The Chinese are a subspecies.’ That comment was made about the Chinese government, and everybody has problems with the way they treat people.” Katsis says that he recently received a request from a promoter for his client to play concerts in China. Morrissey wants to play there but wondered, “Do you think they’d let me in the country?”

Such tensions can drive great art, and can prompt an essential question on fandom: Which is more powerful, the thrill that rushes into your spirit when you connect with a song or album, or the disappointment that comes with realizing you don’t share essential values with its creator?

“Fandom is very personal,” says “Mozlandia” author Hidalgo. “It’s about the self. It’s selfish. You’re going to like something you like, and no one in the world is going to tell you not to do it. Because if they tell you not to do it, you’ll do it even more.”

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Basta de destratar a MOrrissey ,les digo a los obsesos que escriben pavadas ... el es buena persona a mi me basta su talento y todo lo q hace por defender la causa= proteccionismo animal, donar plata es demasiado no cualquiera lo hace ,este es un sitio para darle mimos emocionales a mozz ,no para que escriban estos resentidos que lo critican todo el tiempo ,es contradictorio entran a un sitio de fans pa criticarlo??? Tanto se gastan no sera q lo amaron demasiado ??? MOZZ LO MEJOR PARA VOS MAÑANA EN TU SHOW Y TODOS LOS DIAS DE TU VIDA Y ESPERO QUE VUELVAS A BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA MORRISSEY YO TE ADMIRO MALLL❤❤❤
One can't help but feel that Morrissey fans are a fruitcake subspecies.
Por empezar que hacen tipos como usted en un sitio dedicado al SEÑOR MORRISSEY??? El es un grande de verdad y se merece lo mejor dejenlo vivir tranquilo ,es buena persona y a mi me basta con su talento ycon lo que hace por la Causa reefiero a la proteccion de los animales , dejen de tratar mal A MOZZ y a sus fans ,tanto odio hoy es equivalente a mucho amor antes ....estan obsesionados con Morrissey... sino porque gastan tanta energia haciendo desafortunados comentarios .viva MOzz Morrissey = te admiro malll
I am a fan and I don’t really care about his political beliefs. Also, I truly don’t think Morrissey is bothered by the colour of a persons skin, he seems to care about the loss of national identity and a lot of people say the same thing. It is true that you can walk through many towns and cities and you don’t hear British accents, he cares about that and many people do too. Morrissey just puts his foot in his mouth every time he speaks on this topic but he thinks it is his place to speak up.
Does Morrissey adopt an American accent when he lives in Los Angeles?* Or is he only bothered by a lack of cultural assimilation when it’s brown people in Britain doing it?

Actually, the “loss of national identity” thing is a smokescreen. Bengali in Platforms derided someone for trying to assimilate, and he’s mocked Sadiq Khan’s London accent; he’s just flat-out bigoted.

*To be fair to him, he has become enormously fat and developed terrible dress sense, so I suppose he has endeavored to adopt American cultural norms.
Por empezar que hacen tipos como usted en un sitio dedicado al SEÑOR MORRISSEY??? El es un grande de verdad y se merece lo mejor dejenlo vivir tranquilo ,es buena persona y a mi me basta con su talento ycon lo que hace por la Causa reefiero a la proteccion de los animales , dejen de tratar mal A MOZZ y a sus fans ,tanto odio hoy es equivalente a mucho amor antes ....estan obsesionados con Morrissey... sino porque gastan tanta energia haciendo desafortunados comentarios .viva MOzz Morrissey = te admiro malll

Excellent post Lujan:thumb:
but await a google translated post by loco in the coco Untruth. 5-6 paragraphs worth.:neutral:
maybe a couple of Jamaican proverbs by Skinny.:flushed:
Here's Labour's policy on Islam:

"British and Western culture are altering themselves in accordance with the scriptural requirements of Islam. This must stop. We must restore freedom of speech and criminally punish those who use or threaten violence to silence opponents.

We demand that non-British jihadists known to the UK government are deported, and that those who join ISIS are denied re-entry to the UK.

There should be no sharia councils operating in Britain. These are often run by jihadists and Islamists hostile to the UK. Marriage, divorce and child custody matters should be governed solely by UK laws. Mosques must register for civil marriage as other religious establishments do.

Crimes committed against women and girls, including forced or child marriage, female genital mutilation, or honour violence, must be punished with lengthy prison sentences and/or deportation."

Oh wait! I have just realised this is not Labour at all - It's that Nazi group Morrissey supports:openmouth:. This is pure evil :rage:

Would you care to explain how this is pure evil?
John Lennon did bad things in his private life. Those things are widely ignored by his fanbase. It would have been different, I think, if he had said in interviews etc that it's ok to beat your woman.
Phil Spector was mentally ill.
Weinstein was a producer - a money man, not really responsible for the works of art he enabled.
A lot of people find it hard to watch Spacey films now.
Jay Z dealing drugs...that's ok innit? Someone's gotta do it.
Clapton - well he's shit anyway, and his fans weren't atttacted to him for his views in the first place. Whereas Moz, people loved him because it was a new, brave voice on issues like gender & sexuality. As such, people expected an egalitarian, inclusive attitude to minorities.

The issues here are more complex than your post suggests. Lots of people have stopped listening to R Kelly. No one listens to Gary Glitter anymore. On the other hand, people read and appreciate HP Lovecraft, while abhorring his racist views.

Let us not over simplify. Or, if we must, how about "Love Morrissey Hate Racism"?

you just compared Morrissey to a couple of predatory paedophiles. That makes any argument you make absolutely redundant, as far as I’m concerned.
WTF? WTF is there to discuss they are sub species. FFS only subspecies would eat little fluffy puppies and kitty cats.:barf:
What is there to discuss?:censored:

have they given up their evil commie ways? have they quit eating little pets?:rage:
no thus, Moz is once again correct: sub species for the China Cucks.:smileycat:

they eat PARAKEETS FFS what a low down sub species.:rage:
Morrissey's views on Islam are not unfounded in the least as another example to your discussion. His overall position is ironclad for various reasons and is anything but simplistic and black and white. You will never hear anything about this coming from the Leftist mainstream media. Peaceful? This is far worse! It's not for food. And for what, amusement? 'Pictures forbidden'? Yeah, right! Take a look at the following link of 'pictures,' if you are willing:
Excellent post Lujan:thumb:
but await a google translated post by loco in the coco Untruth. 5-6 paragraphs worth.:neutral:
maybe a couple of Jamaican proverbs by Skinny.:flushed:
seeee jajaa seguro aparecen los resentidoss ,estos ,son trastornados son toc toc × Moz toc = trastorno obsesivo compulsivo que moz les despierta y mucho ya que sela pasan defenestrando a nuestro morrissey gracias por contestar !!! Vegan y que viva morrissey !!! Envidio atodos los q van mañana
you just compared Morrissey to a couple of predatory paedophiles. That makes any argument you make absolutely redundant, as far as I’m concerned.
Absolutamente de acuedo con vos!!! Que mente distorsionada hay que tener para comparar a MORRISSEY con esos perversos = abusadores de todo tipo .... una cosa es un comentario de Mozz que puede no gustarles pero Mozz es decente son cabezas de termo viva Mozz y me pregunto el leera estos comentarios ? .si es asi se dara cuenta que tiene su ejercito incondicional que siempre lo va a defender !!!
Siii los chinos siempre fueron salvajes ..y nuestro querido MOZZ se referia a los chinos que torturan animales indefensos hasta matarlos ese tipo de gente es condenable son definitivamente desagradablesss y es admirable que MOZZ los defina asi !!!!! AGUANTE MORRISSEY TODOS TUS FANS TE AGUANTAMOS Y A ESOS RESENTIDOS DEL HORTO LES DECIMOS= IS WAR WAR WAR WAR !!!! LES SUENA ESE TEMA ?? THE MORE YOU IGNORED.....
Gracias vegan por contestarme apuesto a que estos que se llenan la boca hablando sobre que Morrissey es racista ,piensan que yo soy una sudaca de Argentina !!!!! Que cabezas de termoo viva Mozz❤❤❤
Morrissey is racist. He has confirmed this directly several times. People can argue and speculate but facts cannot be changed no matter how consistently air brushed they become by arse licking fans and supposed journalists.

Even his own mindless self-interviews proved that he is racist - even when he is attempting to confirm the opposite.

He seems to suffer from racist tourettes.

Those of us stupid enough to follow and support him for so long have our part to play in his megalomania. We gave him oxygen and validated him. I accept my responsibility and do wonder how I could ever have been so stupid that I could not see what Morrissey was/is.

There is an argument that Morrissey isn't racist and is constanly misinterpreted. I used to hold that view until ...

each comment he made about race was laced with prejudice or outright racism.
Morrissey, and his fans, believe him to hold intelligence. No intelligent non- racist person would consistenly make racist statements. If the counter argument is, as James Maker alluded, that this is about stoking controversy. I simply ask why?

Morrissey's juvenile response to his racism have outed him for the fool that he is.

I say none of this with glee. I don't want it to be true. I make my comments with more than a tinge of sadness and sorely wish he would publicly apologise for his race related comments. You, I, the world knows he won"t.
John Lennon did bad things in his private life. Those things are widely ignored by his fanbase. It would have been different, I think, if he had said in interviews etc that it's ok to beat your woman.
Phil Spector was mentally ill.
Weinstein was a producer - a money man, not really responsible for the works of art he enabled.
A lot of people find it hard to watch Spacey films now.
Jay Z dealing drugs...that's ok innit? Someone's gotta do it.
Clapton - well he's shit anyway, and his fans weren't atttacted to him for his views in the first place. Whereas Moz, people loved him because it was a new, brave voice on issues like gender & sexuality. As such, people expected an egalitarian, inclusive attitude to minorities.

The issues here are more complex than your post suggests. Lots of people have stopped listening to R Kelly. No one listens to Gary Glitter anymore. On the other hand, people read and appreciate HP Lovecraft, while abhorring his racist views.

Let us not over simplify. Or, if we must, how about "Love Morrissey Hate Racism"?
some good points,i was listening to gary glitter last night,rock n roll part 1 and 2 are fantastic songs,and before anybody wades in think of the glitter band who don't receive royalties for these songs because of the singers actions.
the scene in THE JOKER when hes walking down the stairs with rock n roll part 2 playing in the background is the best part of the film.
Morrissey's views on Islam are not unfounded in the least as another example to your discussion. His overall position is ironclad for various reasons and is anything but simplistic and black and white. You will never hear anything about this coming from the Leftist mainstream media. Peaceful? This is far worse! It's not for food. And for what, amusement? 'Pictures forbidden'? Yeah, right! Take a look at the following link of 'pictures,' if you are willing:
those photos are f***ing shocking,if your of a nervous disposition don't click on the link.the people in the photos are a subspecies of that there is no doubt.
They are against immigration & they are ethnic Nationalists. They're formally connected to The National Rally in France (among others) - which used to be called The National Front.

A person of your intelligence must realise no political party would be against immigration completely. Controlling it is not the same
If that's true they should be against Brexit!

Fairly meaningless as Corbyn has previously been against the EU and said uncontrolled immigration keeps wages down for the British working class.
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but moz himself didn't need a poster boy to do all that ("liking poetry and flowers"). he did it because that's who he was. he didn't let anyone dictate for him what is okay or what he should like.


I take it you've never met his mother...
Moz goes on about all slaughter though - he's always said that watching a documentary about an abattoir when he was 11 years old triggered his life-long depression. And he refers to 'the meat industry' as if it's a global conspiracy to oppress animals.

I thought it was what triggered his vegetarianism?
I think 'fruitcakes' is pretty mild when you're talking about FB. They aren't mentally ill, but they can't cope with brown faces in the UK

What about Sikhs? FB don't seem to have any issue there. They predominantly have 'brown faces' to use your words but are never in the news.

So is it less to do with race and more to do with things like terrorism, misogyny, homophobia, paedophelia, FGM, halal slaughter etc
Baldwin's dead, so i doubt he's really bothered.

Personally I think you can be dead and still be bothered.
Some days I can almost feel dead bothered bits of dead bothered people floating around. Almost.

That's why I would never call James's father a pikey.
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