Morrissey statement on Manchester Attack - Morrissey Official Facebook


Celebrating my birthday in Manchester as news of the Manchester Arena bomb broke. The anger is monumental.
For what reason will this ever stop?

Theresa May says such attacks "will not break us", but her own life is lived in a bullet-proof bubble, and she evidently does not need to identify any young people today in Manchester morgues. Also, "will not break us" means that the tragedy will not break her, or her policies on immigration. The young people of Manchester are already broken - thanks all the same, Theresa. Sadiq Khan says "London is united with Manchester", but he does not condemn Islamic State - who have claimed responsibility for the bomb. The Queen receives absurd praise for her 'strong words' against the attack, yet she does not cancel today's garden party at Buckingham Palace - for which no criticism is allowed in the Britain of free press. Manchester mayor Andy Burnham says the attack is the work of an "extremist". An extreme what? An extreme rabbit?
In modern Britain everyone seems petrified to officially say what we all say in private. Politicians tell us they are unafraid, but they are never the victims. How easy to be unafraid when one is protected from the line of fire. The people have no such protections.

23 May 2017.

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if that is really you Morrissey, you've lost me, a huge fan for 23 years who has stuck by you throughout the years. Hopefully you'll come out and deny. If it is true, never play Scotland again, you and you're BNP views are not welcomed. I for one will be at the front with a Jonny Marr t-shirt asking you go home!
All terrorists even recently are not Muslim. It's unfortunate that he seems to use a terrorist attack to somehow reinforce his thoughts on other topics only slightly tangentially related. It does read like he's saying we need to stop letting Muslims into the country. Also politicians aren't always behind bullet proof whatever and when they are it can be justified to a degree. Didn't Britain just have a politician stabbed and shot to death in the street by someone angry at her for her political beliefs. Isn't her killing considered a terrorist act. If he were a Muslim killing her because she went against Islam it would be but if he's killing her because she went against Britain, as he shouted this is for Britain Britain first its not a terror attack. He also stabbed a 77 year old man who tried to help her. An innocent vulnerable person he knew nothing about
England shouldn't be controlled by Muslims anyway, I live near Bolton an believe me they have turned parts of Bolton into something which resembles downtown Delhi, its a Lancashire mill town FFS
What do the people say in private? Close the borders? London is Dead? Life is hard enough when you belong here? England for the- Yeah. I get it. Life is frightening. Bad things are happening with more frequency these days. Hatred and demonizing the "other" isn't the answer. I don't claim to have the answers. I'm just one guy, and I'm as sad as anyone over the way humans harm other humans.

Like I said it is private.
For gods sake let's keep it that way cause that will scare the murderers of. Not.
Good to know Moz is waking up to reality. Better late than never.

Meanwhile, leftist DUPES here are such fools.
Really? I thought people were sick already of talking about immigration considering it was one of the main drivers behind the Brexit voting. I seem to remember one of the debates with Boris Johnson doing his best attempt at goofy scaremongering holding up a map with Turkey highlighted on it. Let not forget our pal Nige and his giant posters, endless ranting etc. etc.

Was that Boris? He has Turkish heritage, so it seems a little unlikely. Sounds more like a Farage thing.

The Remain position regarding Turkey, as I recall, was that there was no chance Turkey would be invited into the EU. Stories emerged in the weeks running up to the vote that in reality the Commission had a meeting lined up the week following the Brexit vote to discuss just that, again fiercely denied by Clegg et al.

We voted to leave, and the very next week the meeting took place. Only Erdogan's post coup crackdown stalled talks on Turkey's entry.

Same thing happened with the EU army, by the way. "Dunno what you're talking about. Oh... that EU Army..."
Well Said, Moz.
Make the boys wear Pepe Jackers next concert.
BTW #Justice4Chelsey
22 people dead, including an 8yr old girl, not a time to be a smart arse

Yes. It surely is a time to keep your mouth shut.
It was really helpful. Until the next one.
Accuse the racists, the liberals, the whatever's but for the rest, let's keep that private.
The murderers will be so impressed by that, they won't ever try to do any hurtful thing again.
What a comforting thought for the victims and their relatives and friends.
What do the people say in private? Close the borders? London is Dead? Life is hard enough when you belong here? England for the- Yeah. I get it. Life is frightening. Bad things are happening with more frequency these days. Hatred and demonizing the "other" isn't the answer. I don't claim to have the answers. I'm just one guy, and I'm as sad as anyone over the way humans harm other humans.

If you really want to know what a significant and growing number of people are saying and thinking have a listen to our politicians, the BBC and most of the written press because it's not that.
You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. This is our policy. You ask, what is our aim?I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival.”

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Muslims and all the odious apparatus of Islamic rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
Is it just me but the whole mood and wording of this statement is fake. Would Morrissey begin a statement announcing that he was celebrating his birthday? Come on folks. Read it and imagine Morrissey saying it. The choice of words, the entire structure of it?? Theresa May and her immigration policies??? What does that mean? I also doubt that he was even in Manchester. Surely we have all read enough Morrissey interviews to know that this is not he. Come on David T. Are you not feeling a little regretful for posting this?

If it is real then i give up. If Morrissey is resorting to Fakebook then he must have a degenerative brain disorder. Having followed M for over 30 get a sense of his articulation and lexicon. I notice this statement wasn't mentioned in the Manchester Evening News. They couldn't verify it. PILGRIMUPNORTH

So you're suggesting that all of the mainstream outlets that covered the post fell for a fake post? It's real. It's Morrissey.

You folks grasping at the idea that this isn't the real Morrissey's words do tend to live in denial, so it's understandable here.
That politician in Yorkshire didn't have one when her head was blown off by that nutter. Maybe he should have thought about that.

There are nutters and differences between them.
Are you comparing that nutter with the nuttter or nutters responsible for the atrocious murders in Manchester?
You are not able to see a difference and saying they are the same? So it doesn't really matter and we should forget and forgive?
In stead of raising any form of compassion with the Yorkshire politician you reduce the compassion for the victims and all other people being devistated by this unprecedented horrific crime in England. Not any third rate poor Muslim state or IS. No, IN ENGLAND.
5.4K comments on his facebook post. I am honestly confused by the negative response. I am really not sure what part of what he said was worth getting upset about. I have no idea what immigration has had on the UK, but the pictures of people living in tents in the middle of Paris was really odd. That would last about a whole 10 seconds in my neighborhood.
England shouldn't be controlled by Muslims anyway, I live near Bolton an believe me they have turned parts of Bolton into something which resembles downtown Delhi, its a Lancashire mill town FFS

Yeah I don't believe you. Isn't Delhi Indian anyway. Nothing you're saying here is a reply to anything I wrote either though and seems pointless
The Unelected Mrs May wont even meet the public without the Security Bubble then again she needs it more than ever now the OAP's are out to get her. I do hope she gets it popped real soon, the Tories need a good Spanking this election, yes I know they like it...but give it too them so we can see the back of them.
Yes. It surely is a time to keep your mouth shut.
It was really helpful. Until the next one.
Accuse the racists, the liberals, the whatever's but for the rest, let's keep that private.
The murderers will be so impressed by that, they won't ever try to do any hurtful thing again.
What a comforting thought for the victims and their relatives and friends.
Not 100% sure why you are yawning?
Happily. You'll see where Rifke failed to say a SINGLE thing about this attack, instead reeling off an old Moz oneliner, showing no class whatsoever.

You can accuse me of over reacting but I ask you this: While I was busy posting JustGiving links, why was Rifke ignoring it, making jokes then vanishing?

I won't accuse you of anything. People mourn in different ways and when all is said and done, life does go on. Sometimes, the only thing we can do in a helpless situation is laugh. Having said that, I appreciate what you're saying and a little reverence is in order, but this is the Internet not a chapel. Be advised, this is a jungle. When an antelope is killed by a lion, a funeral is not held, rather, life goes on for the other animals. And we are animals, my friend.
I am disgusted and outraged by these events but I also feel very helpless. M and people don't like Trump but I respect his idea to f***ing destroy the shit out of ISIS for this garbage. This is completely unacceptable preying on innocent people at a concert that could've been any one of us. The exception? These were mostly preteen and teenage little girls and perhaps boys. Horrific. But I won't let it ruin my day either. I refuse. For lack of a better term and I'm sorry for being callous, better them than me, sadly. In moments like these, I want to live--most other times, not.
It's sad but it seems that it takes these attacks to occur close to home for people to wake up to reality. Morrissey has really come around lately, as are many, many other people.

The madness and terror will end. The only question is whether it ends sooner and with less bloodshed, or later with far, far too many wasted innocent lives.
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