Morrissey thanks fans for new YouTube videos -

UPDATE Aug. 17:

The previously mentioned videos by Sharon Jheeta (2 videos), wpeace123456 and trentmorrison are embedded in a post on

Videos -

More thanks
17 August 2014

"Thank you to everyone who has added new videos on You Tube to support World peace is none of your business. Of the newer batch, I am especially moved by The bullfighter dies by trentmorrison, and also by Oboe concerto by Sharon Jheeta. I am so glad that you understand.
I am so sorry that Harvest Records did not understand what they had.
You have explained it to them, and I will always be in your debt".

17 August 2014

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Doesn't matter. Cruelty to humans is awful. Cruelty to animals is awful. Any activity that causes suffering makes the person causing the suffering a bastard, whether the victim is animal, human, or anything. I can't understand how anyone would gain pleasure from eating, watching or participating in suffering. It's mad.


The Bull is forced into the ring. The man volunteers. I'm sure you can work out who the actual victim of cruelty is in a bull fight.
Yeah there's no class or subtlety with the videos at all. So, Morrissey does a song called The Bullfighter Dies and then a fan does a video of literal bullfighting footage loads of it, nothing else.

Well, the video fulfils it's purpose. What more is required?
It's an entirely selfless video, the uploader created it to emphasise the intent of the song.
You seem to be looking at the video from a strictly artistic perspective.
Well, the video fulfils it's purpose. What more is required?
It's an entirely selfless video, the uploader created it to emphasise the intent of the song.
You seem to be looking at the video from a strictly artistic perspective.

Sharon, they have no perspective whatsoever.
Yeah there's no class or subtlety with the videos at all. So, Morrissey does a song called The Bullfighter Dies and then a fan does a video of literal bullfighting footage loads of it, nothing else. Or Oboe Concerto where when Morrissey says all the best people are dead or something and it cuts to dead legends in corny Vaseline lens sequence. Where's the real thought?

I completely agree about Moz getting all he can from his fans now. He's scraping the barrel with lauding these. They're passable but so what.

Also loads of people are jumping on the band wagon now, rubbing their fetid little genitals hoping Morrissey will give them a sickly shout out.

Yep. Exactly. Derek Jarman was a long time ago...
Moz couldnt care less about these posters and their vids, he was using them to have a dig at harvest, thats all.
Sharon, they have no perspective whatsoever.

Apart from jealousy, obviously.
The most obviously jealous are all the ones saying "Oh, Morrissey doesn't really like all these videos!".
It must be horrible to be so envious of others' success. O boo hoo squish squish.
Apart from jealousy, obviously.
The most obviously jealous are all the ones saying "Oh, Morrissey doesn't really like all these videos!".
It must be horrible to be so envious of others' success. O boo hoo squish squish.

Hi marred, you forgot to sign in again mate. Silly marred.
Coming from you it doesn't really mean much to me. I will say your new avatar is a vast improvement though. I have no idea why you would want an avatar of a fat ugly troll but each to his/her own. Welcome to my ignore list fat cow :)

Haters gonna hate.

has anyone considered this possibility: harvest wants to throw the book at those using copyrighted material from WPINOYB for youtube videos. morrissey says no! i like the videos and anyway they're better than anything you (harvest) have done to promote the record. he stonewalls as he often does. harvest realizes there is paperwork he never signed anyway. they cut the agreement over this issue. kind of all adds up, doesn't it?
has anyone considered this possibility: harvest wants to throw the book at those using copyrighted material from WPINOYB for youtube videos. morrissey says no! i like the videos and anyway they're better than anything you (harvest) have done to promote the record. he stonewalls as he often does. harvest realizes there is paperwork he never signed anyway. they cut the agreement over this issue. kind of all adds up, doesn't it?

no that doesn't make any sense. When you use material under copy write it usually gets picked up on youtube pretty quickly (as it did in this case) and the video is then restricted. That means the video won't play on phones and in some countries. However these restrictions have since been removed when Morrissey and Harvest's relationship ended. My videos no longer say "third party content matched" as they did when I originally uploaded them.
i'm ready to defend my view of 'oboe concerto' made by sharon

class and subltlety - few of you say it's literal, i say: it is but it's not banal - the lyrics itself 'speak' subtlety and class, chosen sequences are beautifully and emotionally montaged, they gently follow the music.

i see it as exceptionally beautiful fan video.

derek jarman, unfortunately passed away, new time brings new ingenious artists. time will define them.

we'll never know what sharon would be capable of doing if she is in morrissey's surrounding.

don't be so severe with vulnerable soul of young morrissey's fan.

p.s. apologies
Excellent videos, particularly Bullfighter which was savage and very moving. I'd swear one of the matadors had a hard on, scum. Glad to see the bull gouge away on a wave of desolation.
You just reminded me of a creepy movie where Helen Hunt plays a sex therapist who bangs a guy like that for money, but she warns that she's not a prostitute, she's a sex therapist, and anyway, they fall in love. LOL.

Haters gonna hate.

Moz couldnt care less about these posters and their vids, he was using them to have a dig at harvest, thats all.
Exactly, there have been some really good fan videos of morrissey and smiths songs for years.
Moz is only now naming fan names in order to have a dig at Harvest
Makes me howl the people sucking up to Sharon as if she's orsen wells or as if Moz actually cares
Nice enough but not a patch on.The Smiths Laural and Hardy fan video. That was inspired
I hea
Well, these are great and thank you to TTY for posting the links. And maybe thanks to SoLow too, despite continuing to post on its main page, the odd totally untrue waffle/lies the modern world has ever seen or read. Again. You all know the "story" that should be deleted from the main page.

Anyway, back to the greatest song of 2014 and maybe ever, in my opinion. Oboe Concerto.

And now it has a video, which is quite good and better put together than the shambles of the everything these past 3x days bar the spoken word videos, which are also sublime.

Harvest really dropped the ball, stupid fools,

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