Morrissey throws a heckler out of the Hamburg concert

But why would you shout "go f*** yourself"? To Morrissey?

"f***" just doesn't wash with Morrissey's vocabulary.

I remember when Madonna greeted her fans "Hello f***eeers!" - I thought that was most distasteful!

I agree; shouting that at him is dumb if you've paid for a ticket, but we've all been dragged along to gigs we dont want to go to, most bands want to convert the doubters.
And anyway, didnt moz start it by making a joke? If he cant take it, dont dish it out. Again, people are idiots. He is not.
So what's the matter with him? It feels like he's committing slow motion career suicide.
And anyway, didnt moz start it by making a joke? If he cant take it, dont dish it out. Again, people are idiots. He is not.

It wasn't even a real joke. All he said was that he's not calling us Hamburgers because he might as well call us hot dogs. Or something. I thought it was cute, everyone had a little laugh, on with the show.
Thanks! My god, that was even worse than I imagined. Someone says 'f*** you' MID SONG and Moz throws a fit. If he'd managed to sell a few more tickets maybe he wouldn't have heard it. :rolleyes: He's being a dick, and I'm the last person that would say that on these forums.

Yes, I'm not easily provoked, but Morrissey went too far.

Throwing insults is not kind. It's mean and unneccesary.
Throwing someone out in that manner - mean and unneccesary too.
there won't be any audience members at this rate...
oh moz
have a rest
write some lovely songs

Absolutely, and get some perspective and that seemingly ever inflating ego under control. A few words of kindness to those at Liverpool wouldn't go a miss either.
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What?!? Rest? Ego?

Sorry guys but I completely disagree. This wasn't part of joking banter. "Go F&%$ Yourself!" is antagonistic and mean, and he was clearly stung and angered by the words - and you'd probably feel the same, if you were on stage singing and someone shouted that at you! He doesn't have to take that from anybody!

I've gone back to hating people again :mad:
there won't be any audience members at this rate...
oh moz
have a rest
write some lovely songs

Don't be dramatic! It's just Moz having a bad day :cool: Haven't you found out yet that he has been erhm, "quite" difficult throughout his career?

I've been in the crowd in the past and insults has been shouted but instead of Moz just raising his eyebrow, he probably just blew his fuse this time.

But yes, the tour has been long and it raises the question has it been too long? He's been gigging nearly non-stop for the last 2 years. It feels as if he finishes one tour and then starts it all over again!
What?!? Rest? Ego?

Sorry guys but I completely disagree. This wasn't part of joking banter. "Go F&%$ Yourself!" is antagonistic and mean, and he was clearly stung and angered by the words - and you'd probably feel the same, if you were on stage singing and someone shouted that at you! He doesn't have to take that from anybody!

I've gone back to hating people again :mad:

Really .....?????
Absolutely, and get some perspective and that seemingly ever inflating ego under control. A few words of kindness to those at Liverpool wouldn't go a miss either.

I don't think Morrissey would appreciate your advice. In fact I doubt he has ever accepted any advice from anyone - especially when it comes to "career coaching"!
:straightface: Oh I get it now after seeing it. :o

Ignore it all.
gis a cud grumpy old men moz team boz team moz
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