Morrissey to play Tropicalia Fest (Long Beach, CA Nov. 3, passes on sale Aug 10) - Official Twitter

UPDATE Aug. 9:

Morrissey to play on Saturday Nov. 3 according to @mozangelesevents / Instagram. An anonymous person posted the link:

(The '@' links to a new Twitter profile for the event).

From (2 day image updated):



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Yeah Haters, bummer.:lbf:
Multiple jabs at everyone from Bowie to James. ...but Cardi-B’s ok?

You’ve got issues, son. You need a proper shaking. ...and I don’t even think that would do it. Jesus f***. I think it’s over. You’re not coming back because you were never here.

Please make an effort to get ahold of yourself, ya wee twit. You’re off your nut and out of your depth. Come up from mom’s basement, grab a pizza-pocket and go out and get some fresh air. ...for the love of the remaining cognitively sound individuals inhabiting this planet.


Brenda Wanamaker
(Chief Human Resources Liaison)
"show will take place rain or shine"

"line-up and set times are subject to change"

I hope this isn't tempting fate.
Morrissey showing up is never to be taken for granted, however, when I saw him at FYF in 2015 he played a very solid show.

For those not so ready to shit on this festival, there are some good acts. I've seen Natalia Lafourcade live 3 times - an awesome Mexican singer who does a blend of rock, folk, pop, etc. - very unique (check out Musas Vol 1. and Hasta La Raiz). I like Mac Demarco, also saw him at FYF. Chicano Batman has some good songs - check out "Freedom is Free." No one has mentioned Mazzy Star - surprising for all those musically still in the 90's. :)
I mentioned Mazzy. ...and have been running that list. Agreed on Natalia and Chicano Batman. Interesting lineup.
bit suprised, but really hope for the LA and west coast fans and the ones who travel it's gonna be a go gig, would hurt a lot if he cancels, or Morrissey or His management will anounce quick that Morrissey will not play and never got asked.
I find it strange that he would want to play a festival that:
A)Celebrates immigrant culture, I mean isn’t that what he’s railing against? The Un-British nature that immigrants bring to the UK? It’s the same backlash here in the US that immigrants face, with that MAGA bullshit


B) A festival that will have an ungodly amount of meat.

Truth be told, I don’t know why I come to this site anymore. I don’t care if he puts out a new album, or if he plays across the street from my house. Maybe I’m just hoping he’s not fully sold on what he’s been saying, but I know that’s not the case.
30+yrs of fandom and defending him, over 56 shows, a massive vinyl collection and he’s had a colossal trip at the finish line on me.
Yeah it’s fun to troll and rip on each other, but I’ve met some truly wonderful people on here and at the shows, but it’s time to hang up the boots so to speak.
Thanks David for keeping Morrissey News alive through the bleak years between albums and for the documentation of setlists.

In closing, there is always Suede
Goodnight and thank you.
Reckon I am flying to LA from Howartshireessex United, UK and I am spending my life savings trying to get to LA and I am going to make a stop in New Youuuuurk to get me a Yankee cap first, but would it be too much to ask for a Hope and Steve duet on Blue Flower and Hallah.....It would get me laid for sure after the gig m8 inn n n n nn n n n it

Uncle Steve is not cancelling if there are free potato tacos m8!!!! I reckon me hope the cholos don't ruin everything by bringing their own meat tacos inn n n n n nn n n n it.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just dim.

Either way, I’m glad this site has the ignore option.
Mazzy Star’s Hope Sondoval’s nephew is the cover boy of LiHS.
Great line-up, must be wonderful for Morrissey’s band members.
More US dates to be added I think.
CARDI-B i will stick with CARDI-GAN.never heard of her.
Morrissey showing up is never to be taken for granted, however, when I saw him at FYF in 2015 he played a very solid show.

For those not so ready to shit on this festival, there are some good acts. I've seen Natalia Lafourcade live 3 times - an awesome Mexican singer who does a blend of rock, folk, pop, etc. - very unique (check out Musas Vol 1. and Hasta La Raiz). I like Mac Demarco, also saw him at FYF. Chicano Batman has some good songs - check out "Freedom is Free." No one has mentioned Mazzy Star - surprising for all those musically still in the 90's. :)

"A very solid show"

It sounds lifechanging
Bahahahahaaaaaaa! f***ing Cardi-B and Morrissey. Absolutely perfect.

No way he’ll avoid the stench of cooking flesh at this shit-show. Gonna be steaming pork and screaming chickens for miles at this one. Top-shelf, pick and choose activism is what you’d expect from this lippy, half-assed, washed up goof.

Watching him circle the drain with his fingers slipping off the edge of the shitter bowl has become a bit of a hobby now, really.

...but I do like the stuff Faith does with Mazzy Star. ;)

They know his stance on meat at concerts, so it's their own funeral if they don't adhere to it.
What have you got against Mexicans that you should turn up your nose?
At least Morrissey isn't racist.
For anyone interested, the poster art is based on 'Lotería' - a very old Mexican lottery game.
Morrissey is pictured as 'El Valiente' / the brave man (make of that what you will):



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He will be delighted.
Good to see that outside the UK he is still appreciated/understood.
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I find it strange that he would want to play a festival that:
A)Celebrates immigrant culture, I mean isn’t that what he’s railing against? The Un-British nature that immigrants bring to the UK? It’s the same backlash here in the US that immigrants face, with that MAGA bullshit


B) A festival that will have an ungodly amount of meat.

Truth be told, I don’t know why I come to this site anymore. I don’t care if he puts out a new album, or if he plays across the street from my house. Maybe I’m just hoping he’s not fully sold on what he’s been saying, but I know that’s not the case.
30+yrs of fandom and defending him, over 56 shows, a massive vinyl collection and he’s had a colossal trip at the finish line on me.
Yeah it’s fun to troll and rip on each other, but I’ve met some truly wonderful people on here and at the shows, but it’s time to hang up the boots so to speak.
Thanks David for keeping Morrissey News alive through the bleak years between albums and for the documentation of setlists.

In closing, there is always Suede
Goodnight and thank you.

He's railing against unlimited unmanaged mass immigration in Europe of mainly men who follow Sharia law instead of the law of the land. Mysogeny, paedophilia, and halal slaughter are a direct result.
This directly affects working class areas, not the areas where the people who control the mass media live.
That's just a little summary in case you missed any of the pertinent points in all the hysteria.
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