My interview (with stone philips)all is revealed

Rifke has a slight lisp. I ran the recording in my old forensic programme and picked up a lot of details. Her voice is the one we hear a lot among women working at a kindergarten or with young kids at school.

It sounds like a really stupid voice imitating people at a royal tea party. There's nothing posh or real about it but she can imitate just any voice and perhaps even male voices.

That is the voice of a truly lost individual who have spent the past few years seeing people her own age move on in life and creating a life whereas she is stuck in the same place going nowhere. She has created a bubble that will be hard to burst and goodness knows what would be needed for her to leave that created persona and face reality.

But that would be very risky and might end in suicide unless someone looks after her 24/7 and that might require a straight jacket.

I think LH is the one here who sat at the meeting and did not know what to think or what to do but walked away feeling sorry for Rifke for living in such an imaginary world. But LH was of course someone with a lot of horrible experiences in life which fascinated Rifke who never had any of her own.

I mean LH has dealt with all kinds of men and all that Rifke has is a imaginary relationship with Niel Codling. I think Rifke qualifies amongst those people that read too many books and it got to their head.

All I am seeing is all the time Rifke spent on writing all that down and then ended up recording it but failing to keep a straight face and ended up laughing at herself. Personally this is the saddest thing I've ever heard.

This is the kind of people 12 inch on the crack involves himself with and the people we associate ourselves with reveal what kind of people we are inside. 12 inch on the crack was bullied at work by female colleagues yet in his spare time is more than willing to deal with yet another woman like that.

That my friends comes down to being a fragile person who knows he is faking it big time.
Instead of that Rifke could have done this instead of wasting her time on that:

Had her first warm meal

Cleaned her bedsit

Opened all the windows in the entire building so it no longer smells of gasoline

Have researched her eyelid flicker online and ordered what will cure it

Facetimed 12 inch on the crack (who for obvious reasons refuse to invite her to his greek island)

Found a real job that actually comes with a salary and other benefits

Gone on her first date that involves a man

Written a fan letter to Neil Codling

Found a way to afford to go to London

Read a book

Watched a Criterion movie

Make Criterion movies work on her outdated Windows 7 computer

Cleared all the viruses from her computer that Urbanus planted on it with his links

Invite the hungarian woman for tea

Stop her building from becoming a hide out for surfer dudes who never saw the sea

Smoked a joint and let her hair down and stop being a stuck up bitch
Instead of that Rifke could have done this instead of wasting her time on that:

Had her first warm meal

Cleaned her bedsit

Opened all the windows in the entire building so it no longer smells of gasoline

Have researched her eyelid flicker online and ordered what will cure it

Facetimed 12 inch on the crack (who for obvious reasons refuse to invite her to his greek island)

Found a real job that actually comes with a salary and other benefits

Gone on her first date that involves a man

Written a fan letter to Neil Codling

Found a way to afford to go to London

Read a book

Watched a Criterion movie

Make Criterion movies work on her outdated Windows 7 computer

Cleared all the viruses from her computer that Urbanus planted on it with his links

Invite the hungarian woman for tea

Stop her building from becoming a hide out for surfer dudes who never saw the sea

Smoked a joint and let her hair down and stop being a stuck up bitch
:rofl:I want to meet you. Promise, you won’t tell about it on solo.
"Urbanus" day job:

Been to his shows. Completely insane even off the stage.

Too bad I don’t know what’s he saying. Swedish sounds like a cross between German and English with Scotch accent.
:poutingcat:can someone please interview Comrade Barnaby Jones ( code name: methuselah).

inquiring minds want to know just WHAT EXACTLY he finds TANTALIZING about
BIG BLACK BULLS:openmouth:
we dont think its the hoofs that caught his attention. :flushed:

I've seen this show for the past 8 years. Very funny and often vulgar humour. They are a group of snowboarders traveling the country; boarding during the day, doing a stand up comedy at night.
Too bad I don’t know what’s he saying. Swedish sounds like a cross between German and English with Scotch accent.
South Sweden accent, skånska. Bit like a scouser has been fed porridge and forgot to swallow.

I've seen this show for the past 8 years. Very funny and often vulgar humour. They are a group of snowboarders traveling the country; boarding during the day, doing a stand up comedy at night.

Rifke has a slight lisp. I ran the recording in my old forensic programme and picked up a lot of details. Her voice is the one we hear a lot among women working at a kindergarten or with young kids at school.

It sounds like a really stupid voice imitating people at a royal tea party. There's nothing posh or real about it but she can imitate just any voice and perhaps even male voices.

That is the voice of a truly lost individual who have spent the past few years seeing people her own age move on in life and creating a life whereas she is stuck in the same place going nowhere. She has created a bubble that will be hard to burst and goodness knows what would be needed for her to leave that created persona and face reality.

But that would be very risky and might end in suicide unless someone looks after her 24/7 and that might require a straight jacket.

I think LH is the one here who sat at the meeting and did not know what to think or what to do but walked away feeling sorry for Rifke for living in such an imaginary world. But LH was of course someone with a lot of horrible experiences in life which fascinated Rifke who never had any of her own.

I mean LH has dealt with all kinds of men and all that Rifke has is a imaginary relationship with Niel Codling. I think Rifke qualifies amongst those people that read too many books and it got to their head.

All I am seeing is all the time Rifke spent on writing all that down and then ended up recording it but failing to keep a straight face and ended up laughing at herself. Personally this is the saddest thing I've ever heard.

This is the kind of people 12 inch on the crack involves himself with and the people we associate ourselves with reveal what kind of people we are inside. 12 inch on the crack was bullied at work by female colleagues yet in his spare time is more than willing to deal with yet another woman like that.

That my friends comes down to being a fragile person who knows he is faking it big time.
lol you suuuuuuurrrrrrree are weird!
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