Paul Heaton slags off Morrissey and praises Marr in new song

I've not heard the song but the lyrics are highlighted in the Mojo review of Heaton's new album, 'Manchester Calling'.
Marr is praised for being 'cool'. Profound stuff!
John M

The review being cited via FWD.
However actual Beautiful South album sales:

Blue is the colour 5 x Platinum
Quench 3 x Platinum
Carry on uo the charts 6 x Platinum
Solid Bronze 2 x Platinum

Plus 3 other Platinum selling albums
This is true, my local poundland has a whole shelf on these records.
The only delusion in play here is dribbling from your over-worked, felcher gob. You and the rest of your ilk are like little punk-bitches in the playground, screaming “My daddy is bigger than your daddy” - without realizing that NOBODY on the planet gives a rats ass.

Melvis is a huge twat, followed closely by the wee twats that slurp the jizz he offers them.

Enjoy Vegas. Every last one of you drama queens belong there. ...and Vegas is a city of odds. Anyone taking any on this? I just checked with my bookie and she said 2:1 for Melvis cancelling before the second show, due to death on the shitter.

Now we just need to sort the sub-wagers. Will it be malnourishment, overindulgence in vodka? Kerrygold? Falling and hitting his head after the shit-kicking he so richly deserves?

Place your bets. Somebody’s gonna win.

...and it’s about time the c*** started giving back. ;)
What a lunatic. What an angry, foul mouthed and creepy lunatic.
Spot on! soon as income and money in the bank become a way to judge the quality and humanity of an artist’s work.

The willful blindness and endless fawning around here are astounding.
Moz esta por cantar en miles de lugares,todos quieren verlo y escucharlo!!! Que suerte tienen los que pueden ir !! Disfrutenlo!!!! Felicitaciones Moz querido vos te lo mereces!¡!!!,mientras otros envidian y no pueden cantar ni la cucaracha o el arroz con leche!!!Viva Moz!! In eternum!!!
Bloody hell.

I still check in on this place, prompted by the tweets, but Jesus...

4 pages of (mostly) pro Moz and anti Heaton vile all based on a lyric not even known.

One thing I don't see said yet is how Heaton has been one of the most brilliantly consistent lyricists of our generation.

He hasn't yet, to my knowledge, sunk to the depths our beloved hero; Moz, has.

I type this as I sit here, earphones in, listening to World Peace... So I am still a fan but to ignore Paul Heston's talents and instead turn this thread into a ticket sales/streaming numbers Top Trump's makes me feel uneasy enough for me to break my moz solo silence of many years.

Btw, footnote, Paul was a massive Moz/Smiths fan so he's as entitled to his opinion as anyone else.

For me, I'll continue to enjoy both equally but, in general, I feel Heaton has stuck to his principals more than M.

I've been buying the heaton/abbot and the morrissey albums in recent times. Oddly, they both have the same problem. Surprisingly good music, surprisingly awful lyrics. Heaton was a great lyricist in the beautiful south. Now it's all clumsy observation and cliche.
Why bother getting angry and responding to idiots like skinny etc? They are going to believe what they believe - don’t give them the oxygen. Enjoy the Moz or don’t - f*** everyone else
Why bother getting angry and responding to idiots like skinny etc? They are going to believe what they believe - don’t give them the oxygen. Enjoy the Moz or don’t - f*** everyone else

Yeah just block the f***ers...then don't bother responding to their multiple alias anon posts.
you don't want to know,the housemartins one of the worst groups in british history.

Housemartins were a great little group
Beautiful South likewise were very good
Heaton is a clever songwriter and clearly a talented guy ( 'Have Fun' from Blue is the colour is beautifully sad ) ... i find his stuff generally a bit twee but he is similar to moz in that he writes barbed pop songs ( radio 2 love him ..all the time )
It is ok to like more than 1 intelligent
Artist isn't it ?
Of course its all subjective...
I've not heard the song but the lyrics are highlighted in the Mojo review of Heaton's new album, 'Manchester Calling'.

So has anyone got a link to this so we can make an informed view or opinion?
All I'm seeing on here is the normal crap based on, frankly, nothing, except the top of the thread header.
I'd like to at least see what was written before commenting yay or nay.
Paul Heaton is an incredible singer and a very good lyricist and he was really great with both The Beautiful South and of course The Housemartins. His solo output, even with Jacqui Abbot, has some moments but it's far from great, to be honest, but he's still a great artist.

I couldn't care less if he likes Morrissey or not, it won't make me feel any different about any of them, I like both and the fact he dislikes Morrissey, like lots of other people and singers do, means absolutely nothing, you can't like everyone.

That being said, to suggest that Paul Heaton is bigger than Morrissey is absolutely LAUGHABLE in every possible sense; he sold out a venue that Morrissey didn't, well good for him, so what? let me know when he plays 5 nights at NYC or Las Vegas and then we can discuss the matter. And even if he did who cares, that's not what music is about.

By the way, TBS even covered The Smiths (Heaven know I'm miserable now) for a b-side so even if he's not a Morrissey fan I'm sure he likes what he does.
^This bitch here doesn’t own a Morrissey record - or any other record, for that matter. He’s never been to a live show. He doesn’t even own a device, except an AM radio with a broken dial. He was raised by his single mom - who did her best. ...but dad had a terrible meth problem and ended up in the canal, leaving mama no choice but to whore for food and lodgings. She encouraged him to stay in school but his cognitive difficulties and inability to grasp the basics of the English language have made life a living hell. A steady diet of pizza pops and cheese in a can haven’t helped. ...not have the stank, musty air and rat-shit he dwells in.

Fak Arf goof. You’ve got nothing to say and you say it much too loud. Why not pop outside your mom’s basement, into the round and play a nice game of hide-and-go-f***-yourself?

Hugh, your type of riff raff is not allowed to immigrate to Poland. Dont get the notion in your huge empty head to think you may want to remotely think that you want to loiter at a Moz show parking lot, moping for sympathy. Security will tie you hose you down and toss you into the dumpster. :lock:

dont think skinny is coming to your aid. he has no money for transportation.:skis:
None of this means anything. In the words of Krusty - "What good is respect without the moolah to back it up?"

All that matters for Morrissey is money in the bank. Always has been, still is. He will be mortified that the stripped-back Leeds Arena event hasn't sold out. You can have as many streams as you like, it won't help you sell large venues in the country where one's bigotry has been most widely reported.

Still, there's always territories where people are less aware and there's other people on the bill.

Skinny quit posting idiocy. Heaton gig in upcoming April will in all likelihood be cancelled and none of the shows in his previous tour came close to a half full house. and utter disaster. dressed up like a fat pee wee herman the four eyed twat.:rage:

all MOZ SHOWS will SELL OUT:rofl:
:moneybag::moneybag: yes skinny money lots of it for Moz none for the four eyed twat.:tiphat:

now you have hugh as a sidekick too. that human lump of gravy. disgraces to yourselves.:censored:
Morrissey wins again!

Paul Heaton net worth: Paul Heaton is an English singer, songwriter, and musician who has a net worth of $4 million. Paul Heaton was born in Bromborough, Cheshire, England in May 1962. He was a member of the bands The Housemartins and then The Beautiful South.

Morrissey Net Worth: Morrissey is an English musician who has a net worth of $50 million. Morrissey first became famous by being the lead vocal singer to the rock band called The Smiths during the 1980s. He then had a very successful solo career. Born Steven Patrick Morrissey in 1959 in Lancashire.

That cannot possibly be true. Don't you know that everyone hates Morrissey and no one goes to his shows?:lbf:
Skinny quit posting idiocy. Heaton gig in upcoming April will in all likelihood be cancelled and none of the shows in his previous tour came close to a half full house. and utter disaster. dressed up like a fat pee wee herman the four eyed twat.:rage:

all MOZ SHOWS will SELL OUT:rofl:
:moneybag::moneybag: yes skinny money lots of it for Moz none for the four eyed twat.:tiphat:

now you have hugh as a sidekick too. that human lump of gravy. disgraces to yourselves.:censored:

I love The Housemartins and love some beautiful south songs, I’m fond of Heaton , though when someone mentioned all his songs sound like novelty tunes it made sense sadly.
I don’t expect Heaton to like Morrissey, anymore anyway, I reckon he did admire him at one time (the housemartins could be accused of being a BTEC Smiths) but he’s always been quite a left leaning, down to Earth bloke Heaton.
Morrissey is struggling to sell because of his mouth not his music, as much as I adore the songs of Heaton like “get up off our knees” “flag day” “happy hour” “were not deep”, “me and the farmer”, “Rotterdam” “ a little time” - Morrissey’s catalogue is far far superior
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