please help


david taborn

i got way to excited when I learned about this show and have to get rid of 3 or 4 tickets please help me morrissey fans. I only want $40 each - thats what they cost me. you see this all happened because I bought tickets and my sister, thinking that I didn't buy any, went and got us some and we just don't have that many friends.
Re:morrissey's little helper

I am laughing my ass off at your misfortune. Ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!

"Woe as me..sommbuddy pweease hep' me..I gots so acks-cited me boughts too money money many ticketillios. Now because I have not heard of a telephone or grasped the somple simple sample concept of COMMUNICATION..we now have too many tickets."

This is too rich beeeeyotch, take those tickets and put some soy sauce on it..then chow down jerkoff and have some humble pie for dessert with stupid juice.

Man I can't stop laughing at your situation. Here I am standing hunched over pointing like a madman at you..giggling and are one stupid crackerjack you lopey slingbat!
> i got way to excited when I learned about this show and have to
> get rid of 3 or 4 tickets please help me morrissey fans. I only
> want $40 each - thats what they cost me. you see this all
> happened because I bought tickets and my sister, thinking that I
> didn't buy any, went and got us some and we just don't have that
> many friends.

For which venue/date?
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