question about "irregular regulars"

How's that vodka, kiddo?

She's referring to my abuse of alcohol, which has increased dramatically since Morrissey announced those two wretched FLORIDA dates.

There are six litres of 3 Vodka in my freezer. There were eight as of... well, it's a blur. I have no idea when the evil dates were announced now. I've been drinking my special drink called "Crystal Mess" ever since. It's a lovely cocktail that makes everyone else on the planet gag and choke. Very manly.
Wow... and I'm trashed. Go figure.

5mg of Xanax, six jiggers of vodka, and an Ambien CR.

That means that as of the time I pass out (and Hand Holding/Denise has seen this) you have about eight hours to insult me mercilessly. Enjoy.
Wow... and I'm trashed. Go figure.

5mg of Xanax, six jiggers of vodka, and an Ambien CR.

That means that as of the time I pass out (and Hand Holding/Denise has seen this) you have about eight hours to insult me mercilessly. Enjoy.

So, while Adam sleeps, let's get this thread back on track...
The IRs are awesome (broke) because _______________.


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I'm not broken. I'm bent.

I'm so bent that I'm often mistaken for an Englishman.
I think it's universally accepted that Texans are pointless, and, to be blunt, fairly worthy of mass extermination. That said, I was just generally mocking him for calling some of my nearest and dearest "stalkers".

As for the gentleman who said something negative about Georgia, I agree. I am NOT from Georgia. I am from The People's Republic of Atlanta, which is a beautiful jewel floating in a sea of shite.

It's all in good fun. My friend (and sometimes irregular regular) Andrew, who is a hot and sexy beast, he's from Texas. I'd spare him from my Final Solution, but I think he might be the sole exception.

Hah hah, ADAM, don't try to act like YOU weren't ever an irregular regular! :p

I figured you were being tongue-in-cheek at skewering Treygar for being a pointy head because your avatar identifies you as being from Georgia. See, you can say that because of your roots/location.
Hah hah, ADAM, don't try to act like YOU weren't ever an irregular regular! :p

I'm very regular. Flax seed... and regular cleansing with Dr. Brommer's soap.

Regular and minty, thank you.

Oh no... definitely bed time.

Good night semi-sweet Morrissey wherever you may be. (Malibooty, Rome, or in my crawlspace clawing your way to freedom.)

On edit here: My avatar is Joe D'Allesandro being lovingly sodomized, and that's got little to do with Georgia. Erm... wait.
Bring ice and whatever pharmaceuticals you can round up from your dying relatives. (Florida is God's waiting room.)

Depacote mixes nicely with my puck funch, and a shot of Demerol goes with anything.

The only reason to stop in to see my father is to raid his pharmaceutical locker.
prince goes door to door with copies of the watchtower whenever hes not performing during superbowl half time.

or so ive heard.
Except for the state-bashing, I believe you were referring to yourself.

I wasn't going to rise to the bait of you referring to irregular regulars as stalkers because I would only be stung if it were actually true and if it weren't so obvious that you are pathetically jealous, but your hypocrisy about name-calling is hard to let pass.

thanks once again for pointing out two things

1) crazy stalkers comment = sarcasm - lighten up people this is a message board, hell I'm friends with jay and andrew as well, though I will not call them sexy beasts ;)

2) my name calling which you labelled hypocrisy - was completely intentional, and warranted. that was the whole point of it.

for Morrissey fans I'd like to think you had sordid senses of humor it seems to me if some of you though just don't seem to get it perhaps you don't understand half of his songs intentions as well.

again people, lighten up and move along.
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Lighten up is said by people who insult and then are too cowardly to apologise.

There are too many "irregular regulars" nowadays to keep track. How is anyone supposed to know it was an in-joke with you, Andrew, and Jay? It sounds too much like when some asshat makes a racist joke and then claims, "Come on, don't get all pc on me. I was only joking! Some of my best frinds are nigg-- errr black."

That's all I have to say to you.
Lighten up is said by people who insult and then are too cowardly to apologise.

There are too many "irregular regulars" nowadays to keep track. How is anyone supposed to know it was an in-joke with you, Andrew, and Jay? It sounds too much like when some asshat makes a racist joke and then claims, "Come on, don't get all pc on me. I was only joking! Some of my best frinds are nigg-- errr black."

That's all I have to say to you.

pretty big soapbox you live on eh?

it wasn't an in joke or anything at all, wow you can't read or you like to selectively rearrange my posts to suit your agenda.

apologize, you must be kidding me, ADAM calls me a name and I'm supposed to apologize, oh and he disses the entire state of Texas while he was at make no sense.

my joke was simple, what do you call people who go to every show a band plays - stalkers.

the only thing i apologize for is that you are looking for an argument about a silly little joke I made and can't come to grips with the definition of sarcasm, while at the same time overlooking someone who did in fact insult someone.

who exactly did I insult? look up the definition of stalk, you will see in it the word 'follow', is that not what the irregular regulars do?

'that is all i have to say to you' - famous last words lets see if you hold true to that.
Jay's a sexy beast, too, but he gets the vapors and passes out after a good show. (Try as I might, I cannot take advantage of a man wearing a gold lamé camisole — even if he is unconscious.)

Nobody is fighting here, folks. (I'm flaming, but, then again, I always was.) I'm just mocking Texas, the South (in general), myself, and still wondering about that Morrissey turd thread (but privately doing so, mind you).

I'd like to address the stalker issue. Nobody stalks Morrissey anymore. To do so would require one of those new RFID-enabled passports (which cause cancer); a map of Rome; accurate wine bar gaydar (and we all know gaydar doesn't work around Morrissey and/or wine bars); and a satellite imaging system that hovers over a house that he may or may not have rented in Malibooty. PLUS A LOT OF TICKETBASTARD FEES!

Despite my endless requests, there is still no Google Moz mapping/tracking system. Mel's Segway personal scooter keeps running out of power at critical moments in the tracking cycle.

Now if you'll excuse me, and you will, I must go sell my hole for rockundroll. Tours don't pay for themselves.

All You Need Is Tea,

P.S. Trésgar, I will continue to mock and "diss" the state of Texas because it's Texas. Think of it as a form of Tourette's Syndrome. It cannot be helped. It cannot be stopped. Throughout my day I continually mess with Texas.
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I'm a self proclaimed stalker. especially if you have a myspace link on your profile. trust me, if you have one, ive clicked it. as far as Morrissey goes, I wouldnt stalk him for realzies, but my fellow employees, who have to hear me talk about Morrissey all the time, have implied it and I take it as a compliment really. that being said, I would never scoop up Morrissey's turd and keep it in a jar forever and ever.

stalker jokes, poop jokes, texas jokes. whatever. no ones serious. save up all your anger for Pete Doherty for f***ing up his kittycat!!! :D
ok i'm glad we are on the same page...finally :)

this can be such a fun forum if we just give it a chance or we will indeed, be a 'low' message board and be chased to better forums like MOZWONT
Hey Adam, where did you get the phrase "sell my hole for rockundroll"? Did you hear it somewhere or are you just clever and thought of it on the spot?

Just curious...:cool:
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