Simon Goddard interview - @marriedtothemoz

Too right it ain't 'The Paris Review'. Those who can't write (or sell their writing) blog.
I always laugh when people say that an editorial piece should only be taken seriously when it's in a "real" magazine, or a "real" book. Being old fashioned is so cute!

Seriously, though...there are horribly written blogs and horribly written books. There are shit musicians with Number 1 records, and penniless musicians writing brilliant music living under the radar and still working day jobs.

Where you release, or how, your writing/music/etc is not indicative of how good it is. The notion that anyone who blogs is just a 17-year old illiterate hack amateur simply by nature of the fact that their writing only appears online is the worst kind of obtuse, closed-minded anachronism I can think of.

Move forward or find residence in a nursing home. It's 2012.
This is true - to an extent. Anon overstates the case - but so does this. (Goddard seems to have a couple of poodles at the door.) Do the vetting procedures of newspaper editors and publishers exist for no reason? I don't believe Hamill would have put this out as a blog if she could have got it into a newspaper - which is partly down to her giggly vacuity and partly its school-fete-opening subject.
This is true - to an extent. Anon overstates the case - but so does this. (Goddard seems to have a couple of poodles at the door.) Do the vetting procedures of newspaper editors and publishers exist for no reason? I don't believe Hamill would have put this out as a blog if she could have got it into a newspaper - which is partly down to her giggly vacuity and partly its school-fete-opening subject.

Each to their own, but I can tell you that Ms Hamill never had any intention of putting this forward as anything other than a blog entry. She's previously interviewed Mark Nevin, and will shortly be interviewing another Moz collaborator, just for her blog, and nowhere else.

Fair doos - I thought you were calling Goddard a 'collaborator' (Hamill could have asked him about what scissors and glue he used).
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