tell us about the last Film you saw

Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

After watching the Craig Ferguson show last night, I was not sleepy yet
So I put a movie on I had seen a decade ago, but that I DVRed so I could see again:

first of all, it has to be said :o jeezo mineezo is Kate Beckinsale beautiful! :eek:
however, after only watching about an hour of it, my mother came out of her bedroom, stood behind me and I guess was speaking for God knows how long :crazy:
I did not hear her since I wear headphones late @ night as to not disturb anyone, but no, that was not enough for her, she had to say something about how I should not be watching TV at 2 in the morning :cool:
therefore, I just turned it right off and seethed for an hour or more before I could fall asleep :mad:
regardless, from that hour I saw, it was good, really a date movie though, so I am sure I would have been sad by the end :tears:
however, if you can watch it, without being interrupted, I highly reccomend it :thumb:
Last film i saw at the cinema was Black Swan, which was very good and last night i watched Porky's on tv.....yep
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

@Robbie ..Serendipity is such a sweet movie! :)
yeah, next time I can DVR it, I will and watch it without interruption :guitar:
as for last night, I watched something I am sure I saw when it came out, but I was just to drunk to remember :squiffy:

and now I know why I totally forgot it, it was utterly forgettable
well, not completely I guess

Anita Briem was dreamy in it :love: but I'd rather see her in something actually good :straightface:

ps: oh yeah, I forgot to give it a grade D+, (mainly on Anita's gorgeousity)
& for "Serendipity" an A :thumb:
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.


How on earth this got labeled a romantic comedy, I have no idea. It obviously was never intended to be a comedy, but maybe they couldn't sell it for what it was. A broken recluse writer pens suicide notes for a living. I fell in love with the main character almost immediately...

Also saw

It was pretty well done. There were a couple of plot inconsistencies and the ending was a bit sappy, but overall it was enjoyable.


Average. 5/10


Interesting concept movie. 6.5/10
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

...Watched "Philadelphia" again, T'other night...Not CHEESY at all!! ( geddit??)
Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington...SUPERB acting....and the rest of the cast, too .....the "Extras" on the DVD were worth a look at as well...not bad for £2.00 in ASDA...
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.


Interesting concept movie. 6.5/10
really, 6.5? I saw that about a year ago and really liked it :confused:
then again, I probably was real high when I watched it :o
so yeah, who knows, it may have sucked :lbf:
anyways, last night after everyone went to bed, I watched:

I saw it when it came out and liked it then, I still thought it was real good last night
I give it at least a B+, and an A, if you are like me, and a bit fascinated by Mike Tyson :eek:
honestly, Moz should watch it, then write a song about him :guitar:
Re: tell us about the last Film you saw.

Franklyn - not because it was bad, but because I think it had the potential to be so much more. Also, it was referred to me as having a suicide theme, and then she's just doing it as an art project...The movie ended really well. I thought the Meanwhile bits were a little clumsy, and Ryan Phillipe's dark earnestness a little ersatz.
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I saw À la folie... pas du tout and it was creepygood!

I've just watched a superb and devastating documentary called Deliver Us From Evil. It's an Oscar-nominated story of Father Oliver O'Grady, a catholic priest, who for 30 years molested and raped dozens of young children. It shows how the hierarchy of the catholic church, kept his activities secret and failed to punish him. Instead of hiding him in some remote monastery, they simply moved him to different towns in California. O'Grady himself appears and is interviewed by the filmmaker, and talks very frankly, although always very careful with his answers to questions. Some of his victims are brave enough to tell their stories, some obviously decline. Peoples lives are ruined because of the actions of this predatory paedophile, these were deeply religious people who trusted him above anyone else. Oliver O'Grady is still at large in Ireland as we speak, the documentary ends with him wandering the streets, mixing with children. Essential viewing.
I half watched 'Wanted' last night - a film with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy and I found it truly awful. So jarring on my senses it was barely watchable and just a mess.
I saw Fish Tank tonight. It was good but so depressing. And not a very flattering picture of british society.
I went to see 'Hall Pass' last night, a new comedy by the Farrelly brothers starring Owen Wilson, Christina Applegate, Stephen Merchant and some other actors from the US version of The Office. I wasn't expecting much but we really wanted to see something...and it wasn't too bad actually! Lots of laughs and funny dialogue. However - without spoiling it for other - the ending was a bit of a let down - morality needed to enter the script I guess.
First I watched

which I enjoyed. The pace was a little slow, but it was an interesting and quirky story.

Then I watched

I was SO disappointed. I actually like Eminem, but thought the movie was stupid (two hours for a single rap contest??) and that the raps in the movie were childish. I lost some respect for rap as a genre.
film movies
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