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Twitter is talking about doing a Hollywood version of the life of artist Mark Hogancamp (Marwencol). They're throwing around names like Robert Zemekis and Steve Carrel. Why? His real life is AMAZING and there's already an AMAZING movie about it. Why f*** it up? Oh I know, THEY CAN MAKE MONEY OFF IT. So stupid. I'll be mentally suggesting they can that idea.

He tells a story on stage for an hour and fifteen minutes with only angle cuts, tells it straight through. Genius, touching, and intelligent.
What Maisie Knew

The best film I have seen this year so far. When I saw the cast I had my doubts cause Julianne Moore and Steve Coogan in the same film?

But it was absolutely amazing and I wanna adopt the little girl in it. Even the scottish woman was new to me and it must be great for Alexander Skarsgard to finally be in proper films instead of that vampire tv series.

Gotta love Claire Denis. She may not have reached the same heights that she did with her masterpiece BEAU TRAVAIL, still one of the 10 best of 2013. Plus Tindersticks once again tore it up with that score. They were obviously going for an homage to what Tangerine Dream did in THEIF.

Usually when something is hyped up the hype ruins the film a bit but I think this is probably as good as everyone says.

saw this a couple of days ago. it's clearly stunning to look at and technically impressive. i had a few problems with it though. some of the dialogue was awful and george clooney's performance wasn't great. the visual metaphor and allegorical nature of the film was a bit on the nose too.

great popcorn movie but definitely not a classic in my eyes.

Great movie so far (nearly finished)'s Emilio Estevev's baby and he's done an amazing job. I might be a little presumptuous here but I'm guessing Morrissey would love this as well!
saw this a couple of days ago. it's clearly stunning to look at and technically impressive. i had a few problems with it though. some of the dialogue was awful and george clooney's performance wasn't great. the visual metaphor and allegorical nature of the film was a bit on the nose too.

great popcorn movie but definitely not a classic in my eyes.

Thanks for the review....I really need to see this film
it's definitely worth a watch. especially in the cinema. i might go see it again. i don't think it would hold up as well if watched on a smaller screen.

not perfect, but I liked it a lot, they really do bend the characters in different ways, so:

better than I thought it would be :eek: looked awesome, specially opening part on Krypton, love the cast, the guy playing Superman was OK
and Amy Adams is just well :love: so I give it a:
Up in the air.

This film from 2009 had slipped past my radar. Excellent as always when based on a book and George Clooney is perfect for this character. A reminder of what the mood was like in 2009 when many of us lost our jobs even though in my case that made me a winner so cannot complain.
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