The Burkean: "Morrissey – The Original Volcel" (June 28, 2023)

Not officially, but Morrissey believes the record company has no intention of releasing it, but maybe when he dies.
What a shame! Although I'm glad I got to hear some of the songs from the album live last year in Killarney. Will hopefully get to hear more at next months Dublin gig.
And right there is the only reason this article exists.... "Please Moz, let me grab onto those coat-tails too"
And he probably will. It's right up his right-wing wankery street. Railing against immigrants and liberals. That's how it is these days. Us and them. They're all against us. As I said at the start - what a load of shit.
And right there is the only reason this article exists.... "Please Moz, let me grab onto those coat-tails too"
walter white GIF
And he probably will. It's right up his right-wing wankery street. Railing against immigrants and liberals. That's how it is these days. Us and them. They're all against us. As I said at the start - what a load of shit.
We're all just one human race maaaaan, borders are imaginary lines maaaaaaaan
We're all just one human race maaaaan, borders are imaginary lines maaaaaaaan
Publish and be damned, matey. There's always going to be some who like what you do and some that don't. And you don't like it when people appraise your 'work' in a way you believe is less than complementary. If you don't like that, you should probably find something else to do rather than be a right-wing grifter. But it's not you, is it? It's those shitty liberals, innit? Someone else's fault.
We know that Morrissey has talked a lot of shite when it comes to issues of race and immigration. Don’t think anyone needs your Neo Fascist slant on what we already know. It’s pretty evident in your, ahem, article, what you are. I’m more annoyed how you seek to portray Irish people than I am how you want to present Morrissey as the Messiah of sad articles like you.
Please please please let me get what I want: that Mozza or his team ignore this article. It’s the last he bloody needs. Ffs.
Hi guys,

With Morrissey playing here in Dublin next month, I decided to pen an article on him. I write for an Irish Journal called the Burkean which is a free speech advocate. Here's the link:
“The Smiths went on to release four albums until they, rather sadly, disbanded in 1987 in what turned out to be an ugly break up with all four members ending up in court over royalties owed. Ironic given Morrissey’s hatred for the royals”

Had to stop reading when I got to this bit. Amateur shite, of the highest order.
If he re-posts this on Morrissey Central, it's game over. He can absolutely kiss any major label deals goodbye.

I would be very surprised if that were to happen. This is more than just someone on the far right giving him a favorable mention; it's explicitly claiming him entirely for the far right. And written sloppily with bursts of 4chanese: "volcel," "celebtards," "coping hard." Surely the writer's take on National Front Disco is cannot be Morrissey's. Apart from misunderstanding the singer's politics, he misunderstands the narrative voice. If this gets posted on Morrissey Central, then Uncleskinny will have been right all along.
Oh, I get it now. You hate Morrissey and want to insidiously destroy what's left of his career. Well done!
Guys, stop it! All this talk of Morrissey reposting my article is giving me a big head. I may have to write a book on him after all of this!
Guys, stop it! All this talk of Morrissey reposting my article is giving me a big head. I may have to write a book on him after all of this!
Have you considered putting together a music video for your favourite Morrissey song using windows movie maker?

Might help catch his eye
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