The Burkean: "Morrissey – The Original Volcel" (June 28, 2023)

then it means M Central doesn’t do their homework, like posting anti-vegetarians like JPWatson and Vance, that’s what it means.

Right, but in those cases Morrissey Central has a degree of plausible deniability. We can only attribute to Morrissey an endorsement of the content of the video, not what the commentators have said elsewhere. There's no homework to be done with this one. In the article itself is the claim that Morrissey is as far right as Anne Marie Waters currently is, and the (absurd) theory that National Front Disco is not a satire. If this content is endorsed by a share on Morrissey Central, then it's all over. There's no way it ends up on the site. This is Pepe the Frog troll work in poorly cobbled-together rant form.
Right, but in those cases Morrissey Central has a degree of plausible deniability. We can only attribute to Morrissey an endorsement of the content of the video, not what the commentators have said elsewhere. There's no homework to be done with this one. In the article itself is the claim that Morrissey is as far right as Anne Marie Waters currently is, and the (absurd) theory that National Front Disco is not a satire. If this content is endorsed by a share on Morrissey Central, then it's all over. There's no way it ends up on the site. This is Pepe the Frog troll work in poorly cobbled-together rant form.
So you're saying Morrissey supports For Britain but he doesn't share their views? 😂
So you're saying Morrissey supports For Britain but he doesn't share their views?

For Britain is no more, and Anne Marie Waters has since veered even further to the right, which is why I said "Waters currently." Morrissey did appear to agree with the For Britain platform on immigration and Islam. He diverged with them at least on climate change, since he routinely brings up the environmental cost of meat in addition to its profound cost of animal suffering. I'm not convinced he cares about stopping climate change, given his jet-fueled touring (personally, I don't care about stopping it either). I suspect he'll say anything to get people off eating meat.

You raise a good point, though. It's the same thing Billy Bragg challenged him with: if he's so concerned with animal liberation, why didn't he support a more strident abolitionist party over For Britain? He must've agreed with For Britain on more than just liking their elfin little charismatic Irish vegan founder.

By the way, you might want to contact your editor at the Burkean. There's a typo in the Immigration section. "Machester" needs an "n" in there. But it won't save your bad writing. Try to stay off the Adderall.
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Guys, stop it! All this talk of Morrissey reposting my article is giving me a big head. I may have to write a book on him after all of this!
Never mind your big head, you’ll be getting my big foot up your fat arse if you post any more of this dogshit.
Blanket Bev here thinks he’s writing world-changing prose. What you have written is utter shit. You should be banned from the internet, and have your access to pen & paper strictly monitored.
I thought you liberals were all about diversity and inclusion?

It seems one can only post an article here if it's Guardian-esque lamenting the fact that Morrissey doesn't have the exact same opinions as you.

Jesus, Beverley, your “article” isn’t even readable. It is so shite. That you are still here defending that bilge makes you look like a desperate f***ing moron.
Not sure Burke would approve, but anyway ...
This is the kinda writin' called "cherry pickin' ".
They just pick out a couple things and then twist it
into the fashion they're after.
This writer really ain't a fan of Moz, 'cause the writer is
just tryin' to shape Moz to fit their own agenda.
This is the kinda writin' called "cherry pickin' ".
They just pick out a couple things and then twist it
into the fashion they're after.
This is true, and the article is so over-the-top I thought it was a hilarious satire at first.

Having said that, I have seen numerous articles and posts from certain posters on this site who are just as selective, only they 'cherry-pick' everything they champion on what might be called the 'left' side of Morrissey's politics whilst conveniently dismissing anything else they don't like (eg: 'he only supports 'For Britain' because of their animal welfare stance', 'he didn't mean all Chinese people are a sub-species, he just misspoke', 'that article posted on Central can't be Morrissey's views, it's his nephew and he doesn't know anything about it' etc). In that respect, this one-sided article is no worse than many others.
Hi guys,

With Morrissey playing here in Dublin next month, I decided to pen an article on him. I write for an Irish Journal called the Burkean which is a free speech advocate. Here's the link:

Hi guys,

With Morrissey playing here in Dublin next month, I decided to pen an article on him. I write for an Irish Journal called the Burkean which is a free speech advocate. Here's the link:
Hi guys,

With Morrissey playing here in Dublin next month, I decided to pen an article on him. I write for an Irish Journal called the Burkean which is a free speech advocate. Here's the link:
Ay man, well done for writing an article about Mozzy. The mark of a great pop star is he can be anything to anyone . The left and right, should both be able to find something to love. The black and the white and everything in between . You got a lot wrong though mate
You don't seem to really connect with him on a human level more in an edge lord kind of way. Are you under 20? You got a hell of a lot wrong in the writing and in your comments on here. Firstly the left never ever claimed Bengarli as their own song, they all said it was a very patronising song from the get-go. See this for an idea
Then you say
""You can't help but feel that the Chinese people are a subspecies" - Morrissey" and "Everyone ultimately prefers their own race… does this make everyone racist?" - Morrissey. Maybe you should give this one a read, goes on a bit but the writer understands the subject
This site has had a lot of full-on racists on here before and someone was claiming Mozzy hated blacks, I kinda get that vibe from you. A few days later Mozzy let it known he is not a racist and doesn't like racists, not a surprise if you know anything about him.
You say "What's the game? You're not one of these liberals who thinks that anytime Morrissey says something of a conservative nature that he's actually being sarcastic, are you?"
Funny, I bet you are like PJW who conventionally forgets Mozzy's homosexual inclinations and the fact he is veggie.
In case you need it spelt out, Mozzy is a contrarian who loves English culture and would like England to have tighter border control and I dare say he isn't keen on Islam extremists but he aint a Jew-hating racist baby. Maybe you need a new hero?
I said it was due to be released soon
It's not though is it? He has two records written now. There is more chance of Without Music The World Dies being released "Soon" than BOT. The record was due out months ago. Have you not read any of his comments? As for Volcel, or whatever you said, I have heard that before, PJW and other Youtube heads.Its such basic shit. None of that lot seems to get Mozzy beyond the most basic stuff You seem like a Youtube thinker. The trouble with the youtube lot, is some pretend to be journalists, some pretend to be thinkers but they are all nothing of the sort. Just Youtubers pretending to be other things. I'm not gonna hate on you dude. You could just do with looking into things a bit more. The Smiths didn't go on to release 4 lps . They made 8 Lps in their lifetime- 4 studio, a sessions LP, two complication LPs and a live LP. I did find the Royalties /Royals joke funny, not in the way you may have meant though. Mozzy is beyond identity politics. it's an American invention, you tend to find people who are into the whole identity vibe, don't really connect with music in any deep way, they just pick bands they think "represent them" and its usually based on what that band media image is rather than their artistic output.
And right there is the only reason this article exists.... "Please Moz, let me grab onto those coat-tails too"
LOL. The Mozzy is an industry, can't you read?
They stick out like a smacked arse don't they - Fiona, Sam, Alain W and Jesse are the most recent but there have been many. Alain makes me laugh the most, that dude has no shame "Hey kids look at me play Smiths songs and Mozzy songs I never wrote . I will even pretend to be into stuff Mozzy is into, even though I couldn't give a monkeys".
This is true, and the article is so over-the-top I thought it was a hilarious satire at first.

Having said that, I have seen numerous articles and posts from certain posters on this site who are just as selective, only they 'cherry-pick' everything they champion on what might be called the 'left' side of Morrissey's politics whilst conveniently dismissing anything else they don't like (eg: 'he only supports 'For Britain' because of their animal welfare stance', 'he didn't mean all Chinese people are a sub-species, he just misspoke', 'that article posted on Central can't be Morrissey's views, it's his nephew and he doesn't know anything about it' etc). In that respect, this one-sided article is no worse than many others.
I know what you mean but I don't think anyone thinks Mozzy is on the left, do they? I don't think anyone thinks Mozzy misspoke either regarding the Chinese
I just agree that the quote was taken out of proportion. You would have to be crazy to think Mozzy is that dumb he believes that every single Chinese person is a member of a subspecies. He likes Bruce Lee for a start . As for For Britain, I don't know why he supported such a bunch of idiots but I think most of us can guess it wasn't just for animal rights reasons, given the stuff he has said over the last 10 years. I agree people blame Sam for things that seem to be Mozzy's doing but that said Sam is a real tool and has posted stuff that Mozzy wasn't happy with, for a start he hated it when Sammy posted that pretend World Peace Is None Of Your Business cover and the way he handled the Italian car incident was so bad. So I bet some stuff does get on there that Moz isn't involved with
Who is Karen on Twitter?
For Britain is no more, and Anne Marie Waters has since veered even further to the right, which is why I said "Waters currently." Morrissey did appear to agree with the For Britain platform on immigration and Islam. He diverged with them at least on climate change, since he routinely brings up the environmental cost of meat in addition to its profound cost of animal suffering. I'm not convinced he cares about stopping climate change, given his jet-fueled touring (personally, I don't care about stopping it either). I suspect he'll say anything to get people off eating meat.

You raise a good point, though. It's the same thing Billy Bragg challenged him with: if he's so concerned with animal liberation, why didn't he support a more strident abolitionist party over For Britain? He must've agreed with For Britain on more than just liking their elfin little charismatic Irish vegan founder.

By the way, you might want to contact your editor at the Burkean. There's a typo in the Immigration section. "Machester" needs an "n" in there. But it won't save your bad writing. Try to stay off the Adderall.
Forgot to add this guys
Do we think our Mozzy will become a Ukiper?

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