The Importance of being Morrissey


Brown Thunder

This documentary hasn't been analysed nearly enough here. There are all sorts of questions remaining unanswered. e.g:

Why has Morrissey got a snare drum, a football and bongos in his lounge?- Does Mike Joyce come round and jam sometimes?

Why does Morrissey get so excited about the idea that Nancy Sinatra is the equivalent of US royalty when he'd have nothing to do with UK Royalty?

How did he manage to invite himself to Nancy Sinatra's hotel room in London?

How can I get one of what Nancy calls Morrisey's "great hugs"? [make note: good marketing idea for IBEH - free hug with every copy sold in 1st week]

Why does he reside in what he calls a 'police city'?

Why has he taken to wearing beige safari shirts with epaulettes?

I could go on...
> Why has Morrissey got a snare drum, a football and bongos in his lounge?-

He probably likes to audition drummers in the comfort of his own home.

Nothing wrong with a session or two in the lounge.
> How can I get one of what Nancy calls Morrisey's "great hugs"?

My guess is it may be a long wait if you continue to mispell his name...

(Yes, I know it was only once...)
Re: Jeane , my apologies to Morrissey and yourself; I was drunk...
> My guess is it may be a long wait if you continue to mispell his name...

> (Yes, I know it was only once...)

I spotted that too, but you beat me to the correction. Well done!

I'm on the look out for this sort of thing as well.

These f***ing cretins shouldn't be allowed to post here.
Re: FAO Anthony Hilmob

For godnes sake, have you not anything beter to do?


I mean no disrespect to SPM. I know how to spell his name. Now all I want to do is any you you rude, what's the word?

> I spotted that too, but you beat me to the correction. Well done!

> I'm on the look out for this sort of thing as well.

> These f***ing cretins shouldn't be allowed to post here.
Re: FAO Anthony Hilmob

> For godnes sake, have you not anything beter to do?

I quite enjoy watching TV property "lifestyle" programmes

> My guess is it may be a long wait if you continue to mispell his name...

> (Yes, I know it was only once...)


Isn't the word misspell, not "mispell"?
> jeane,

> Isn't the word misspell, not "mispell"?

Haha, well we've got two possible explantions here:

a) I was being ironic and may I say, brilliantly so.


b) accepts both spellings.

Do I still get my hug?
Re: Jeane , my apologies to Morrissey and yourself; I was drunk...

Just having a bit of fun with you.

Although an another alternative spelling might have been Morruszee...
> Haha, well we've got two possible explantions here:

> a) I was being ironic and may I say, brilliantly so.

> or

> b) accepts both spellings.

> Do I still get my hug?


a) Any irony on your part was unintentional, I'm sure.

b) Your unabridged "" may accept the incorrect spelling, but Merriam-Webster and I don't (

No hug for you.
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