To hell and back


New Member
Hello! Hoping for some advice! Have been a big fan since first seeing Moz in 2002 (at Brixton) and have seen him at least once on every tour since. However have been totally skint this month and so haven't been able to afford to get tickets for new tour....yet! It has been hell watching them all sell out, but I'm desperate to go to at least three gigs (ideally Cambridge, Troxy and Brixton). I get paid next friday but I'm presuming it will be too late to get tickets through seetickets then.

What's my best option?

1.Go against all my instincts and panic buy at extortionate prices on ebay, and have no money left for xmas?

2. Hold on and wait - ebay prices WILL come down.

3. use one of those dodgy internet sites that wacks 20 quid on top of the face value and looks bloody shady.

4. Top myself now?!

Please help!

1. Don't bother with ebay.
2. Keep an eye on ticketmaster, seetickets etc as they often put more tickets on sale weeks after they originally sell out.
3. Turn up on the day and hope that the box office has returned tickets or that the touts aren't doing a good trade.
4. Borrow money and buy them now:-(
Personally I'd wait. This is one of the longest periods I've ever known of tickets going on sale before the shows. It's almost six months. I've got tix for 6 shows and am stressing cos Antwerp has just sold out!!
Don't have a clue what I'll be doing in May. I could be dead, in which case you can have them!!

Seriously, after it has all died down I bet single tickets will be here on the market place.

It is easy to get sucked in though!
Why don't you ask one of your friends or parents to buy you Moz tix instead of xmas gifts this year?
I wish I could help you, believe me I've been there in more than one occasion.
Anyway, please don't bother with ebay, in any case some people might have some spares, if I hear of anything I'll pm you.
Cheers Stanley and Mhicks! I spose you're both right, and there's still lots of time for tickets to turn up. Why has he announced the dates so prematurely? Six months is a hell of a long time! I sincerely hope you don't drop down dead Mhicks, but if you do tickets would come in handy....:D

talking of getting sucked in, what's the most anyone has handed over to a tout for a ticket? When I saw him at the M.E.N is 2004 some bloke paid a tout 200 quid for a standing ticket on the morning of the gig. Boy, I was glad to have got mine in advance for that one!
Cheers Jane, am going to resist the touts on ebay. Would really appreciate it you getting in touch if you do hear of anything. Meanwhile I'll work in the christmas angle, though a standing ticket and brixton is a bit pricier than the socks and waterstones vouchers which normally make up my gifts!
I paid about £60 for the nosebleed tickets at the MEN. I just knew I had to be there. I few months earlier I had decided I wanted to be an actor(?!!) and taken a role in a local AmDram play. When I saw the show was on the same night as the MEN show I pulled out leaving them in a right mess, claiming my best mate was getting married and moving to New Zealand and this would be my last chance to see him. Secretly I thought this would be Mozzer's last show and I had to go whatever.
Tickets were going for hundreds in the morning. I just stayed in Manchester all day drinking and playing pool. They came down by about £10 an hour so not a bad deal really.
I had a spare for Brixton 02 and resisted selling it for a profit, giving it to a guy fro Sweden instead, so hopefully the Moz gods will shine on me in manchester in may 2009!!

My will is written, if I croak before May you have tickets for Dundee, Mile End, Albert Hall, Brixton.....
You did the right thing! That gig was magic, the whole day. Spent it all in pub as well then went for a walk past strangeways. Everything felt right - even the weather was sort of spot on for a Moz gig. (I love the brooding clouds at the beginning of the Who put the M in.... dvd!)

Your will is duly noted, not that I'm clammering for your early demise or anything!

I've got a feeling Great Yarmouth is going to be the pick of the tour. just a hunch but...
Do you reckon? Might give it a go. From memory though seetickets are pretty sharp about taking the money as quickly as possible. (Not so sharp about returning it though, roundhouse etc!)
I hope it is, don't know why. Must have something to do with the "end of the pier" venue.
I remember Bridlington 2004 being a great show too for similar reasons!

How much input to dou think Morrissey has in these venues and shows, I'd love to know the ins and outs of it all?

I'll be watching every step from now til May, though seeing as they are all on credit card maybe I shouldn't bother!
There are a few on the Marketplace area of this site. If you make contact I'm sure whatever method of payment you decide (cheque etc) they will accept it in a week or two, especially seeing as the tickets won't be posted for a month or so at least. Maybe offer some kind of deposit or whatever you can afford and pay the reast when you get paid?
A friend of mine always claimed that if you buy a ticket of a tout, wait until the show is about to start and they will sell you one for face value. Have never tried this method though, or brought of a tout.....

I remember going to the Meltdown shows in 2004 and there were tickets for sale on the door which had been returned.

I'm sure something will turn up. I'm not bothering with this tour, that might change though if the new album is a cracker...
(Just in case anyone cares!)

Managed to get tickets today, got paid early for christmas and by sheer luck seetickets had more brixton and troxy tickets today so i am very very happy!

Thanks for all your help, waiting was the right thing to do. Anyone still looking for tickets get on seetickets now and snap them up before the touts do.

Can't wait for the tour, will be the 7th time I've seen him. Oh and anyone know any decent pubs close to troxy and brixton?
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