who is the most beautiful? (choose two!)

who is the most beautiful?

  • a) bridget hall

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • b) christy turlington

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • c) lou de loogie

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • d) kate moss

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • e) snejana onopka

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • f) sandrine bonnaire

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, just keep it plain and simple so as to avoid confusing others, and (clearly) yourself. I like your posts, but I think you're guilty of just trying too hard in projecting this 'pompous and clever' schtick. Think who the 'audience' is and you'll be fine.

Sorry. I didn’t realize terms like “imperious” or “the former and the latter” were confusing. I probably read more than I speak, and I like pomposity, so my writing is not naturalistic. (Damn, another thesaurus word). But okay:
  1. Sexuality often influences judgements on beauty.
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. Non-sexual beauty is also in the eye of the beholder.
Sexuality isn't the sole lens or the only priority, but it's a factor. Humans are sexual. It's a part of our make-up. There may be a benefit to denying sexuality when it comes to religious or contemplative matters, but not when it comes to assessing beauty. If a person focuses too much on the sexual aspect, beauty becomes a base cartoon. But if you remove the sexuality factor completely, then you remove a dimension from beauty and it becomes cold and soulless. Maybe that's why you end up with these tall, spindly, anorexic creatures with dead alien eyes and pinched faces. I'm not going cut off my wiener in order to accept 2+2=5.
you already know what i think about that. i think you have an impediment and therefore this discussion is pointless! i am NOT going to concede that a true judgement of beauty has anything to do with sexuality! if objective beauty doesnt exist then what would you say to the genius leonardo da vinci who thought to map on paper what the perfect face would look like? what about blind people who can tell a beautiful face by touching it? what about the studies where babies are shown to stare longer at beautiful faces (christy turlington's incidentally being one of them) than average faces? i think you do beauty a disservice when you reduce it's majesty to sexuality. but then, who knows, maybe your own sexuality is pretty majestic to you.
So according to your raisonnement, straight women or gay men cannot judge female beauty. That's obviously not true.

BTW, there's something wrong with the percentages in these polls @davidt.

5 votes out of 17 votes (total) does not equal 50% and the total cannot be 170% (it can only ever be 100%).
View attachment 95967
oh bun bun, i allowed two choices per person! I think some people only voted once! (for those people you can go and change your vote to two if you like!!)

and yes, i would trust a gay mans judgment of female beauty over a straight mans!! just look at that george michael video with all the supers. he knew what was good!!
why must we continually be subjected to her plain jane, unimpressive face??? like, im not convinced, im sorry! i even thought to give you the benefit of the doubt and went and watched an interview with her to see if she were more charming on film, and turns out she's LESS charming!!! i dont understand the brain mechanism by which you think you've found something really special in her, im sorry!
Sorry. I didn’t realize terms like “imperious” or “the former and the latter” were confusing. I probably read more than I speak, and I like pomposity, so my writing is not naturalistic. (Damn, another thesaurus word). But okay:
  1. Sexuality often influences judgements on beauty.
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. Non-sexual beauty is also in the eye of the beholder.
1. true but you may consider this an impediment in your judgment, if you want to understand real beauty you will train yourself in not letting it influence you
2. some types of beauty, sure. lou's "beauty" sure seems to be for you.
3. see above
if objective beauty doesnt exist then what would you say to the genius leonardo da vinci who thought to map on paper what the perfect face would look like?

I would say that even a genius' preferences are subjective. Be careful what criteria you use: according to all the Greek ratio "science" of this, the world's most beautiful face belongs to: Amber Heard.

i think you do beauty a disservice when you reduce it's majesty to sexuality.

But I don't reduce it to just sexuality. All I'm saying is that sexuality is one factor among multiple criteria.
I would say that even a genius' preferences are subjective. Be careful what criteria you use: according to all the Greek ratio "science" of this, the world's most beautiful face belongs to: Amber Heard.

But I don't reduce it to just sexuality. All I'm saying is that sexuality is one factor among multiple criteria.
the golden ratio is very basic. its not like some mystical arithmetic. you dont need to get out your compass and graph paper to figure out who basically adheres to this standard. you can tell by looking at a person. i can tell right off that kate moss has it. i would guess that amber heard doesnt adhere to it exactly and that the people conducting that research are taking liberties. her face is too narrow at the temples and too long overall. i suspect this is the reason for the disatisfaction i feel when looking at her, the sense that she should be more beautiful than she is: this sense of disatisfaction is only possible by people who are approaching beauty but miss it by an eyelash, and thus the onlooker, when viewing the person, rather than viewing their successes towards beauty, is instead registering the loss of it (such a sensation does not occur when viewing lou de laage because it is premised on the basis that one has pretentions towards beauty and it would never occur to me that plain, maggot-faced lou actually would).

but there are all sorts of things this golden ratio does not measure like thickness of bones in the right places and angles and that sort of thing. in fact, now that i think of it that is what bugs me most about lou, her absolute lack of any angles. you cannot be beautiful without angles, particularly unexpected ones.

it's funny that you say that my belief in an objective beauty comes down to gnosticism when you're the one who seems to think that beauty must be felt (one suspects by ones little itty bitty wieine!) in order to exist (thus, beauty in the eye of the beholder) whereas i believe in a beauty that is both felt and one that can be completely objective, which is supreme i cannot say. but i will say that there are many people whose beauty i do not "feel": i do not particularly like the looks of erin o'connor, kristen mcmenamy or aurelie claudel. and yet objectively i know they are beautiful, and still feel that this beauty when taken in by the eyes has an intellectually nutritive value whether it's felt by me or not. but your belief is akin to the belief of a person sitting in a room who thinks that only the thing he perceives in the room exists, and that there is no outside world at all save what is being immediately experienced. and that's just silly.
Did that involve concepts too difficult for you to understand because I declined to condescend to your lil wienie, aubs?!

I think you're making this more about my wiener than deserves to made of it. I consider sexuality only one factor among many.

I'm confused because we're just not connecting on the logic. Your mention of solipsism clinched it. I'm not seeing how a question of taste is analogous to a question of reality. I mean, we both agree that Amber Heard exists, we're divided on whether or not she's beautiful. The question must be subjective, because even when people use the DaVinci formula, if they come up with Amber Heard, you'll say they missed something. Personally I wouldn't use that formula because although it resulted in Amber Heard, who appeals to me, it also resulted in Kim Kardashian, who doesn't. So I can skip the all the fancy face-mapping and calculations and go with whoever strikes me as beautiful. I appreciate your time and patience in trying to school me on how beauty is objective, but I'm really not seeing it, and after six pages it looks like we're going in circles. You'll have to write me off as an incorrigible philistine. I can't make the effort to get the right answer if the right answer is going to be Christy Turlington.
How deep is your love, @Aubrey McFate? Is it a wildly smoldering, ever growing kind of fire-hot passion that hasn’t even reached its pinnacle yet? Or maybe it’s a love that’s very firmly entrenched and rooted in the past, like a love that existed for something that was ephemeral to begin with, and now? …. is it even the same anymore? I’m curious how long your love might survive!

How deep is your love, @Aubrey McFate? Is it a wildly smoldering, ever growing kind of fire-hot passion that hasn’t even reached its pinnacle yet? Or maybe it’s a love that’s very firmly entrenched and rooted in the past, like a love that existed for something that was ephemeral to begin with, and now? …. is it even the same anymore? I’m curious how long your love might survive!


I could definitely watch that. I made it through London Fields, and In the Fire doesn’t seem half as bad. It’s good that she took an older/non-sex-kitten role. She’s aging gracefully, and not trying to Botox against the grain. She’s apt to look distinguished in her middle age.
I could definitely watch that. I made it through London Fields, and In the Fire doesn’t seem half as bad. It’s good that she took an older/non-sex-kitten role. She’s aging gracefully, and not trying to Botox against the grain. She’s apt to look distinguished in her middle age.
Audrey I was just playing with you! but if you say so, I won’t be the one to try to convince you otherwise. I will look forward instead to your review of this movie in the movie thread. Because it sounds like it’s going to be a howler!

@rifke thanks for this thread. I’ve enjoyed re-acquainting myself with my wholly noncommittal nature, as i’ve changed all my votes 3x in 3 days already.
I'm not seeing how a question of taste is analogous to a question of reality.
because it's NOT a question of taste!!!! just like whether or not something exists is not a question of whether or not you are perceiving!! oh my god, you are SO not getting!!!!!!

nevermind, i am sick to the teeth of this argument! and it is DEFINITELY all about your lil wiener!
Audrey I was just playing with you! but if you say so, I won’t be the one to try to convince you otherwise. I will look forward instead to your review of this movie in the movie thread. Because it sounds like it’s going to be a howler!

@rifke thanks for this thread. I’ve enjoyed re-acquainting myself with my wholly noncommittal nature, as i’ve changed all my votes 3x in 3 days already.
my name is @nicky wire's legs (ha, i just @'d myself!!) and thanks for voting!! 🤗
well it's official folks! bridget and snejana are THE MOST beautiful!!!! hey, those are the two i voted for!! i guess i have good taste!! :hearteyes::sunglasses:

well they're all beautiful though. there's only one of them who has no real business being in this poll.

anyway, thanks to everyone who voted in my FUN poll!!
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