
Sunday morning my daughter and I went for a run in the hills. We worked on intervals at 7 minute mile pacing. She was killing it. I really like the conversations we have while running. It is just father and daughter time and like no other really. No distractions, here with a purpose and engaged with each other.

We were all sweaty and got back in the car for a short trip back to the house. My daughter proffered up a known fact by me but one I did not know she grasped. She said, "working out really helps my mood during the week!". She has always known me doing sports, from backcountry hiking, masters swimming, ultra running and cycling so I asked her, "when have you ever seen your dad in a bad mood?". I qualified that by saying, and I don't mean my momentary disapproval of what you kids do sometimes. She looked at me, and I could tell she was thinking. She just couldn't think of a time.

I told her that I believe my general disposition is a positive one because of the stresses, growth and recovery one goes through by doing exercise. She smiled and told me there is a sign in the girls locker room that lists the benefits of exercise and one of the things listed was it gives you a better mood.

So better minds than me put this out there for kids. I'm just glad she has parents who support her as she soaks up this stuff in the world going by her.


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