Copenhagen - Operaen (July 11, 2011) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in. Beware of anonymous set list trolls!

Set List:

First Of The Gang To Die / I Want The One I Can't Have / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Shoplifters Of The World Unite / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / You Have Killed Me / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / You're The One For Me, Fatty / The Kid's A Looker / Action Is My Middle Name / I Know It's Over / Satellite Of Love / Alma Matters / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / People Are The Same Everywhere / Meat is Murder / Speedway / Irish Blood, English Heart // There Is A Light That Never Goes Out

set list provided by @WorldWontListen from, link posted by an anonymous person

Morrissey website owner thrown out of gig - TalkTalk. Link from an anonymous person.
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This is an all time low for Morrissey!!! I have been to many many shows of the years and have seen plenty of people that deserved to be ejected for their antics. David is very quiet, usually in the back enjoying the show. Never causing an issue and Morrissey had no right to eject him from his show. Kicking out his fans? Who's next on the list? Is he going to go after the rest of us who have been devoted for decades?? Ridiculous!
Morrissey has made no secret of his dislike for this site over the years. David has had plenty of time to change it, or simply close it, and has chosen to let things continue as they are.

Of course, he doesn't have to bow to Morrissey's wishes - he's free to do what he likes. But Morrissey is just as free to stop someone he dislikes attending one of his shows.

Really - you can't expect to be a thorn in the man's side AND sing and dance and enjoy youself at one of his shows as though nothing has happenned.
Morrissey's personal security are Thugs. Thats why i stay clear of the stage these days. Was DT asked to leave or was he dragged out like most of us are often?
Morrissey doesn't care what his fans like. Doesn't give a rats ass about reading about you. He gets shit faced drunk after his shows with his mates and the band talks shit about you all.
Wouldnt it be better to post your complaints directly on ?
I`m pretty sure there arent many facts to support your claim and they only smell of wanting to smear the other site here.

Would you still be friends with someone who publishes your private letters ? (Thats just one of several incidents Morrissey was angry about (and rightly so, in my opinion))

Well, I suppose I could post my complaints there, but what is the point? They've created their little Moztopia where complaining is trollery, nevermind the man whose cock size they opine over is the complainiest man of all, but let's not talk ill about him or he might not show us his nipples!!!! Weird huh? RADIATING LOVE!!!!!!! Go f*** yourself. You get your information here anyway, don't YOU go biting the hand that feeds you either.
Pathetic behaviour from Morrissey.

"For a broad historical view of what Moz is and how he "rules", examine Gaddafi or Mubarak, and see if you can spot any difference."

Really, you are now becoming a "silly old man" with your misguided frilly logo-branded shirts. Only a last minute U-turn prompted, I guess, by the ridicule hurled from these very pages, saved our hero from looking a prize fool in his glitter heels: - and its obvious Moz was involved with those ridiculous shoes all along because of the designer/Linder connection.

Thanks for the years of live entertainment (dating back to 1983) but I think that might be it for me now... I'll bow out gracefully...

Your opinion will be venerated in the history books as clarity itself. God bless your true words.You can spot a fake.
Not sure that this story is true. If it is, then just close down the site, David, because frankly to continue in the face of both the T shirt and an ejection would be pathetic, demeaning, embarrassing. Go spend your money and your time elsewhere. Why would you bother pursuing this now?

If the story is the result of trolls, then ffs DISABLE anonymous posting or DISABLE front page comments. EVERYONE wants anonymous posting disabled! And before some smartarse bleats "But why are YOU posting anonymously?" well it's because the site won't let me sign in! Every time I click "Click here to log in" the page just refreshes.

Guess I won't see David then on his scandi visit. Not that I was heading for the gigs anyway because going to Helsingborg is hellish from where I live and I did once way back in the 80's when I actually got a job there that I turned down and it took me the whole day by train to go there and back again. Not too fond of wind ridden seaside resorts where people speak with the accent from hell like they have porridge stuck in their throat making scouse accent sound decent in comparison. David and Julia the laughing stock of the world and it is by now David must have realised that being a gentlemen never pays off.

Urban the swede again (enjoying the quickest summer of my life)
How did Morrissey's security know that David was in the building?
Pathetic display by Morrissey and/or his crew for tossing out David. I am without words.

Jewpie is slow today hiding the text under troll banners. Maybe she was the dog that bit Moz and is now in a cage which should please her kinky fantasies.

Urban, Sweden (following the drama queens, summer of 2011)
Keep up the good work, David T. Er love you no matter how silly Moz's bodyguards are.
How did Morrissey's security people know david t was in the building?
Having Davidt ejected is an all time low for Morrissey. A man of his age should know better.

If I had been David I would have waited for Morrissey at the stage door and pelted him with eggs or something when he came out.
I'm amazed David even thought he'd be let in. In fact, I'm not even sure why he went in the first place. Why attend to a performance by an artist who hates you? How could anyone enjoy that experience?
Call Aftonbladet David, the swedish news of the world!!!!

"Moz says chop chop as thai waiter is banned from venue"
I'm amazed David even thought he'd be let in. In fact, I'm not even sure why he went in the first place. Why attend to a performance by an artist who hates you? How could anyone enjoy that experience?

Well, orientals eat cats and dogs and produce child porn so why not?

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