Dad at 13

Well, I wouldn't quite look at it that way. Everyone feels sorry for this kid because he looks so little, and she's being portrayed as a whore when he did the exact same thing she did. She's the scapegoat.

It's possible she took advantage of him, but it's also entirely possible that they were just curious and messed around without thinking about the consequences. I'm willing to bet that we'll hear that she took advantage of him because it's very easy for the media to run with that, as he's so young looking.

True, it is very easy to use her as a scapegoat. but if it's true she HAS been sleeping around with other guys, and the first time the boy ever did it was with her, all that doesn't work in her favor. Granted, we don't know her, or how she acts or what she does.

Personally, I think the media should just live them alone and let the families figure it out for themselves. Unfourtantly that's not going to happen.
But then we wouldn't have


Fair enough. :p

I prefer the shows where the girls are convinced their gonna have babies while being teenagers, over the paternity shows. Their much more amusing. Like the one where the one girl is all, "I'm GONNA have a baby."'d be so much more amusing if I didn't go to school with girls as stupid as that.
Her face makes me want to die. f***ing tard. He'll regret even going near that hideous beast in a few years time.
Doubt it, lost his virginity at 12/13, the kid is a hero. I wish I'd been out shagging babes when I was his age instead of watching WWF. I know which I think is much cooler.
I wasn't here for this, so....:p

Jesus, he looks like he's 5 or something. Blame the parents. But, she's 14, 13? That little boy isn't very intelligent, he can't speak properly, she should have more sense, shouldn't she? I hope she's slightly more mature than him... obviously not.
I feel no compassion for the girl if she's been f***ing around and now her skankyness is coming to light.... too bad, so sad...

If I was a straight man (no offense to the females) I would demand a paternity test no matter what unless I was married to the woman, and maybe even then, unless I had been with her for a really long time :blushing:

It's just too important of an issue to rely solely on the word of another person. I seen many spanish soaps, so I know what you females are capable of ;]
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I feel no compassion for the girl if she's been f***ing around and now her skankyness is coming to light.... too bad, so sad...

If I was a straight man (no offense to the females) I would demand a paternity test no matter what unless I was married to the woman, and maybe even then, unless I had been with her for a really long time :blushing:

Get a paternity test no matter what.

It's a one time cost and if there is nothing to hide then there is zero problem doing it, right?

You know for sure and the child then can have an accurate medical history based on both biological parents.
Get a paternity test no matter what.

It's a one time cost and if there is nothing to hide then there is zero problem doing it, right?

You know for sure and the child then can have an accurate medical history based on both biological parents.

Yeah, I agree with all that... (added to my post while you were posting btw)

Like I said, it's too important of an issue to be left to trust only...

I can also see how a female might feel attacked or hurt by the man asking for one when they've been loyal to him, but in the end the baby should be the number one concern :love:
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