Jennifer Ivory

I have it on good authority that Tseng accepted 10 tickets to Moz shows on the upcoming UK tour to take this post off the Main Page.


Can anyone confirm this?
> I have it on good authority that Tseng accepted 10 tickets to Moz shows on
> the upcoming UK tour to take this post off the Main Page.

> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/article.pl?sid=06/02/16/2025251 Can anyone
> confirm this?

Probably untrue, why would they offer tickets to take an illegal link off>
so what is it to you?

> I have it on good authority that Tseng accepted 10 tickets to Moz shows on
> the upcoming UK tour to take this post off the Main Page.

> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/article.pl?sid=06/02/16/2025251 Can anyone
> confirm this?

leave the man be.
You don't make deals with the devil anymore, you make them with Chuck Norris

> Probably untrue, why would they offer tickets to take an illegal link
> off>

If this site had alerted people that the video was on Google, Sanctuary's lawyers might not have known it was on Google for many more days. In both the posting of the news item and in the overly-generous removal of the news item, Morrissey's lawyers should be thankful to Morrissey-Solo.
> If this site had* alerted people that the video was on Google,

*hadn't i meant
> If this site had alerted people that the video was on Google, Sanctuary's
> lawyers might not have known it was on Google for many more days. In both
> the posting of the news item and in the overly-generous removal of the
> news item, Morrissey's lawyers should be thankful to Morrissey-Solo.

This is true but yet it is false
> Probably untrue, why would they offer tickets to take an illegal link
> off>

because that's how it works if you want to play hardball.

i have no idea if it's true or not, but making deals saves both sides time and money.
Leading Tsengophant Suzanne agrees that Tseng is the type to do this.

> because that's how it works if you want to play hardball.

It means David's a corrupt, lying asshole, actually. Same difference to some types, of course.

> i have no idea if it's true or not, but making deals saves both sides time
> and money.

Just like licking Tseng's ass saves you the trouble of being told to go bore people into an early grave on some other website. Cow.
> because that's how it works if you want to play hardball.

> i have no idea if it's true or not, but making deals saves both sides time
> and money.

I hope that you realize that if David Tseng took money (a bribe) from Sanctuary to take down a post that he felt was newsworthy that means this entire site is tainted. If true it would mean that Tseng lacks integrity, honesty, character and all the things you have said David stands for, namely the fact that he is independent and can not be unduly influenced, that he is willing to take unpopular stands in the name of free expression and free speech - his freedom to speak (nothing to do with the government).

What is clear is that you Suzanne stand for nothing, you believe in nothing, you have no convictions and you are willing to reverse any beliefs you have held dear on a whim. You are a hypocrite. And you post without thinking.

While David's integrity probably remains intact yours is shattered beyond repair. You can't stand for certain principles for 7 years or so and then turn around one day and reverse yourself without someone calling you on it. You are...absolute scum Suzanne.
"integrity, honesty, character" given speech by someone under an alias, from behind a proxy!
Do you know why i don't care anymore? Because it's old. Old old old old old! There are trees in the Redwood forests that are reading this crap and saying, "damn, this is old!" The cockroaches know that even if they survive a nuclear holocaust that they won't survive the saga of David and Morrissey. When mathemeticians created the inifinity symbol, they had the battle of David and Morrissey in mind. It got so old that even *I* got tired of it. I haven't mustered feeling outraged by any of it which accounts for my general lack of response otherwise. The world is full of losing battles and this is another one that's being played out.

I don't know what David's motivation for doing anything is at this point whether he wants to stand up for truth, justice, and the american way or what, but I don't think that Morrissey's exactly stems from a happy place that has much to do with leaked materials or stories about roadies that weren't paid.

So, I say let them duke it out on a level that has something to do with the actual argument. I'll bet that the problem is much more mundane than anyone realizes, as when happens when people don't sit down and talk and let their imaginations run wild as to what the other person meant when they said something.

Maybe the fans will win in the end. At the end of the day, it's all a business and we're the consumers. the fans get annoyed when they see too much of the man behind the curtain. they get irked when artists start talking about their money and their copyrights because they feel like they are being played for some cash. it doesn't matter if it's morrissey or Metallica. nobody likes being thought of as a wallet. the more the shit is stirred, EVERYONE gets reminded of it. i say, close the curtains and be friends with your fans.

If it did happen that way (and who knows if David simply got sick of paying for a lawyer and gave up), so what? Morrissey is happy in a begrudging way. David is happy in a begrudging way. I'm not saying that the two of them are going to start painting each other's fingernails and gossip about their dating lives anytime soon, but this is no time to start acting like a Mr Crankypants.

That's as best i can describe it without going nuts trying to figure out exactly what it is i'm trying to say. Sometimes, serenity is worth more than proving who's right.

> I hope that you realize that if David Tseng took money (a bribe) from
> Sanctuary to take down a post that he felt was newsworthy that means this
> entire site is tainted. If true it would mean that Tseng lacks integrity,
> honesty, character and all the things you have said David stands for,
> namely the fact that he is independent and can not be unduly influenced,
> that he is willing to take unpopular stands in the name of free expression
> and free speech - his freedom to speak (nothing to do with the
> government).

> What is clear is that you Suzanne stand for nothing, you believe in
> nothing, you have no convictions and you are willing to reverse any
> beliefs you have held dear on a whim. You are a hypocrite. And you post
> without thinking.

> While David's integrity probably remains intact yours is shattered beyond
> repair. You can't stand for certain principles for 7 years or so and then
> turn around one day and reverse yourself without someone calling you on
> it. You are...absolute scum Suzanne.
> I have it on good authority that Tseng accepted 10 tickets to Moz shows on
> the upcoming UK tour to take this post off the Main Page.

> http://www.morrissey-solo.com/article.pl?sid=06/02/16/2025251 Can anyone
> confirm this?

Blah Blah f***ing blah..........You guys f***in trash the PIMP of California to no end...leave the poor guy alone. David's good people, a member of the Board of Governors for Yoshinoya and a proud Yo supporter/investor.

f*** all who say shit about David......leave the f***in guy alone. Jealous f***s.
I have it on good authority that you're the e-troll variously known as Heyward Jablome (yes yes, we all know the joke and it's so so funny, really) Mozzerian, Moby and f***s-knows-what else, and that, as a consequence of this
a) you're an habitual liar
b) no one gives a shit what you think anyway, and
c) you have some kind of personality defect which makes you obsess over certain people.
Go back to your five-year-old widescreen telly would you?
Suzanne admits that she's an unthinking, apathetic, arse-kissing, SERENE moron.
The use of neither contradicts the argument.

You posturing simpleton. Eat glass.

Suzanne has more brains in her left arse cheek you, my dim-witted friend
Please take your foul mouth to another thread, troll.
"flirting with army boys", WTF, Ian?

The only army vet I know, barring a step-brother, is Don (old friend). Besides, dallying w/ boys is your unique depravity... I have character aberrations of my own to contend; "singular" not "queer".
Cod the mod: HOMOPHOBE


When will you rubes realize that the oh-so "intelligent" Mark is a posturing, pig-ignorant bigot?

Not to mention a liar, and one of the chief secret censors on this site.

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