Morrissey Central "ELIZABETH ANNE DWYER" (August 8, 2020)

Born Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, in
winter months.



"With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession for the recovery of Elizabeth Anne Dwyer, who is my mother, who is in trouble, and who is the sole reason for all the good and motivational things in my life. I ask particularly my friends in Chile, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Israel and Ireland to offer their prayers for Elizabeth - for she is all I have, and our collective pleas of petition might wake the sleeping gods.
She is me, and without her vahaan koee kal hal … there is no tomorrow. I ask no more of you… for there could be no more to ask."

Steven Patrick Francis Morrissey.

8 August 2020.


Nothing but positive thoughts.

Media items:
To be a proud Catholic you have to go to mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation and it is a grave sin to receive communion in a state of mortal sin which also means confession before communion otherwise I’m afraid it’s the fiery furnace.
I think you'll find most Catholics do not go to confession every time they go to Mass. Many do not even go to Mass, yet still believe and consider their religion as "Catholic". I remember the pope before last saying you don't even need to believe in God to be a "good person" - just be good.

I can guarantee you that Morrissey considers himself a proud Catholic, and any youthful squabbles he had in his mind with the Church are now over. As one matures they begin to see the bigger picture, as it were.
To be a proud Catholic you have to go to mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation and it is a grave sin to receive communion in a state of mortal sin which also means confession before communion otherwise I’m afraid it’s the fiery furnace.
I know exactly what your on about... I was Roman Catholic educated(minus the fingering) it is something that is so entrenched into you as a child , it never leaves you... when you try, the catholic guilt kick in.... honesty it’s a burden upon your life ... I can’t speak for other religions as I’ve no interest in any of them whatsoever... but I did watch a programme some years back about the power of prayers, there was some scientific evidence to prove it did have an effect,
To be a proud Catholic you have to go to mass every Sunday and every Holy Day of Obligation and it is a grave sin to receive communion in a state of mortal sin which also means confession before communion otherwise I’m afraid it’s the fiery furnace.

So if Steve hasn’t been going to church every Sunday does that mean prayers will not be answered or worse still ignored?

🇬🇧 :knife:
Imagine being so self obsessed that it matters to you enough to sully a thread about someone's Mum being close to death.
And what the f*** is with the asterisks?
You are a f***ing self centred twat.

That post was days ago so really you have just done what you are complaining about with your self centred rant and sullied a thread about a dying mum further.
I think you'll find most Catholics do not go to confession every time they go to Mass. Many do not even go to Mass, yet still believe and consider their religion as "Catholic". I remember the pope before last saying you don't even need to believe in God to be a "good person" - just be good.

I can guarantee you that Morrissey considers himself a proud Catholic, and any youthful squabbles he had in his mind with the Church are now over. As one matures they begin to see the bigger picture, as it were.

You didn’t read what I said.

I said it is a grave sin to receive communion in a state of mortal sin hence the need to go to confession before receiving communion IF in the state of mortal sin.

Most catholics wont be going to communion in a state of mortal sin.

Catholics may well not be going to church every Sunday and on holy days of obligation but that is a grave sin and to die in that state would be serious in the eyes of the church. Hence last rites etc.

I am pretty sure no pope has ever said it is ok to not believe in god. Feel free to post a link to that but I would put money on that being fake news.

Catholicism is a practising religion. You can’t just call yourself catholic and not attend the whole basis of its existence which is the Eucharist at mass.

The present Code of Canon Law reads: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass.” The expectation is that the person will attend a complete Mass. A Catholic Catechism quotes the canon and states, “Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.”

People fitting their religion around their life as and when it is convenient or as a quick token upon death isn’t really what is considered to be Catholic.
Catholic yes; proud? You don't have a choice with the first, but the latter depends.

Obviously as mid-century first-generation Irish immigrants, the Dwyers & Morrisseys were deeply rooted in the Catholic faith, but, following the death of Morrissey's Grandfather {Elizabeth Anne Dwyers's father} and his 24 year old Uncle Ernie {Elizabeth Anne Dwyers's younger brother} within 6 weeks of each other in 1965, the family, according to "Autobiography", turned hard away from this faith. Morrissey's Mother had to officially identify both her father's and brother's bodies.

Time and tide can sometimes carry you back to a version of the faith. And in the darkest of times you can find yourself looking for any light you know. Pride usually comes prior to the fall.

So if Steve hasn’t been going to church every Sunday does that mean prayers will not be answered or worse still ignored?

🇬🇧 :knife:

Well it is obviously a matter of personal opinion as to whether prayers play any part in the outcome of an illness regardless of church attendance. The jury is out on that one. But there is the suggestion it may give comfort to someone to think there may be a hopeful way to influence it or deal with it. Masses get said all the time for sick kids and adults but kids still die of cancer etc. It’s a matter of faith. You got it or you not.
Well it is obviously a matter of personal opinion as to whether prayers play any part in the outcome of an illness regardless of church attendance. The jury is out on that one. But there is the suggestion it may give comfort to someone to think there may be a hopeful way to influence it or deal with it. Masses get said all the time for sick kids and adults but kids still die of cancer etc. It’s a matter of faith. You got it or you not.

To a Christian as it is written god created all things and that therefore includes cancer, viruses, diabetes etc and this life is just a stepping stone to the next life.

That a lot of people don’t understand but “god works in mysterious ways”.
í am starting to miss rifke...

She's in this thread
Could you guys shut the f*** up already. This is a get well thread for Morrissey's mother. This is so disrespectful.

Why is it disrespectful? Who is it disrespecting? It isn’t a church. It’s a thread on a website, a website Morrissey hates and am pretty sure his mother doesn’t read.
love to you Moz and your Mum, I'm gutted for you, I lost my Mum just two weeks before lock down , I know what your going through, keep strong x
No. I’m talking Imans, Rabbis and Popes and writers of bible gospels unless of course you know different? All 3 religions state their god is the god of Abraham and Abraham only had one god. Simple deduction really.
I could invent a new religion tomorrow, like Muhammad did in the 7th Century, and CLAIM it was the same God as Jews and Christians, and claim I was the true descendant of Abraham. That doesn’t make it so.
love to you Moz and your Mum, I'm gutted for you, I lost my Mum just two weeks before lock down , I know what your going through, keep strong x

Sorry for your loss. Take Care.

I think you'll find most Catholics do not go to confession every time they go to Mass. Many do not even go to Mass, yet still believe and consider their religion as "Catholic". I remember the pope before last saying you don't even need to believe in God to be a "good person" - just be good.

I can guarantee you that Morrissey considers himself a proud Catholic, and any youthful squabbles he had in his mind with the Church are now over. As one matures they begin to see the bigger picture, as it were.

Amazed you're so keen on a global church.

Perhaps you'll listen to the Pope & become multicultural & ecumenical.
I think you'll find most Catholics do not go to confession every time they go to Mass. Many do not even go to Mass, yet still believe and consider their religion as "Catholic". I remember the pope before last saying you don't even need to believe in God to be a "good person" - just be good.

I can guarantee you that Morrissey considers himself a proud Catholic, and any youthful squabbles he had in his mind with the Church are now over. As one matures they begin to see the bigger picture, as it were.
You know how much one of reel's guarantees is worth.
Thoughts & prayers for Elizabeth, her family & everyone on this thread who has experienced loss or has an unwell loved one.

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