If you Limeys don't like the Royals, as you are always bitching, why don't you do away with them?

Re: Black on the outside.. (no moz)

Ah, I knew it would only be a matter of days until you posted. What went wrong? Everything. We were outplayed by a more motivated team. The Australian defence was brilliant. Everytime our ball went wide out to Howlett or Rocokoko there would be two gold shirts on them straight away. Australia would put the ball into touch and clean us out at line outs. Their shortened lineouts provided more midfield and backs to get to the loose ball. We never changed tactics and instead of going wide, we should have gone up the middle. We never really even got the ball, and when we did we lost it quickly through errors. Mitchell played McDonald at centre, when he's always been a fullback. We don't have a long range kicker and we couldn't hold on to the ball. Mortlock's try was an opportune one, not coming from set play. Over paid tossers. I think we're fast becoming like the England football squad, living on a faded glory of '66 and ''87 for us.

I still firmly believe that we really could have gone on to win the World Cup. In spite of these flaws, we have the best team in the world at present. Although England did bet France, your points came from the boot. If you want to beat Australia you'll need to get your boys over the try line. A report on the radio this morning has rated Jonny Wilkinson the world's best player at present. The other four NZ'ers.

Nobody in the Southern Hemisphere wants the poms to win. We don't like your style, and we hate that swarmy git Clive Woodard. If Australia play a really tight game and don't give away penalties I think they can win. If England do win it'll be interesting to see what influence they will have on the IRB and SANZAR. It would be great to see a English team compete in the Super 12. 12 games of rugby from February to May each each. Teams from NZ, SA and Oz. That's where the real measure will be.

To rub salt into the wounds, at the full time whistle, Gregan looked up at our replacement halfback, and said, "Another four more years boys". Och that's gotta hurt. And what's up with that ginger tosser Prince Harry dressed in a England rugby shirt punching the air triumphantly? Australia and NZ are still part of the commonwealth, the spoilt little brat should be a bit more impartial.

Oh well, at least Wales beat Russia in the football...that cheers me up no end.

Haven't seen Whale Rider, mind you down here we have whales in the harbour most days.
Re: Black on the outside.. (no moz)

> Nobody in the Southern Hemisphere wants the poms to win. We don't like
> your style, and we hate that swarmy git Clive Woodard.

It's odd you should say that.. Woowdward simply wants to be a winner. For the first time for a long while, this is an English coach that has no time for gallant entertinment.. just to win. and that is the measure of success, not how you do it when you look through your Wisdens year book. The style? obvioulsy, the southern H will lampoon anything English at the moment. But its not justified. You should hear that provocative idiot, Campese!!

If Australia play a
> really tight game and don't give away penalties I think they can win. If
> England do win it'll be interesting to see what influence they will have
> on the IRB and SANZAR. It would be great to see a English team compete in
> the Super 12. 12 games of rugby from February to May each each. Teams from
> NZ, SA and Oz. That's where the real measure will be.

That would be interesting.. i wouldn't like to call how an English side or two would fair in the Super 12.. that is high tempo and class rugby.

> To rub salt into the wounds, at the full time whistle, Gregan looked up at
> our replacement halfback, and said, "Another four more years
> boys". Och that's gotta hurt.

Gregan was sledging your lads throughout the game from what I can see.. he's one to get a Hill/Back combination shuffle!

And what's up with that ginger tosser
> Prince Harry dressed in a England rugby shirt punching the air
> triumphantly? Australia and NZ are still part of the commonwealth, the
> spoilt little brat should be a bit more impartial.

Good point.. Don't care for royalty much myself.. They just exist. I have no view. Probably more of a Cromwell man to be honest when I think about it! Still, I wouldn't judge a man for exorcising patriotism? Soon you'll be highlighting Moz in a union jack!

> Oh well, at least Wales beat Russia in the football...that cheers me up no
> end.

Yeah. Come on you Wales.. and Scotland as it goes.. which is something you'll never hear a Scot or a Welshman say about England!

> Haven't seen Whale Rider, mind you down here we have whales in the harbour
> most days.

That's a beautiful image.. would like to see that. Check the film out.. deals with your heritage amongst other things!

How was your European trip? Shame never got the 'lager tops' in!
Re: Black on the outside.. (no moz)

> It's odd you should say that.. Woowdward simply wants to be a winner. For
> the first time for a long while, this is an English coach that has no time
> for gallant entertinment.. just to win. and that is the measure of
> success, not how you do it when you look through your Wisdens year book.
> The style? obvioulsy, the southern H will lampoon anything English at the
> moment. But its not justified. You should hear that provocative idiot,
> Campese!!

Campese has always been a bit of a loud mouth. I've always liked him. How many of us tried to do his goose step run when playing a bit of backyard footy? We just like a good open running game down under. At present England is relying on Jonny Wilkinson. Plus there's now to much emphise on getting drop kicks over. Remember, if your that close to the posts, go for seven points, not three.

> Gregan was sledging your lads throughout the game from what I can see..
> he's one to get a Hill/Back combination shuffle!

A couple of tags across his back in a ruck should shut him up. Eddie Jones has earnt a lot of respect in this country with his very gracious acceptance of winning on Saturday.

> That's a beautiful image.. would like to see that. Check the film out..
> deals with your heritage amongst other things!

You'll have to get that infamous Ruffian team down under one day. During the rugby season of course. I think you'd really like our laidback attitude to life, the beauty of the wide open spaces and of course the rugby and the ale

> How was your European trip? Shame never got the 'lager tops' in!

Wonderful thanks. Spain was great. Art galleries, beer in the afternoon for only 1 Euro, pretty Spainish girls... Shame we couldn't get a lager in, but I did meet up with Tingle at a gig in Islington of all places.
Re: Black on the outside.. (no moz)

> Campese has always been a bit of a loud mouth. I've always liked him. How
> many of us tried to do his goose step run when playing a bit of backyard
> footy? We just like a good open running game down under. At present
> England is relying on Jonny Wilkinson. Plus there's now to much emphise on
> getting drop kicks over. Remember, if your that close to the posts, go for
> seven points, not three.

What it takes is what it takes. Other great teams have won cups and trophies, including Australia and South Africa.. peoples memories get very short and selective. Whatever, you'd give your right nut to be where we are now!

Where is Tingle btw.. was he offended on here and therefore never comes back? Or is he a non posting ghost..

Pretty Spanish Girls sounds dead nice. I may have to visit Barca to have a barrack!

Have a good day ammongst the musty volumes.

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