Morrissey Central: Tommy Robinson Freed - Styxhexenhammer666 YouTube

You're in the room too with us. Even if its just to slam the door (from the inside)!

But seriously, Moz news these days is a farce. I'm currently reading Tony Fletcher's 'A Light That Never Goes Out' and I'm thinking how a future updated version will have final chapters that look like a car crash in slow motion.
The legacy is not being helped by all this Moz drama.

2018 will go down as the year when Moz f***ed himself. There is no way back.
Loving it.

Morrissey is more intelligent and open minded than ever. I'm so proud that he's unafraid to speak out.

Bring back free speech!

Tommy Robinson. National Hero.

We have free speech nothing stopping you making a YouTube video wearing a balaclava and your pj's singing a song of love to Tommy. Fill your boots.
Why’s he doing this? Having your own views and trying to put a personal slant on your own islamascepticism is one thing, but aligning yourself to these sorts of figures is career suicide.

Why's he doing this? Very simple: to piss off c***s like Uncleskinny. Way to go Mozzer!
No, I just don't listen to propaganda like you.

You are aware that Morrissey shared a video from a YouTuber who shares literal propaganda, i.e. information that is biased, misleading and untruthful in nature to persuade people into supporting a cause or political viewpoint.
What the f***ing f***?

There you go. Full Nazi. No denying it.

Enjoy your disgusting racist Nazi mate, all you who are left.

Despite the backlash Moz sticks to his principles. And why wouldn’t he?
The racist-naming and shaming ones might ASK themselves why they want to be on a website dedicated to a racist or they may want to ask David T if he cares to change the name of his site to
If they don’t they are hypocrites, but then we all know they are.

'solo' and 'racist' aren't antonyms.
You're in the room too with us. Even if its just to slam the door (from the inside)!

But seriously, Moz news these days is a farce. I'm currently reading Tony Fletcher's 'A Light That Never Goes Out' and I'm thinking how a future updated version will have final chapters that look like a car crash in slow motion.
The legacy is not being helped by all this Moz drama.
But all this Moz drama is brilliant.

People in the UK are sleepwalking their way to national suicide, and who is speaking out? Nobody but Morrissey. When The Smiths existed there were other problems to discuss and Moz mentioned those things too (and was slagged off at the time for it), but they were on a lesser scale to the emergencies we have today. Here are a few of the outrageous things that are or have happened:

1)The Tories in line with the press are destroying the threat of the Labour party through bullshit accusations of mass anti semitism.
2)Tommy R got locked up for absolutely zero.
3)MP Jo Cox was effectively killed by MI5 (grab a local loner as patsy) to emotionally manipulate voters into remaining in the EU (almost worked).
4) Our security services sent British based jihadis to fight in Libya then shipped them safely back to Blighty when the job was done - all for one of them to blow up 22 people, mainly children, in Manchester Arena...

And people are supposed to stay tight lipped?

The elites running Britain are a joke.

Morrissey is the only famous person with the guts to point out the truth. He should be commended for it - and will be in the future by all.
I think these Morrissey outburtsts will literally kill poor Thewlis. The poor bogger has a meltdown every time he digs another hole.
Why would I have a meltdown? Care to share any reason why you would think so?
I’m the voice of reason.
You may have me confused with some other members here.
Who the f*** is that c***?

I must agree, that’s the biggest c*** I’ve seen in a long time. Why on earth would Morrissey post this asshole’s video on his website? It boggles the mind.

There must be a video by Pat Condell he could have used. So why this c***?
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