observation on those crying Big Brother

  • Thread starter Arse of a pantomime horse
  • Start date

Arse of a pantomime horse

I've noticed that most of the people who are against the password system are the people who never even came here until a few days before or after the password was brought in, I know some of these people crying Big Brother are against the disclaimer that says your details will be passed on to your ISP if you do something wrong but if you think about it the best way to avoid that is to simply Not Do Anything Wrong.

> I've noticed that most of the people who are against the
> password system are the people who never even came here until a
> few days before or after the password was brought in, I know
> some of these people crying Big Brother are against the
> disclaimer that says your details will be passed on to your ISP
> if you do something wrong but if you think about it the best way
> to avoid that is to simply Not Do Anything Wrong.

I agree this new way is nothing to sweat about......only the bigmouths that hide behind a monitor need worry about it.I think the majority of posters here will agree that this is no big deal.
> I've noticed that most of the people who are against the
> password system are the people who never even came here until a
> few days before or after the password was brought in, I know
> some of these people crying Big Brother are against the
> disclaimer that says your details will be passed on to your ISP
> if you do something wrong but if you think about it the best way
> to avoid that is to simply Not Do Anything Wrong.

Define wrong. BTW, I've been coming here for two years, how about you?
Re: observation on those arrogant "know it all's"

Listen up jackass, take those your piss poor observations and opinions and squaddle them out your bleeding asshole you insignificant piece of ratcrap. Your "oh so clever" cat pictures make me want to bludgeon the facking thing into a lifeless hump. Then I shall serve it to you with a cherry on top you stupid pissface. Shut the hell up, no one cares and just kill yourself.

You are as useless as a comatose sminksmank, time to pull the plug you stupid hinghang.

Moz in da houzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Re: crying Big Brother

> I've noticed that most of the people who are against the
> password system are the people who never even came here until a
> few days before or after the password was brought in, the best way
> to avoid that is to simply Not Do Anything Wrong.

That appears pretty perceptive of you Arse but exactly how did you reach that conclusion? I would hazard a guess that the majority of contributors, both before and after the introduction of registration, have used more than one alias.

Doing no wrong is an idealistic concept, everything is open to interpretation. Who decides what's right and what's wrong?

The disclaimer is in place to protect the creators of this board, not you amigo.
Re: observation on those arrogant "know it all's"

You're under 17 aren't you? Yes you are.

> Listen up jackass, take those your piss poor observations and
> opinions and squaddle them out your bleeding asshole you
> insignificant piece of ratcrap. Your "oh so clever"
> cat pictures make me want to bludgeon the facking thing into a
> lifeless hump. Then I shall serve it to you with a cherry on top
> you stupid pissface. Shut the hell up, no one cares and just
> kill yourself.

> You are as useless as a comatose sminksmank, time to pull the
> plug you stupid hinghang.

> Moz in da
> houzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Big Brother?! I thought they were running to David T, and he certainly isn't my brother!
> I've noticed that most of the people who are against the
> password system are the people who never even came here until a
> few days before or after the password was brought in, I know
> some of these people crying Big Brother are against the
> disclaimer that says your details will be passed on to your ISP
> if you do something wrong but if you think about it the best way
> to avoid that is to simply Not Do Anything Wrong.

It's time to move on. Don't waste your time, keep the morrissey posts
coming you'll find your audience.


ps: Calico cats rule!
Re: crying Big Brother

> Doing no wrong is an idealistic concept, everything is open to
> interpretation. Who decides what's right and what's wrong?

Well, stealing someone's name is wrong in my book. How's that for starters?

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