Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

I miss junk food.
When I was a chubby 22 year old I’d come home after a shift and eat a whole tub of ice cream regularly.
Now I'm fit and healthy, I run and I mainly only eat meat and vegetables.
but I do dearly miss sugars and carbohydrates, every time I pass the frozen isle… it never goes away
Are you a sugar addict who simply can't have any sugar or it will trigger your addiction, or do you allow yourself sweets every now and again?

I'm not a sugar addict, as in, I can go without it no problem, but I have always preferred sweet things. I don't like salty or spicy food.
Are you a sugar addict who simply can't have any sugar or it will trigger your addiction, or do you allow yourself sweets every now and again?

I'm not a sugar addict, as in, I can go without it no problem, but I have always preferred sweet things. I don't like salty or spicy food.
No it won’t trigger an addiction, I just choose not to since I got into health and fitness.
I don’t really drink either, I fast and force myself to exercise. Being able to have that kind of self control and discipline makes you feel great all the time instead of the short term gratification of indulging and then feeling rubbish the other 95% of the time.
I’m fully aware I’ll sound like a complete bore who goes on and on about lifestyle changes and ‘mindset’ but I’m somewhat of an anxious person and I when I see self-inflicted illness all around me I worry what would happen to me if I didn’t do these things.
No it won’t trigger an addiction, I just choose not to since I got into health and fitness.
I don’t really drink either, I fast and force myself to exercise. Being able to have that kind of self control and discipline makes you feel great all the time instead of the short term gratification of indulging and then feeling rubbish the other 95% of the time.
I’m fully aware I’ll sound like a complete bore who goes on and on about lifestyle changes and ‘mindset’ but I’m somewhat of an anxious person and I when I see self-inflicted illness all around me I worry what would happen to me if I didn’t do these things.
I fast too, but I'm a rather all or nothing person so I'm either fasting or binging. Moderation is boring!

I'd rather be more ascetic though...I feel amazing on a long fast. I want to do one right now, but I'm applying for this job and I need to focus on that. If I don't get it, it will be a bit of a relief because then I can fast!
I'm not insulting his message - I'm relating the 'it's too late' & 'appreciating the living' to the state that his career is in - which was absolutely made worse by Central's posts & copy.

I'm hoping it's been unwitting & Central will see the light, delete itself & start again under a new name.
Isn't is about time that you saw the light, deleted yourself "&" started all over again under a new name? Again.

Seems a bit overdue.
Well, when the media conjures provoking reframes on what Morrissey says and does, the 12 still-hooked ex-Disciples gleefully celebrate with virtual hate-speech. It's his own fault! He's playing the victim, the narcissist! He's this, that and the other. Not to mention the abuse heaped on stalwart and alert Malarkey for seeing through the fog and trying to get us all to peek through her telescope :cool: 🥽
Do they celebrate? Or do they just acknowledge that Morrissey courts controversy and always has, and that his relationship with the media is a two-way street - like every 'celebrity'? That's not hate speech, it's obvious. He has a love-hate relationship with the press, he feeds them the fodder they print and then he pursues vendettas when really, nobody cares what the Guardian says. Or the tabloids. His place in musical history will not hinge on a hit piece in the Quietus, or even in Dodwell's fluff, it doesn't have that kind of impact.

Marr has never really been a media 'personality' on any level and still isn't, so the comparison falls a bit flat. The media still 'bait' him though, and he caved in too often and played along and that's what led to the letter. Johnny learned his lesson.

And Malarkey is a lying, doxing, unhinged loon.
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Well, when the media conjures provoking reframes on what Morrissey says and does, the 12 still-hooked ex-Disciples gleefully celebrate with virtual hate-speech. It's his own fault! He's playing the victim, the narcissist! He's this, that and the other. Not to mention the abuse heaped on stalwart and alert Malarkey for seeing through the fog and trying to get us all to peek through her telescope :cool: 🥽
Indeed, Nerak seems like the sort of idiot that would use a telescope to try to see through fog.
I haven't lied or doxed @Amy

& I think you're a bad judge of character - at the very least.
Anyone who has seen your cross-posting knows what you are. You might have been well-intentioned once, but your obsession has driven you into unethical waters. I want nothing to do with any of it.
Anyone who has seen your cross-posting knows what you are. You might have been well-intentioned once, but your obsession has driven you into unethical waters. I want nothing to do with any of it.

Oh, go on. Tell me what 'cross post' is so terrible.
Malarkey obsesses over Morrissey, 1985 obsesses over Malarkey. This is a madhouse.
Oh, go on. Tell me what 'cross post' is so terrible.
It doesn't matter which post it is, it's that you've done it at all. And you're on so many platforms, on Twitter and Reddit and God knows where, that nobody could trace what you've done with their content if they tried.

What you're doing is unethical. It can lead to harassment. And it has a ripple effect - the backlash has led to others following suit with the "Nerak Watch" thread. All of it is wrong. All of it exposes other people (including yourself) and makes them visible and vulnerable to an online mob, who are used to hanging people before hearing them out.

Take some responsibility and stop saying things like "I'm just researching" or "It's harmless." You are collecting and repurposing content without consent, you have tried to dox users who argued with you, and then you have stirred up audiences on other platforms against them.
I am just going to say that I think it was hilarious that Ashley had some of the men on this site eating out of her hand in about 3 mins. flat. I think there is probably one person who dislikes her, out of jealousy, and it's not Mimi.
I am just going to say that I think it was hilarious that Ashley had some of the men on this site eating out of her hand in about 3 mins. flat. I think there is probably one person who dislikes her, out of jealousy, and it's not Mimi.
Personally, I like her because she’s not a jaded c*** like most of us. She’s one of the few people here who doesn’t treat everyone like crap. Sure, she’s not exactly ugly, but ultimately she seems to be a good person. I think she reminds most of us of what it was like being a young, still-not-tainted, Morrissey fan. I get the feeling some people here are annoyed by this.

I don’t think anyone here is eating out of her hand or fawning over her. Solo is not the world. Gladly, there is a real world with real people.
Malarkey obsesses over Morrissey, 1985 obsesses over Malarkey. This is a madhouse.
I just want her to leave this site. She’s horribly condescending, ruins every thread by starting the same arguments and is generally quite a dangerous person to have loitering around. How she hasn’t been permanently banned for her data collection and doxing, I do not know.
When she’s gone, I’ll give you the attention you so obviously crave.
I just want her to leave this site. She’s horribly condescending, ruins every thread by starting the same arguments and is generally quite a dangerous person to have loitering around. How she hasn’t been permanently banned for her data collection and doxing, I do not know.
When she’s gone, I’ll give you the attention you so obviously crave.
You should take these issues up with the admins or David. Having to see your vigilante antics in every thread is every bit as annoying as having to witness Karen’s obsession. You come across as a bully and/or a lunatic.

And I honestly want nothing to do with any of you nutters. I just want to speak my mind whenever I feel the need. And that’s what I do. I don’t give a toss if you reply or not. Or anyone else for that matter.
You are the main culprit!
I understand that what I wrote doesn’t fit your narrative, but it is what it is. You and many others here invest a lot of feelings and energy in this site and in each other, but all of us don’t. I just wish more of us behaved like Ashley.
And I honestly want nothing to do with any of you nutters. I just want to speak my mind whenever I feel the need. And that’s what I do. I don’t give a toss if you reply or not. Or anyone else for that matter.
Alright, Gregor, this isn’t
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