Strange/unexpected Moz references?

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Logged for the anecdote more than the items.
I have been wondering about him lately. On one of the many Morrissey cancelation days recently, Alain said something about the live shows he played and how much fun he had and I was wondering if it was jab to Morrissey. This is funny tho and I don't mind if he is taking shots at M.
I do wonder if he will pick things up with his band this year. It was a nice little experiment but will he continue? It seems the opportunities are limited.
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Maybe it's already been mentioned here before but right now, Johnny Marr is appearing on BBC1's Would I lie to you programme.
Think this was recorded last year? BB mentions he's in France recording.
You are absolutely right . It's from 15 february 2023 . Probably posted on YT almost a year after it's premiere .

Ran across this in Tony McCarroll's Oasis: The Truth book (2011) - interesting re: Noel's asserted view of Morrissey:

"Manchester had been hit hard over the previous decade and riots and unrest were commonplace. I suppose 1984 was important to me for another reason, though. This was when I first heard The Smiths. Until then, I guess I had always considered that the music I listened to belonged to another generation. Another time. Suddenly there was a band that not only hailed from Manchester but said something to me about my life. The first album I ever purchased was the Smiths compilation Hatful of Hollow. I hunted it down in a shop on Oldham Road. Sixteen songs for a fiver. Bargain. It sat revolving on the turntable in my mum’s front room for months. It also joined the growing list of credible bands we listened to in Guigs’s bedroom. Bob Marley and New Order had company. The Smiths sang about trivial and mundane things in a unique style somehow made northern and acceptable.
When Noel discovered my fondness for The Smiths, he lambasted me. ‘The f***ing Smiths, you f*****. What’s wrong with you?’ It seemed that although Noel had a passing admiration for the lead guitarist, the lead singer was not to his liking. I guess Morrissey’s irreverent and humorous songwriting was a bit too ‘gay’ or ‘student’ for him. Years later, Noel would cite The Smiths as one of his first musical influences. I certainly don’t remember him showing such reverence at the time."

burlesque coronation street live morrissey new album poster sport strips the smiths
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