The Drivel Thread

Morrissey’ll be singing in Tokyo on the 28th supposedly. I think Smiling Moz will be finished by then. So far he doesn't look like he's smiling, and I don't know if putting the black circles on the background was a good idea, but my main goal with it is to enjoy making it, so we'll see what happens.
A little dog a few doors away keeps yapping incessantly. This happens often. I’m at a distance, so it’s faint. It must be very annoying to live near its door. I helped someone rake leaves today. It was fun. I bought a crow calendar by June Hunter, a local photographer who’s gotten to know her crow neighbors. I did a load of laundry, with the Tide detergent I bought when the grocery store’s shelves were empty of detergent except for Tide and I panicked, thinking it was another covid scare or something making people hoard detergent. It turned out after I made the purchase, that I was told it was because the store had implemented a new inventory system, so I got stuck with a huge jug of Tide. That was months ago, and I find that it cleans my clothes much better than the 7th Generation biodegradable detergent. I have a new bottle of 7th Generation, so when I finish the Tide, it’ll be a matter of giving the biodegradable soap another try, but I don’t know if I can settle for musty smelling clothes when Tide leaves them smelling so clean. I’ll aim to be open minded, because I know that Tide is bad for the water, but smelling clean is compelling. Speaking of smelling, I’ve been noticing that my body has been smelling normal again, after months of smelling foul. I’m pleased. I don’t know why I smelled bad for a while. I went with my usually smelly neighbour to the art show, and he didn’t smell on that occasion, except for when we were in a narrow hallway looking at artwork, and he spoke, and I caught a pungent whiff of rotting teeth. I gave him a business card for the dentist I see who is very good, and he keeps it in his wallet, but it’s been months and he still hasn’t made an appointment. I don’t know what he thinks is going to happen. I told him that rotting teeth can infect his brain, but he shrugged it off.
Now that I've had some time to get to know Whats Up better, I have noticed that I don't like the way the man's hand was drawn. Before I buy any more art, I will pay close attention to it and study it carefully before making a decision on whether to make the purchase or not.
It’s a tad more macho than I’d like, but, I still like it. I don’t know if I’d buy it though, if I could turn back time. I’ll just stick to my first impression of it, as representing innocence and kindness. It’s not like I’ve invited the couple in the flesh into my apartment. The painting won’t reach out and grab me. It’s not the bogeyman. I can maintain my illusion about it and it won’t hurt me to.
I quite like it.
Although it makes me a bit jealous to look at as I haven’t been touched in a while, the girlfriend has been working abroad and I didn't realise how lucky I was.
Although she is back on Saturday and I can’t wait for her to get into the contents of my trousers like in the painting.
I was projecting, on my friend. I made up with her today over a walk with her dog. I had been projecting that she had been trying to use me, when really, she was only venting. I talked to a mental health worker about it earlier today and she made me see sense. She saved my friendship.
Still, eventually her dog will need vet care, and she will have neglected to save money for it, and I will feel that it’s down to me to fork out for the costs, or feel like a heel if I don’t open my wallet.
You think I’m lying
Because you lie so much
You lean on me with all your weight
Because you think I’m alone
You reach for your addictions
Because you’re cynical
You figure that nobody cares
Because you sure don't
You don’t respect me
Because you despise yourself
You drown yourself in booze and smoke
Sugar and complaining
Television and freebies
Ride ‘em cowboy
My lungs have been not so bad for at least ten days now. I notice that the cashiers at my local grocery store keep changing. I never see a familiar cashier there anymore, and it’s not comforting, because I am left guessing that they aren’t treated well or valued if they keep disappearing. I bought my first Morrissey t-shirt this evening. It’s Bona Drag, black. To show it off I’ll have to expose my wrinkly upper arms. I saw pieces of a dead crow on the road today. I bought some supposedly peppermint tea about ten days ago, and tried it for the first time today, and it wasn’t peppermint tea, so I took it back for a refund, and the store manager knows I’m a good customer, so he refunded me no problem, and I got some real peppermint tea, which I have beside me now. I bought tahini to make veggie dip. So far I’ve just been eating it straight out of the jar. No drama today, but I’m expecting those vet bills to show up eventually for my neighbour’s dog, and I am not looking forward to having to feel bad for choosing not to help her financially, or to feel bad for helping her by paying the bill myself. I resent the fact that she has spent her money carelessly and has put me in an uncomfortable position because I feel for her dog as I’ve gotten to know him.
I just remembered that my counsellor suggested that I tell my neighbour that I want her to spare me from hearing about her financial problems, and that we can still go for walks together, without talking about those troubles. That would be awkward, but it’s already awkward.

that is definitely a man who likes a good steak

then she must be disappointed :(:p

In this cohort study among 21 469 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, higher diet quality based on adherence to either a Mediterranean or Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010 diet, which emphasize the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and fish or other sources of long-chain (n-3) fats, as well as avoidance of red and processed meats, was found to be associated with a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction.


These findings suggest that a healthy dietary pattern may play a role in maintaining erectile function in men’

‘Conclusion: In a well characterized national database, we showed that a healthful plant-based diet is associated with less chance of having erectile dysfunction’

Go vegan, dudes ! :p


‘57 per cent vegetarians said they make love three-four times a week as compared to 49 per cent meat-eaters who enjoyed the action between the sheets only one-two times a week. More vegetarians (84 per cent) reported that they were satisfied with their sex lives as compared to non-vegetarians (59 per cent).’
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anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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