TTY: Charles: the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible

Charles: the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible -
15 May 2015


The power elite usually defines an anarchist as a law-breaking radical from the lower orders. Interestingly, the most anarchic and non-cohesive behavior in modern Britain comes from the inner circle of the power elite, those too ennobled to bother about law; the case of Lord Janner, Leon Brittan, Harry Battenberg allegedly killing endangered hen harriers just for fun (predictably no charge brought against him, and so on - you know the drill). This week it was revealed that Charles Battenberg (you are ordered to call him Prince Charles, for he comes from a self-elected monarchy to whom the British people have never consented) has endorsed the 'culling' (meaning 'killing') of badgers, as he commented to Tony Blair:
#VegAnarchy In The UK

I'm not convinced Morrissey wrote that. The style is wrong.

It's the same old blather about the same old topics, but unless he's been to remedial English classes recently it has been ghost written.

Whether or not it's a collaborative effort, it has been proof-read by someone of intermediate skill. Or he's purchased a subscription to Grammarly. Either way, it's all the better for exhibiting restraint. We should expect to see order and logic return to Morrissey's prose ruminations now that he has finally conquered the memetic infestation of Cheesetarianism after more than three decades. His singing voice will also show remarkable improvements as he detoxes in The Garden Of Vegan after his self-inflicted injuries during his Civil Service length career as a 'pop singer' and Poseur-Flaneur-faux-Agitator. Perhaps he will finally find his bollocks and turn up to join us as we attempt to both overtly negotiate with, and covertly frustrate, the Badger Kill-Cult. He would be welcome here in Gloucestershire. His butler had a shop in Cheltenham so he'd have a guide to get him here.

'Mad Farmer's Disease' is excellent. Now he just needs to redeem himself after slighting our porcine friends with 'Life Is A Pigsty'. It's not their fault! Blame it on the Human Disg-Race, not helpless pigs. Whoever proof-read this needs a smack on the arse as they've allowed Morrissey to diss Anarchism by associating it with these Establishment scoundrels. There's nothing 'anarchic' about inherited wealth and privilege going back to 1066. I'm also irritated greatly by the following faux-pas:

"Yet never once a TV commercial for a vegan product! There are over 600 million vegetarians in the world!"

There is absolutely no difference between Corpsetarian Meat Eaters and Cheesetarians, Eggsetarians or Fishetarins. Vegetarians are not the enemy, merely deluded simpletons, as Morrissey has been for the last 33 years. However, the pernicious ideology of 'Vegetarianism' is the single biggest obstacle to animal rights. Notice how Farmer Giles stuffs remnant Torture/Slaughter residues into almost everything in the supermarket. The bits of Feta in the salad roll, the eggs in the noodles. Thus making it almost impossible for newbies to cope with the endless scrutinising of labels. Roll on the arrival of German supermarket chain Veganz so we can just junk all the apps and the squinting at ingredients. I assume this erroneous conflation of Vegan and Vegetarian is some sort of sub-conscious plea bargaining by Morrissey with himself, to avoid issuing a formal 'mea culpa, mea maxima culpa' about his criminal Cheesetarian career of the last three decades. He has no choice. Either now or later, we don't care. He is now our metaphorical prison-bitch-punk and as the Muse song relates, his mind is just a programme and BB's the virus to change the station to improve his threashold and turn him into a VeganSuperDrone who'll, metaphorically, kill on my command. Morrissey is a Droid being repurposed for the coming war. More work is needed to upcycle his software so he becomes one of our VegAnarchist Super Drones.

In other news. Rejoice! Rejoice! "BrummieBoy" has finally manifested in The Shire and is in rehearsals. He will release his first two 45rpm singles when his daughter leaves for University in September 2016. Recordings and secret gigs will take place in Denmark and Iceland in the build up to Mid-Summer 2015. The project is live, it is no longer Posthumous. The previous person who inhabited the meat-puppet, mind-space that is now BB almost died of a broken heart and is in a deep coma till death, allowing BB to take over the mind-body and create a doomsday memetic war machine. 2 singles confirmed:

The first one is called "VegAnarchy In The UK" and it, metaphorically, slaughters both Morrissey and Lydon for #Cheesegate and #ButterAdvertGate respectively. It debunks the entire London-Manchester nonsense vanity project that was 'punk rock' and ridicules the sorry arsed Boomer Rebels who sold out after 76. It ask questions about why Malcolm McClaren and John Lydon both conspired to try and erase the public audit trail of the Sex Pistols gig at Bogart's in Birmingham. And it investigates who was there and who was, in fact, originally scheduled to be the singer with The Sex Pistols until he smelled a rat. And called both Lydon and McClaren's bluff that fateful night. It uses the same Sabbath template which the Pistols appropriated for 'God Save The Queen' and 'Anarchy In The UK'. It samples The Prefects and Felt. It is, quite simply,epochal.

The second single is called "Welcome To The Garden Of VegÉireann" and is about the events of 'Irish' history/herstory, in particular 'The Famine/Hunger' and the 1916 Easter Rising, as seen through the eyes and hearts of the animals who perished on that island, and continue to do so for the pleasure and profit of corporations like McDonalds. It savages Bono and Geldof and denounces them as agents of Neoliberalism In Africa. And it does lots of other things as well! Lots of Enya warped into Aphex Twin. Etc.

Other than those slip-ups on Anarchism and conflating Vegetarian/Vegan , this is an entirely legitimate expression of his trenchant views, expressed with unusual skill and restraint. It is to be hoped that Morrissey continues to make progress in his recovery and finds some graceful way of reconciling himself to the utter failure and bankruptcy of his career over the last few decades. However, he is only in his mid-50s, like "BrummieBoy". In a sense, they're both just starting out. It should be interesting to watch them both over the next few years until one/both of them pop their clogs.

For the record: BB has f***ed closet-case farmers, eaten raw steak and drank raw bovine milk to establish his credentials whilst involved in undercover ops against Farmer Giles Of Glastonbury. "Get orff of my land, BrummieBoy!" He has never killed an animal but had no qualms about eating a dead friend to save a live one. But his days of Active Duty are over as he was outed, probably by someone on this site.....BB has long mused about the possible emergence of an 'Osama For Animals'. The Home Secretary thinks he is that 'terrorist' and his every word and movement is monitored after GCHQ foiled his planned 'spectacular' against the Carnist-Speciesist KKKatholic Pope Ratzinger at his old school at Birmingham Oratory. BB really is a Psycho. Does anyone seriously imagine either Morrissey or Lydon would dare take him on? Or anyone else on this post-apocalyptic planet? If he's prepared to die for the animals, is he likely to bat an eyelid at dispatching the reputations of two 'legends' to the dust-bin of history? No, he won't even blink.

He has also been married to a Cheesetarian crank-fraud since January 1980 and it's the ending of that absurdity that has finally released him for The Stage. He is currently writing a new song this morning which has the working title of 'Married Alive' [Matrimonial Misogomy Mix]. Careful scholars will note that title is purloined from a rancid sub-literate tome *written* by Julie Burchill. In fact, it's a deep love song of Forgiveness and Farewell. We can all be forgiven, including Brides Who Lied Their Way Down The Aisle. And Morrissey. And Charles Battenberg. But first the scales of Justice have to balance. After the public trials conclude...

BB's going to let rip at Gary Yourofsky later today. In the kindest, gentlest way, of course. Just as he did with Morrissey. "Yourofsky! Your ass belongs to me!.....Morrissey!....Show me your War-Face....I'm gonna make you, I'm gonna break you..."


"The Secretary"

[any errors attributable to transcription of dictated message from BB on Glastonbury Tor, preparing for The 2015 Festival War Against The Dairy Devil Evil Eavis Empire]

NB: This is the final communique to this site other than a legal notice which will be displayed to conclude matters.

"Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of persons or single person which does not recognize authority.[1] It originally meant leaderlessness or lawlessness, but in 1840, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his treatise What Is Property? to refer to a new political philosophy, anarchism, which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations."

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Most artists decline over time. It is the nature of growing old. What is your point? Are we all supposed to hate Morrissey now because his writing isn't up to the standard of The Queen Is Dead?

You seem to agree with me. Morrissey, however, disagrees with both of us. He considers every new song and album he releases is better than anything he has ever done before. Ringleader was the best thing he's ever done. So was Refusal. So was World Peace.
Again, nobody in the REAL world makes such a fuss about every tty post than people on this website. After all nobody is forced to read it. As for myself and many others (including Moz), we realize one day that we can't juggle too many balls at once and therefore decide to focus on one issue and of course it will be the one which is the most important to us. In chosing specifically one issue we are condamned to repeat ourselves but that is just something we have to accept along the line. It's unavoidable and in Moz' case people would complain all the same now if his issue of choice would have been the fight against poverty in Africa. Another thing which I can't stand is when everyone throws in the wealth of a famous person in every single argument against them. I think it's a very cheap shot and not needed. Everyone has the right to comment on issues. And I actually find it quite sad that the public often makes it so difficult for famous wealthy people to comment on things and therefore leave them somewhat trapped. If they don't say or do anything it's said they don't care and*can't be bothered BECAUSE they are wealthy. If they say or do something it's said it's easy for them or they wouldn't know BECAUSE they are wealthy. Re: Savile; It's a huge difference between "knowing" in the sense of everyone whispers it and because of that decide for myself that it is the truth and the "knowing" which actually means "evidence" and which is needed to report it to the police. Evidence would be: I have seen it with my own eyes or I know someone who has seen it / I am a victim or I know a victim.

The thing is Morrissey does not just focus on one thing. Granted its mostly meat and the royal. He put his two cents in about everything. Recently he was critical about the fact that australia is in euro-vision. I thought the same when i read the auto-bio. The man carries alot of unnecessary hate. Let some things be

Also Morrissey being wealthy has not been a main critic against, that critque is more for people like Bono. its inconsistencies in his actions
Regarding savile. The question was not if Morrissey knew definatly. The question was: would he have said anything. And yes everybody in showbiz sort of knew about savile. I can't say Morrissey knew because he might not been that high up in ranks

But you are right about one thing. Why do we mind? He is not hurting anyone. It just the fact that many fans invested personally in him and now they are feeling like he is letting them down with the ranting for some bizarre reason. The fact is he owns us nothing he is free to do whatever he wants.
Mainly people just what to rag on him for fun. Not nice. But then again he insults us calling us crashing bores
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You seem to agree with me. Morrissey, however, disagrees with both of us. He considers every new song and album he releases is better than anything he has ever done before. Ringleader was the best thing he's ever done. So was Refusal. So was World Peace.

He has to. who would buy the album besides the hardcore fans if he says its not as good as the rest. It is just like Lana Del Rey. She said that her next album will sound completely diffirent from her last. It sounds exactly the same. Its showbiz, leave your integrity at home.

Plus he might think that he does just get better
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Steven Paddy McMorrissey is a LAZY armchair animal activist.
Follow Brian May he's far more active.


Same post as the other thread. Benny the British Non-butcher is a LAZY forum poster.
Follow anyone else, they're far less mental
He has to. who would buy the album besides the hardcore fans if he says its not as good as the rest. It is just like Lana Del Rey. She said that her next album will sound completely diffirent from her last. It sounds exactly the same. Its showbiz, leave your integrity at home.

Plus he might think that he does just get better

Bowie went from Aladdin Sane to Blue Jean in a decade (before getting even worse) but didn't insult the intelligence of his audience by claiming those barren years were career highs. In fact most artists tend to say how happy they are with their latest work, perfectly valid if true, without the extraordinary claims.

If Morrissey has really convinced himself he is at a yet another creative peak then that doesn't auger well for the future. What is his motivation if The Bullfighter Dies is the acme of his achievement? This is the guy who claimed The Youngest Was The Most Loved should have been number one across the entire universe, and when it wasn't apportioned blame to anyone within striking distance.
Bowie went from Aladdin Sane to Blue Jean in a decade (before getting even worse) but didn't insult the intelligence of his audience by claiming those barren years were career highs. In fact most artists tend to say how happy they are with their latest work, perfectly valid if true, without the extraordinary claims.

If Morrissey has really convinced himself he is at a yet another creative peak then that doesn't auger well for the future. What is his motivation if The Bullfighter Dies is the acme of his achievement? This is the guy who claimed The Youngest Was The Most Loved should have been number one across the entire universe, and when it wasn't apportioned blame to anyone within striking distance.

Barley you have valid points, but i must disagree. Bowie and Morrissey are two diffirent individuals. Bowie has always been an aloof person. Bowie does not care if we understand or like him, in his eyes what do we know? Morrissey has Always been the boy who looks shyly down on his feet and asks ` do you like me`. Bowie can`t be arsed with concerts or us. He does not see us as intellectual equals. Morrissey is different . He needs to be loved and listend to. Just listen to well i wonder and the lines

`do you hear me
When you sleep, I hoarsely cry
Well I wonder, do you see me`

`Please keep me in mind`

His confidence is not that high. Morrissey could quite possibly belive that if someone somewhere dislikes him, They have found out something about him as a person that he wants to hide. Music is all that he is sure of the rest is a shoot in the dark, If he loses the ability to convey his feelings with music he will be over. No wonder he gets so defensive whenever he fails to meet his goals.

That belief in his music has both caused good things and bad things. Morrissey claims he gets just better and better. The critics think ` Oh yeah, we will just see about that` and gving him an unfair amount of scrutiny.

besides that. With Bowie, we are talking personas not music. Bowie could have quite possible clamied that his music got better and not his person. We don`t know

My biggest wonder is why do i even care? I could just listen to the songs i love by Morrissey and skip WPINOYB. I don`t know about you guys but if Morrissey spat in my face and called me a `silly c#nt` i would not care and continue to listen to his music. I never expected for Morrissey and i to like or agree with each others opinions or anything else.

honestly if i knew nothing about Morrissey and he knew nothing about me (which he does not know) and we passed each other in the street, would we even look.
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I think it important to remember also that artists of any kind have different personal contextual influences to there preference to there own work. to him something might be considered the best because of the challenges overcome in making it at all. its hard to know what standars he would be judging them from, his albums
I think it important to remember also that artists of any kind have different personal contextual influences to there preference to there own work. to him something might be considered the best because of the challenges overcome in making it at all. its hard to know what standars he would be judging them from, his albums

Although what Morrissey, means when he says that "its his best work yet" he means it from a quality stand-point i doubt that he takes in consideration the personal or other challenges that may have been a part of the album making process.

But he has the right to defend his music as much as he can, because his music means everything to him and we don't know what he truly feels about his earlier work. He did say he can't stand to hear himself sing with the smiths
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Morrissey would be believable as the shy insecure kind if he didn't constantly make bold public statements. When he does, probably thinking he needs to be provocative to be a true artist, he forgets and diminishes his own legacy. He falls into his worst contradiction - are you a sensitive soul or a charlatan.

The truth is he was far more provocative with his lyrics years ago, the way he captured feelings of thousands of people was unique - sadly I think the charlatan is winning if what we get is comparing a bride with a cow and such.

Not that I think marriage is good, but I think that we have the right to expect a far more elegant, intelligent and disturbing way to convey the message from him.
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The truth is he was far more provocative with his lyrics years ago, the way he captured feelings of thousands of people was unique - sadly I think the charlatan is winning if what we get is comparing a bride with a cow and such.

Not that I think marriage is good, but I think that we have the right to expect a far more elegant, intelligent and disturbing way to convey the message from him.
To expect, but never to demand. Which seems to be the consensius on this forum. Does Morrissey expect/demand us to follow him blindly, hate the royals and the have quiffed hair!

And Morrissey is the shy sensitive sort. The bold statments are just to over compensate. He knows that he can't get really in trouble.
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The truth is he was far more provocative with his lyrics years ago, the way he captured feelings of thousands of people was unique.

This although is spot on, youth has played a part in it too. When you are young you don't know who you are, one is like a blank slate. So when Morrissey was in the Smiths he connected to more people with his lyrics because he was not as specific as he is now. The Smiths lyrics had a beautiful ability to locate and completely strip one feeling to its clean form. Thats why so many people related to him. They all felt the same and they were like him, not sure about what they want or are in life.

Now that Morrissey has grown older. He has also figured out alot about himself and the things the irks him. He has become quite specific, alienated alot of his listeners, that can't identify themselfs in The bullfighter dies and its views, but please please let me get what i want says everything about them.
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I see your point, but I think there is a difference between specific and vulgar. Not just The Smiths, his solo career has memorable lyrics too. A simple line like 'life is nothing much to lose, it's just so lonely here without you' has emotion imho. The spark is occasionally still there, but the majority is silly. It's like he's gone from the hyper-sensitive teenager to a dumb-ass teenager. Which doesn't make me happy at all, quite honestly, because I greatly respect his art and would like to see him acknowledged one day as one of the masters in pop music, not a slightly controversial weirdo.
Yes of course Morrissey solo stuff has been great, at least up til the early 2000s. Morrissey was teenage-like and lost during the ninties too. Bona drag, viva hate, your arsenal, vaxuhall and i, maladjusted and kill uncle and many more have been masterpieces. I see your point to, he has done a 180 these recent years. I started to see it around swords
And yes Julius i agree that he is starting to sully his legacy a bit. But that is in the eyes of those who where not as connected to even the Smiths lyrics and the early stuff. They are mainly the press. But i admit, i can't really connect with his lyrics this recent years and do feel dissapointed in him, he has got rid himself. Which is my fault, what does he own me. But hey who has not looked at his face and said: " if those eyebrows, that voice, those melodies and his lyrics wasn't made for me, i don't know what's for me anymore'

Hey i wanted Morrissey to be declared a saint by the catholic church
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Yes of course Morrissey solo stuff has been great, at least up til the early 2000s. Morrissey was teenage-like and lost during the ninties too. Bond drag, viva hate, your arsenal, vaxuhall and i, maladjusted and kill uncle and many more have been masterpieces. I see your point to, he has done a 180 these recent years. I started to see it around swords
And yes Julius i agree that he is starting to sully his legacy a bit. But that is in the eyes oF those who where not as connected to even the Smiths lyrics and the early stuff. They are mainly the press. But i admit, i can't really connect with his lyrics this recent years and do feel dissapointed in him, he has got rid himself. Which is my fault, what does he own me

Hey i wanted Morrissey to be declared a saint by the catholic church

I love ROTT and WPINOYB. This is all your opinion you are stating as fact because your beloved Morrissey aged past 35.
If he would just stop suffering for not being a mega-star, accept most people will not appreciate his art (and progressively less so in this world), seclude himself and work on crafting songs like only he can, then we could get him back.

If, conversely, he insists in blaming everyone for lack of widespread success in a sort of world conspiracy, dumbing down his message to reach the masses and making suboptimal musical choices, then he is both destroying his career and doing no favour to the human race - he should know how desperately in need of true talent and vision we all are. His brain and perception are such a gift, he should take responsibility accordingly.
If he would just stop suffering for not being a mega-star, accept most people will not appreciate his art (and progressively less so in this world), seclude himself and work on crafting songs like only he can, then we could get him back.

If, conversely, he insists in blaming everyone for lack of widespread success in a sort of world conspiracy, dumbing down his message to reach the masses and making suboptimal musical choices, then he is both destroying his career and doing no favour to the human race - he should know how desperately in need of true talent and vision we all are. His brain and perception are such a gift, he should take responsibility accordingly.

That screamed WPINOYB. I can`t argue with you on this post. Spot on :thumb:

- - - Updated - - -

I love ROTT and WPINOYB. This is all your opinion you are stating as fact because your beloved Morrissey aged past 35.

fabulous then! enjoy. But I did not and its not because he has aged!
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I'm not convinced Morrissey wrote that. The style is wrong.

It's the same old blather about the same old topics, but unless he's been to remedial English classes recently it has been ghost written.

Oh Johnny, you know Morrissey's "style" of writing, do you? You're so obsessive and jealous of Morrissey, will you ever recover? I doubt it. Do tell us, what toilet paper does Morrissey use? Barleycock, you are so very boring and fit in very well here at Solow. Please never leave. I'll be back in 6 months and I'll still find you here spewing the same ole bile - and yet you complain... Serenity now!
The thing is Morrissey does not just focus on one thing. Granted its mostly meat and the royal. He put his two cents in about everything. ...


... Not nice. But then again he insults us calling us crashing bores

:rofl: :rofl:

you're soo... :love:
:rofl: :rofl:

you're soo... :love:

Danke My dear :sweet:

BTW i gave Gallagher another chance. I must say he is more complexed than i thought, we are quite similar in the way act and are. Realized that after watching an interview he gave. Thats must be the reason i dislike him :rofl: i swear i if i and gallagher where in a room together...... Half and hour later we would have been picking pieces of each others jugular out of our teeth. :rofl:
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