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  1. bikubesong

    Robert Downey, Jr. Is the Hotness

    saw IronMan2 yesterday... miaowwww :D :)
  2. bikubesong

    What's Everyone Reading At The Moment?

    I'm reading the twilight serie at the moment. It's boring as hell, but at least, it gets your thoughts in anothr direction for a while :rolleyes:
  3. bikubesong

    What's Everyone Reading At The Moment?

    do you reccomend it?
  4. bikubesong

    Song title game

    My Humps- BEP
  5. bikubesong

    Get Knitting!

    Thank you very much :-)
  6. bikubesong

    Were you popular at school?

    Im so sorry.. I love that movie :o
  7. bikubesong

    Get Knitting!

    I dunno how to knit, but I do crocheting:thumb: I even made my son's baptisman dress.. Now i've started a star shaped blanket, but I have very little time with a 1 month old baby so.. well, i cant see any progress :p
  8. bikubesong

    Am I Gonna Die?

    Sweeties :) I really hope so!
  9. bikubesong

    Am I Gonna Die?

    Well, last week I took the vaccine against "the new flu".. + I'm pregnant. What's gonna happen? This is a poll:thumb:
  10. bikubesong

    What did make you smile today?

    Im still waiting for that to happen... erm.. been pretty grumpy all day
  11. bikubesong

    Hard times in the porn industry

    damn... i was thinking about getting a job there :(
  12. bikubesong

    Are YOU keeping a diary?

    My diary used to be like this; "Days with nothing in particular happening: 901. Today I went to school, politics class was so boring. Maybe Im going out next weekend. At least Im getting drunk. Probably alone. Im having a cup of tea now."
  13. bikubesong

    Are YOU keeping a diary?

    hahah yes! :p
  14. bikubesong

    Are YOU keeping a diary?

    hahaha, yup.. You can follow your weight, so Im gonna do that as I have had trouble with food since I got pregnant;)
  15. bikubesong

    Are YOU keeping a diary?

    I sometimes write, and now I felt like writing, but my old home made diary I have left with my parents :o So I thought I had to start writing another diary, and downloaded Smartdiary: I have to say... I love this...
  16. bikubesong

    Drunken man shocks Spain with his generosity

    I drank too much and i said too much and there's nowhere to go but down...:( :p Great story :D
  17. bikubesong

    My grand daughter's first Morrissey T-shirt!

    I sooooooooo want one of those!!! :eek:
  18. bikubesong

    Films you just don't get.

    Pulp Fiction. :
  19. bikubesong


    haha ok;) have a good siesta
  20. bikubesong


    Sounds like my ex :D Aw.. My friends are quite boring.. they're like putting out 50 pictures from each party they've been to:crazy: And they appearantly go out every weekend so... I prefer solo!:thumb:
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