a movie for Moz fans everywhere!



so how many of you are going to be lining up to see the movie "the 40 year old virgin" this summer?
this isn't about gender. it's about the human condition

just kidding. i forgot that some of you might confuse it with an NC17 romp!

male, so that means the story is rated G.
Re: this isn't about gender. it's about the human condition

> just kidding. i forgot that some of you might confuse it with an NC17
> romp!

> male, so that means the story is rated G.
Suzanne, I've read about this movie- a 40yr old male virgin falls in love with a woman who has given up sex- is this the one?
> so how many of you are going to be lining up to see the movie "the 40
> year old virgin" this summer?

Never had sex with a man nor a woman????

40-year-old Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has done quite a few things in his life. He's got a cushy job stamping invoices at an electronics superstore, a nice apartment with a proud collection of action figures and comic books, good friends, a nice attitude. But there's just one little thing he hasn't quite gotten around to doing yet--something most people have done by his age. Andy's never, ever, ever had sex. His friends at the store consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three. Andy's friends are psyched by the possibility that "it" may finally happen...until they hear that Andy and Trish have begun their relationship based on a mutual no-sex policy.
Release Date: August 19th, 2005 (wide).

I can't really buy this premise, unless he is severely handicapped, extremely ugly, confused about his sexual orientation, or has a very low level of testosterone.
how funny, there's a first, suzanne made me spit my red wine over my laptop, i don't like to spit!
> Never had sex with a man nor a woman????

> Comedy
> 40-year-old Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has done quite a few things in his
> life. He's got a cushy job stamping invoices at an electronics superstore,
> a nice apartment with a proud collection of action figures and comic
> books, good friends, a nice attitude. But there's just one little thing he
> hasn't quite gotten around to doing yet--something most people have done
> by his age. Andy's never, ever, ever had sex. His friends at the store
> consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until
> he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three. Andy's
> friends are psyched by the possibility that "it" may finally
> happen...until they hear that Andy and Trish have begun their relationship
> based on a mutual no-sex policy.
> Release Date: August 19th, 2005 (wide).

> I can't really buy this premise, unless he is severely handicapped,
> extremely ugly, confused about his sexual orientation, or has a very low
> level of testosterone.
I've seen the actor; he's not nerdy, just needy. But the *action figures* trouble me somehow. I'm definitely going to see it!
> I've seen the actor; he's not nerdy, just needy. But the *action figures*
> trouble me somehow. I'm definitely going to see it!

Yeah, action figures??? Hmmmm! I'll probably go see it or catch it on DVD. I want to see "Bewitched" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," this summer. Also, I might go see "Batman... " just to see Christian Bale -- yummy!
> Yeah, action figures??? Hmmmm! I'll probably go see it or catch it on DVD.
> I want to see "Bewitched" and "Charlie and the Chocolate
> Factory," this summer. Also, I might go see "Batman... "
> just to see Christian Bale -- yummy!

be sure to catch the Herbie the lovebug movie remake while you're at it.
That's no joke

speaking of which for a while there I was afraid Mindy would end up dead or something and then have a lifetime movie made about her.
> be sure to catch the Herbie the lovebug movie remake while you're at it.

Do you need an attitude adjustment?

What is your glitch?

That is from the movie Reality Bites, btw. Ah hahahahaha.
he's on the dvd, in the very end bit, he runs to avoid the cameras, with david tseng, it's too funny
in fact i'l compose a video clip when i can be arsed,, stay tooned
OK thanks, I look forward to it! Maybe you should post a link on MorrisseyMusic.com as well.
i can honestly say i never frequent that TOILET! has he been a pest?
> Yeah, action figures??? Hmmmm! I'll probably go see it or catch it on DVD.
> I want to see "Bewitched" and "Charlie and the Chocolate
> Factory," this summer. Also, I might go see "Batman... "
> just to see Christian Bale -- yummy!
I want to see "Bewitched" and "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" too, this summer! Oh my oh my get the new edition of "Entertainment Weekly" - it's got the scrumptious Mr. Bale on the cover, in his Batsuit!
I do not think that I will be seeing this film...

> so how many of you are going to be lining up to see the movie "the 40
> year old virgin" this summer?

It is too close to home and to near the bone...

On the other hand, what I would not have given to have seen the performance by Renee Fleming mentioned in your journal, Suzanne.

I am always playing her album "Bel Canto."

Ah! non credea mirarti
Si presto estinto, o fiore;
passasti al par d'amore,
Che un giorno sol duro.
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