Anne Heche's 'Call Me Crazy'

Well! There's not a lot i can say really:eek:

"I stood at the top of the staircase. It was old, more than a hundred years , I was told when we moved there. It was white, I remember, and the railing unsturdy even for a child of six to hold on to. But I didn't hold. I stood, always in a white summery nightgown that had been passed down by my sister or cousin, and was probably hand-sewn with a ruffle at the bottom.
My breath was silent as I inhaled, closed my eyes, held out my arms and leapt. I landed on the stair beneath the top, but I landed on my toes. I had floated, from one step to another. But I wasn't satisfied. I marched up that one step to the top and began again.

A breath, eyes closed, arms out and… go. Three steps down this time. No trouble, no pain. Sweet. Bliss. A loss of my tiny body held up by the air as I floated. I asked myself if it could be real, if it were true. Was this really happening to me? I climbed three steps back to the top and decided to dive in.

My breath was stronger on the inhale, my eyes closed tighter with the agony of this needing to be true, my arms powerful in their angelic pose, up and out to the sides. And then I leapt. With all my might. Up, up, and away. Weightless. Free abandon. It wasn't that long of a ride, but long enough. As I felt the landing at the bottom coming toward me, I easily touched down. Toe by toe until I was on solid ground again. Would anyone actually believe that I could fly? "
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