David Moss (son of Joe Moss) / Twitter mentions Morrissey and archival Smiths data

Read the full set of tweets at time of posting:
40 years since #TheSmiths exploded, I think it's about time Joe Moss had his right of reply to Morrissey's damning claims. After my Dad died, I found some words written about him on Morrissey fan sites, a portion of these fans were dissing him, calling him names
That's hard to read, people dissing your dead parent, people who don't know him, people following the lead from Morrissey, who barely knew him, but decided to immortalise him anyway by writing negatively about him, so casting my Dad that way in the eyes of the Morrissey faithful
Pretty nasty stuff, and we've never replied to it, but the gist was, among other things, that Joe Moss wanted to replace Morrissey in the Smiths. This does seem ludicrous and paranoid, but what if it were true? why would he want to get rid of Morrissey?
what could Morrissey have done that warranted his replacement? Surely there were reasons, I'd love to know what Morrissey thinks about this? #TheSmiths #Morrissey
In a twist of fate, it turns out that there are two lines of Morrisseys in our family genealogy, the Grandchildren of Joe Moss are Morrisseys down 2 grandparent lines, so is this an ancient Tipperary quarrel? I'd love to know what he thinks about this? See, when Johnny, Andy...
and Mike were living together in my Dad's house in. Heaton Chapel, Morrissey was distant, oft found on the other side of town, Altrincham and Sale way, pursuing his interests, driving in his car, hanging out with a guy who I met later on, who was the same age as me at the time
so i never got to know him, my Dad didn't want me to get to know him at the time, he told me not to get too close to Morrissey, i was a bit shocked, i wanted to get close, but i heeded his words, which is sad as I was/am a massive fan. Now I'd just love to find out why SM wrote
what he did about my dad without any evidence, damning someone on a whim without anything to back it up. I have my evidence as to why, potentially, there may have been some issues around Morrissey's character, but it would be cruel to dump them without some balance and context?
but of course Morrissey did this to my Dad, damned him, and when he died, strangers insulted him, spitting on his grave for Morrissey, who daren't come close. What was it Morrissey? You're a pale man and paling still, the least my father deserves is a right of reply
It's true that my Dad was heartbroken when he left the Smiths fold, I don't blame Morrissey, or anyone else, for that, that was his own doing, but as I said, reading insults from people who didn't know him, insults bequeathed by Morrissey, who barely knew him, is really hard!
he certainly wasn't a saint, but he was an angel to the Smiths for a time, Morrissey knows and should be grateful, he wrote endless gratitude to Joe and Janet once upon a time, but then pissed on that sentiment by writing poisonous lines, creating a negative image of Joe Moss
Thankfully Johnny did the Joe Moss hagiography, for balance, for justice, so we get the 2 sides, the angelic Joe that Johnny knew or the demonic Joe that Morrissey barely knew. I think if you write about people who aren't yourself or your family, you're cursing yourself too
i mean, the curse can also be a charm, words are so powerful that way, what I mean is, if you choose to damn someone in prose, immortalise them in a text you claim to be definitive, you're also cursing them and so invoking a curse against yourself. Be charming!
I'm an archive and archivist, I have so much data about The Smiths, and also the physical evidence that my Dad, also an archive and an archivist, left to us. He left me with many insights and quotes, opinions and moods, but I'd never just drop something without consideration...
there has to be a connection to the universe. I could quote my father on The Smiths, and Morrissey, but I'd have to fit that into an exploded drawing of everything, give it life and meaning, and be sure to write with love uppermost, so I'd never do what Morrissey did to my Dad...
and this tweet thread is a part of that exploded drawing
I saw and heard what Joe Moss brought to The Smiths, have you seen early photos? The Smiths visual style evolved through my Dad who was all about style, who had clothes shops and a factory, who walked around Paris getting style ideas from the Parisian youth..
he was influenced by preppy fashion, 50s teen fashions, Beatnik style, the French New Wave, the situationists, Warhol and the Factory, but more than the knowhow was the ability to dress, and to dress others
his record collection was full of the roots of the sounds that inspired the Smiths, once they had access to that collection, the sound became historic
he bankrolled them too, we have all the receipts, even the bill for the daffodils so many artefacts, a lovely letter from Morrissey's mum to my Dad, thanking him for all he'd done for her son. He wasn't rich, things were sold off, policies cashed in, favours bartered...
and The Smiths happened.

Related item:
What age is David Moss? He says he was about the same as the boy/lad/young man Morrissey was running around with at the time (probably James Maker, but maybe not).
Was wondering the same thing. What was he trying to suggest?
Sounds faintly ominous (as does 'pursuing his interests', like he might spend his weekends mugging old ladies) but I wouldn't put much thought into it. Morrissey couldn't drive until the early 90s. I've read many stories about Johnny's teenage years and his renting a room in Shelley Rhodes' house etc etc, but I've never heard of 3 Smiths all living together in Heaton Chapel. This stuff is third-hand at best.
I don't think there's much more to the dislike Moss had for Morrissey than other people in the Manchester scene had around that time. Morrissey was seen as aloof, selfish and demanding by some people, not making a judgement if he was or not, but i get why a protective dad might not want his son to get too drawn in by a figure like Moz.

I doubt he had any issue with him on an artistic level or as the frontman for Marr, he knew talent when he saw it.
The whole message seems vaguely threatening to me.
Though, from what Amy said, it seems he doesn't have his info all that right to begin with.
Indeed. All I got from reading 'Autobiography' was more confirmation of Morrissey's obsessive jealousy and paranoia towards anyone (other than him) getting close to Johnny, and it clearly affecting his judgement at several points. Other than the most die-hard sycophants, I expect most fans would take Morrissey's words with a healthy pinch of salt, and accept he's a very unreliable narrator.

That said, going on a rambling Twitter rants doesn't do anyone any good, but a lot of us have done it, and if someone is hurting over their father's reputation it's at least somewhat understandable.
So reading that book just gave you more reasons to cast judgement and pile on someone you don't know while siding with others you also don't know? You might be an unreliable reader.

It's funny how fans of his music take his lyrics to heart but when those words are unaccompanied by music they're somehow "unreliable"?
Nile Marr, and now this loser use their fathers' connection to Morrissey to get attention, it's pathetic. Seems there are some threats there too. As much as Moz bugs me sometimes, I see how he could get jaded with people like this going on about him all the time.
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For what it’s worth, I met Joe Moss in Manchester’s Night and Day a couple of times. I spoke at length once. I felt he was a man to be trusted.
"Behind my back, Joe Moss has coerced Johnny, Andy and Mike into axing the singer, and Joe carts all three buffos off to a legal firm in order to sharpen the blade against the Morrissey monolith."

I mean, it's paranoid verging on madness, it says more about M than Joe Moss.
BUT if you read the drunken scrawl that Joe's son just posted he doesn't outright deny it either.
If anything he seems to support it!
Agreed, while snarkily implying that Morrissey was busy cruising around with a mysterious boyfriend. It's all rather strange.
There were a hell of a lot of lies in Ms auto for sure. I thought this was M being paranoid as normal.
I still think that. I don't think David is saying Joe wanted M out .
I think he is saying why would M feel Joe didn't like him why would M feel like joe wanted him out .
Then he goes on to leave some heavy digs "interests"
M's friend being the same age as David , which would make him a teen, at the time I'm guessing ? How old is David ?

The bit about M driving his car is true , it was without a license as well . I don't think he was a peado though if that's what he's getting at.
I don't think M really sang anything PRO peado either .
Also the comment about "normalising male relationships " and naked people on the men , would hardly be reason to kick someone out of a band unless you are homophobic and Joe wasn't . Shit Gay was all the rage at the time Frankie , Boy George .
It was never a secret what M liked . I think David is suffering, missing his dad. He needs to watch himself
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