First day chart positions for WPINOYB single - TTY


Hey Emil I can't leave a message on your wall but if you appreciate stand-up my friend is doing a gig in Stockholm on Tuesday at this festival. It's his first time in Europe. His name is Josh Gondelman. Usually you'll get to see five or six different comedians in a set so it's worth a night out. :thumb:

You could've sent me a pm. Anyway, I live in Gothenburg and it's 4 hours by train to Stockholm so I think I'll pass. But thanks for the tip.
You could've sent me a pm. Anyway, I live in Gothenburg and it's 4 hours by train to Stockholm so I think I'll pass. But thanks for the tip.

Okay lets delete these then. :D Oh nevermind you can't delete on the mainpage.
is there a 7" for thesingle released?
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