I stole and I lied and why because you asked me to

Yep I took your advice and found a dictionary :rolleyes:

Bless you, must be hard not living in the real world were people can actually string sentences together rather than just chip shop orders.....

Yeah...chip shop orders. I guess it beats the court orders you receive!!! and you have a nerve to call people who shoplift???

why do I even converse with you?, you mutant!
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Stole paint from a paint factory when I was 5-6, was chased across a dual carriage way by security with a pot under each arm along with my friend who's idea it was, when we reached the other side we just dumped it against a tree and carried on running.

Around the same time I stole an electric milk float that was on its rounds, I only got up the road in it before I drove into a curb.

Both of those things are nice and far back and I was young so you can't do me for it.
It especially bugs me to hear about people stealing from used book stores. Those stores tend to struggle to stay in business, especially in this day of Amazon. And they tend to be run by very, very nice people. And it's not like the books are even expensive at those used book stores. Jesus! You're practically getting them for free if you pay what they ask! I've found some very valuable hardcovers at those sorts of stores for peanuts.

I pick books up in used book shops and place a tiny amount of poo between each of the pages and place them back, then call the owner a wanker on the way out, while my pockets are full of rare and valuable hardbacks.

I pick books up in used book shops and place a tiny amount of poo between each of the pages and place them back, then call the owner a wanker on the way out, while my pockets are full of rare and valuable hardbacks.


it angers me because my deal is licking each page of books i find in used book stores.

thanks for making me lick poo. f***.
I pick books up in used book shops and place a tiny amount of poo between each of the pages and place them back, then call the owner a wanker on the way out, while my pockets are full of rare and valuable hardbacks.


So, does this mean you carry around poo in your pocket a lot?
You're an active shoplifter of makeup from the drugstore? Sad.....

Most girls should chill out on all their makeup to begin with. No need to be so addicted to it that you STEAL it.

I find this thread kinda shocking. So many immoral thieves on SoLow.

Have I ever stolen? I can only think of four instances in my whole life when I stole, and I regret each one.

I couldn't live with myself if I were a thief.

Some people have morals and some people don't, I guess.

I'm not addicted to it, I just think its overpriced. and its not like you can really "try on" makeup to see if it looks right. sometimes I get something and its not as "long lasting" as they say on the commercial and I'm glad I didnt pay 8.99 for it.

I've also stolen Little Debbie snack cakes
When my bf's parents were in the same situation (starving with literally no money), they used to go to pizza places, order pizza, then grab it and run out without paying.

haha wow. I wouldve never had the guts to try that
Pennie bubblegums from the corner store when I was about 6 or 7.:(
I take drinks from stores and "forget" to pay for them on special occasions.

also, I think items that cost less than a dollar should be free. legally, I cannot abide by this self created law but whatevz.
collecting information dave = mentally ill dave = the greatest dave coming unhinged dave's a tax cheat douching for cleanliness nrith has a crush on dave pipe down theo. pope theo
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