Jack Lowden pictured as Morrissey

oh my... oh no.... no, no, no... i just... ugh... i just, i cant... just no. a BIG no. i mean, they might as well have just picked anyone at this rate. i mean, there is just no trace of any majestic indomitably coiffed kittenish sensitive-eyed rugged-browed ubermensch in this fusty-smelling and inconsequential looking lad
Same! i wonder why there hasn't been a smiths biopic yet? :confused:

Might be to expensive to license the music and the story is so contested they'd piss off some group of fans which could either work in There favor of just keep everyone away. Wonder if they'll ever make a mare story. Could start post Smith's just for a lark or they could do a Smith's story with alternating versions, blue being mozs and yellow being marrs (not a joke o. Sadness cowardice but rather a reference to a fun Swedish movie that did the same). Then of course will be the inevitable Alain movie and the film version of that guy who once roadied for the Smiths that week. Straight to floopy disk. Sorry I'm getting g crried away and It's late here
Sam Swann should have been chosen to play young Morrissey. At least there is the physiological resemblance and judging from his performance in Mr. Selfridge, he is not a bad actor either. Too late now. Oh well.
I can see abit of Morrissey in him. not a bad choice.

I don't see to much myself but he could pull it off with the mannerisms. I think what's really gonna be the selling point is the voice and how he speaks enunciates
What is this film based on? The bits of information about Morrissey's pre-Smiths' years from his Autobio? Did he collaborated with the screenwriters? We don't really know much about his family life during his growing up. I wonder how authentic this film is going to be.
He's not collaborate from what I know but yes probably auto. Hes also talked quite a bit in Interviews as to what growing up in Manchester durring that time was like and I imagine that any family members that appear will just bea Few seconds of screen time and that his will focus more on the time he spent with friends like linder Baker etc. And his time socializing at shows with perhaps some of his time spent reviewing or writing about music. Might talk about the nose bleeds and will obviously show him at the pistols meeting marr. Might even show him at work heaven forbid
That would be a treat! :yum: Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to seeing it.
england is mine movie
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