Johnny Marr supports Morrissey over Kimmel / Duck Dynasty squabble

Dalfan sends the link:

Interview: Johnny Marr On ‘The Messenger,’ Morrissey & Writing For Teenagers -


As most know, the early part of Marr’s career was spent accompanying Morrissey’s signature vocals with equally iconic guitar lines. These days, however, the two have been known to trade barbs. Despite this, Marr seemed to have Moz’s back when asked what he thought of his former bandmate’s recent drama with Jimmy Kimmel. The ardently anti-meat Moz canceled his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! earlier this month because he would have been appearing alongside guests from the hunting reality show Duck Dynasty. Moz told Kimmel he’d appear if he ditched Duck Dynasty, a demand Marr – himself a vegan – told us sounded “reasonable.”
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Another couple of songs like People Are The Same Everywhere and he'll probably be playing your front room.

You say that like it's a bad thing! He's less likely to get pneumonia or acido in my front room. Plus all the tea and biscuits he could handle (I only drink PG Tips, hope he's cool with that otherwise I'll have to run to the Krogers for Typhoo or something). 2 years of consulting my fellow Britcom-watching online pals and I can actually make tea properly.
He can still sell out larger venues on the greatest hits circuit, but for some reason his management books him into one horse towns when he is simply too unwell currently to cope with the travel and tedium. For the good of his health he should take time off and perhaps every eighteen months look to play the larger venues in London, Manchester, New York, LA, Paris, Berlin and so on. In between times he could... gasp... write songs.

you often make some good points here but in terms of the venues Morrissey plays, he is playing the same kind of venues he has played through his career. In the Uk the venue sizes have been around 2000-4000, with the very occasional foray into arenas. Even when he was playing in arenas he was playing the likes of Bridlington Spa Paisley Town Hall etc.

The only reason Morrissey plays "one horse towns" is because he WANTS to....and anyone who attended Hartlepool 1999, Whitehaven 2006, Motherwell 95 etc will know why...they tend to be the best gigs
You say that like it's a bad thing! He's less likely to get pneumonia or acido in my front room. Plus all the tea and biscuits he could handle (I only drink PG Tips, hope he's cool with that otherwise I'll have to run to the Krogers for Typhoo or something). 2 years of consulting my fellow Britcom-watching online pals and I can actually make tea properly.

Same here, He can sing in my living room anytime! And then I'll make him a nice vegetarian dinner. :)
that's it, a 1 or 2 word response? :(
I would have liked more than that :straightface:
still, I guess its better than him saying nothing :thumb:

ps: as much as some might want the Smiths to do a reunion tour, I just don't see it ever happening
but one can always dream :rolleyes:
You miss the point. The reason a Smiths reunion fills me and others with dread is simple. They were pristine. Perfect. Like no other band in history. Those of us who saw them, who waited in a queue for the record shop to open for every single, every 12", every album, don't want a bunch of foreigners who weren't there pissing all over that legacy.

You've ruined Morrissey. Why not stick with that?

There. I've said it. I feel better.

Glad you feel better, now bark off.
And this after hearing from experts on this very thread saying how much Morrissey loves playing the Dog & Duck, Topeka? Please spare me.

Unless you missed out on the last three decades of his career, and I have little doubt most of it passed you by, he is unmanageable. It is there for anyone who isn't a blind arriviste sycophant to see. It is his major failing as an artist. I'm surprised you haven't noticed.

Now, you would imagine that anyone with half a brain might see that less work in front of more people might be good for the old sod, freeing his time to get in the rehearsal rooms and put some new stuff together, whereas you seem to prefer jumping in the sharabang and driving nineteen hours across four states to scream at him to "play Roy's Keen!" in front of five hundred people.

I've been wondering for a while why there seems to be a disconnect between Morrissey fans across the world and those in the UK. I've particularly enjoyed arguing with a twelve year old Swede who agreed with Morrissey that the Queen should immediately remove her tanks from the streets of Dublin, or the Balkan fruitcake who accused me at length of being a Serb for saying ROTT is not a masterwork. Maybe Morrissey's schtick is new over there, while mysanthropic navel gazing has a long tradition in British popular music.

It does seem that he gets more shit from this side of the Atlantic. I wonder if it is because it's an old act over here, plus his increasingly ludicrous statements, of course. Perhaps we are a lot more cynical. Perhaps we see it for what it is, flim flam.

That said, I do love being lectured by American Morrissey fans, a significant number of whom seem to think the Smiths are the family down the road. Most entertaining. Perhaps one of the highlights of a Smiths reunion tour in the US might be the "Bring back Jesse!" signs.

You claim to know who Morrissey is but in reality, you dont know anything. You're just spewing shit for the sake of bitching. Geniuses are known to be unmanageable. That's just the way it is. And yes, I've been around the last three decades of his career. I've followed him throughout. Your posts are becoming increasingly erratic and bazaar.
You claim to know who Morrissey is but in reality, you dont know anything. You're just spewing shit for the sake of bitching. Geniuses are known to be unmanageable. That's just the way it is. And yes, I've been around the last three decades of his career. I've followed him throughout. Your posts are becoming increasingly erratic and bazaar.


you often make some good points here but in terms of the venues Morrissey plays, he is playing the same kind of venues he has played through his career. In the Uk the venue sizes have been around 2000-4000, with the very occasional foray into arenas. Even when he was playing in arenas he was playing the likes of Bridlington Spa Paisley Town Hall etc.

The only reason Morrissey plays "one horse towns" is because he WANTS to....and anyone who attended Hartlepool 1999, Whitehaven 2006, Motherwell 95 etc will know why...they tend to be the best gigs

Right! In this case, size dosen't matter!

Whats up with that picture?!:straightface:
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You're from Jersey? I'm from Jersey! What exit? What exit? 8- Turnpike, 139 Parkway...just in case you thought I was taking the mickey! Welcome...and get'cherself registered, why don'cha? All right...tawk amongst yerselves!

I'm exit zero on the parkway, the southernmost tip of Jersey. I've been coming here for about ten years, but I never bothered to register; I suppose I was a bit afraid of getting sucked into some of the drama. Nice to know another mozaphile is lurking close by; contact me if you are ever headed toward Cape May.
And this after hearing from experts on this very thread saying how much Morrissey loves playing the Dog & Duck, Topeka? Please spare me.

Unless you missed out on the last three decades of his career, and I have little doubt most of it passed you by, he is unmanageable. It is there for anyone who isn't a blind arriviste sycophant to see. It is his major failing as an artist. I'm surprised you haven't noticed.

Now, you would imagine that anyone with half a brain might see that less work in front of more people might be good for the old sod, freeing his time to get in the rehearsal rooms and put some new stuff together, whereas you seem to prefer jumping in the sharabang and driving nineteen hours across four states to scream at him to "play Roy's Keen!" in front of five hundred people.

I've been wondering for a while why there seems to be a disconnect between Morrissey fans across the world and those in the UK. I've particularly enjoyed arguing with a twelve year old Swede who agreed with Morrissey that the Queen should immediately remove her tanks from the streets of Dublin, or the Balkan fruitcake who accused me at length of being a Serb for saying ROTT is not a masterwork. Maybe Morrissey's schtick is new over there, while mysanthropic navel gazing has a long tradition in British popular music.

It does seem that he gets more shit from this side of the Atlantic. I wonder if it is because it's an old act over here, plus his increasingly ludicrous statements, of course. Perhaps we are a lot more cynical. Perhaps we see it for what it is, flim flam.

That said, I do love being lectured by American Morrissey fans, a significant number of whom seem to think the Smiths are the family down the road. Most entertaining. Perhaps one of the highlights of a Smiths reunion tour in the US might be the "Bring back Jesse!" signs.

you paint with a mighty wide brush, which doesn't serve your argument.
"Another couple of songs like People Are The Same Everywhere and he'll probably be playing your front room."

If this was meant to inspire outrage, I think that your plan backfired. Now, most of us are contemplating how we would entertain Morrissey after the private show. Personally, I am torn: part of me would like to serve him vegan Shepherd's Pie with a nice glass of red wine, prop his feet up, bring him a book, and give him a nice neck rub. Another part of me is saying cement soundproof room with lots of sex toys; tough choice. Also, it is a bit unfair to make generalizations about Americans and their knowledge of music. Many of us have been following Morrissey joyfully since the Smiths days, and while my neighbors are named Smith, I surely know the difference. I have the utmost respect for the English: you have given us the greatest music, some of the finest films, and by far, the most influential literature. We understand that you had Morrissey first, but I do not see how we have "ruined" him. Additionally, I would agree with you that the Smiths were absolute perfection and a reunion might tarnish that legacy. See, we do not always have to be at odds. The war is over (we won) and we've certainly paid for any bad Kharma with housewives and Kardashians.

lynnda (jersey, new, another thing that we copied from you and then ruined)
You miss the point. The reason a Smiths reunion fills me and others with dread is simple. They were pristine. Perfect. Like no other band in history. Those of us who saw them, who waited in a queue for the record shop to open for every single, every 12", every album, don't want a bunch of foreigners who weren't there pissing all over that legacy.

You've ruined Morrissey. Why not stick with that?

There. I've said it. I feel better.

Morrissey ruined Morrissey.

Everything after Quarry sucks monkey balls.

His choice of Jesse Tobias and a worn out Boz Boorer as songwriting partners is his downfall.

Visconti's production on ROTT (the most bombastic release in Moz's career) is nothing short of dreadful.

The pedestrian-ism of YOR is startling in it's lameness.

No one says he has to linger in past success but what he's done since 2004 is the worst of his catalog.

I honestly do not expect Morrissey sycophants to have anything like a moment of clarity when judging his later works. They are bound too tight in the fog of adoration to really see how poor his music has been the last 9 years.

This is why he's gone so long without a recording contract and there is no sign of that happening in the future either. Sorry, he is no longer "good enough".

I think he can bounce back. I think he still has the ability to have a resurgence but if he keeps surrounding himself with the people he presently works ain't happening.
"Another couple of songs like People Are The Same Everywhere and he'll probably be playing your front room."

If this was meant to inspire outrage, I think that your plan backfired. Now, most of us are contemplating how we would entertain Morrissey after the private show. Personally, I am torn: part of me would like to serve him vegan Shepherd's Pie with a nice glass of red wine, prop his feet up, bring him a book, and give him a nice neck rub. Another part of me is saying cement soundproof room with lots of sex toys; tough choice. Also, it is a bit unfair to make generalizations about Americans and their knowledge of music. Many of us have been following Morrissey joyfully since the Smiths days, and while my neighbors are named Smith, I surely know the difference. I have the utmost respect for the English: you have given us the greatest music, some of the finest films, and by far, the most influential literature. We understand that you had Morrissey first, but I do not see how we have "ruined" him. Additionally, I would agree with you that the Smiths were absolute perfection and a reunion might tarnish that legacy. See, we do not always have to be at odds. The war is over (we won) and we've certainly paid for any bad Kharma with housewives and Kardashians.

lynnda (jersey, new, another thing that we copied from you and then ruined)

i would only add look at some of your fellow countrymen we've taken off your hands. posh spice, anyone?
Do you think having Jesse Tobias in his band is the "right" move?

I certainly don't.

A non-Smiths reunion with Moz and Marr writing songs together (and performing with new accompanying musicians) isn't such an automatic bad/ill-fated thing.

I love how know-it-alls around here just tell us how it would be if Morrissey and Marr reunited (as if they know). The arrogance is out of control with many posters around here. The bottom-line is we Don't know how it would work out in one direction or another. No one can predict success or failure but people just insist on telling us it wouldn't work.

Morrissey and Marr are two pretty brilliant guys when it comes to music (other topics...not so much). I get the feeling they wouldn't screw anything up if they ever wished to give a new collaboration a chance. They're not some cheap pairing. They probably wouldn't work together again but then again, who knows? And no one knows the success or failure either so stop guessing that it wouldn't work to begin with.
Of course we don't know for sure, but what we are all doing is speculating, no?

I believe working with Johnny Marr again (Smiths or not) would not work out well for Morrissey. He and Marr we equals, I don't think he could do that at this point, really have a partner. It's Morrisseys show and I think that's the way be likes it.
I love much of Morrisseys solo work including the later sings.....I cant wait for a new album.

Jesse isn't bad.....just not subtle.
If Morrissey is packing in singing, I'd love to see him on the telly. I'd like to see a reality show where The Smiths got back together, I wonder how much Morrissey would want for that? About £20m or so I'd expect lol. I think he'd be really good on X Factor or a similar show, something where he can show his wit. I don't think he'll ever release that book.

To everyone saying Moz is shit on this thread: it's no good harking on about The Smiths all day, remember when you were hankering for the new single or whatever, well some people still feel that way about Moz. He's an ongoing concern, people genuinely love and buy his new stuff, it's not their fault you're old, jaded and bitter. Go and read a really interesting Johnny Marr interview somewhere...I'm sure you'll find one at some point.
If Morrissey is packing in singing, I'd love to see him on the telly. I'd like to see a reality show where The Smiths got back together, I wonder how much Morrissey would want for that?

"Jersey Shore" (not NEW Jersey!) I could definitely see Moz talking about "the shirt before the shirt" and his hair and his peccadilloes... (I never watched the show, my kids talked about it all the time)

I don't think he'll ever release that book.

<< me either.
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Morrissey ruined Morrissey.

Everything after Quarry sucks monkey balls.

His choice of Jesse Tobias and a worn out Boz Boorer as songwriting partners is his downfall.

Visconti's production on ROTT (the most bombastic release in Moz's career) is nothing short of dreadful.

The pedestrian-ism of YOR is startling in it's lameness.

No one says he has to linger in past success but what he's done since 2004 is the worst of his catalog.

I honestly do not expect Morrissey sycophants to have anything like a moment of clarity when judging his later works. They are bound too tight in the fog of adoration to really see how poor his music has been the last 9 years.

This is why he's gone so long without a recording contract and there is no sign of that happening in the future either. Sorry, he is no longer "good enough".

I think he can bounce back. I think he still has the ability to have a resurgence but if he keeps surrounding himself with the people he presently works ain't happening.

I was listening to Years of Refusal last night. I think its great so I guess its just a matter of opinion. And yes, he's gonna "bounce back" just give him some time.
"Another couple of songs like People Are The Same Everywhere and he'll probably be playing your front room."

If this was meant to inspire outrage, I think that your plan backfired. Now, most of us are contemplating how we would entertain Morrissey after the private show. Personally, I am torn: part of me would like to serve him vegan Shepherd's Pie with a nice glass of red wine, prop his feet up, bring him a book, and give him a nice neck rub. Another part of me is saying cement soundproof room with lots of sex toys; tough choice. Also, it is a bit unfair to make generalizations about Americans and their knowledge of music. Many of us have been following Morrissey joyfully since the Smiths days, and while my neighbors are named Smith, I surely know the difference. I have the utmost respect for the English: you have given us the greatest music, some of the finest films, and by far, the most influential literature. We understand that you had Morrissey first, but I do not see how we have "ruined" him. Additionally, I would agree with you that the Smiths were absolute perfection and a reunion might tarnish that legacy. See, we do not always have to be at odds. The war is over (we won) and we've certainly paid for any bad Kharma with housewives and Kardashians.

lynnda (jersey, new, another thing that we copied from you and then ruined)

Another thing I would do for him is make a candlelit bubble bath and serve him champaign while he soaks in the tub. Remember that picture where his feet are dangling from the tub? MEOW!!!!!!:horny:
"Jersey Shore" (not NEW Jersey!)"
I live in a quaint, Victorian seaside town in New Jersey, and the cast of that show was refused permission to live/ film here. Not all people from New Jersey have those accents or deplorable behavior, and the ones that do not despise those cast members more than you could possibly imagine. Please do not judge all people based on the shallowness of some. That is like presuming that all French people speak like Pepe la Pew and like Jerry Lewis; that sort of thinking is marginalizing and unfair.

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