Ladies and Gents.. Moz in Texas!!!

As we know, Texas isn't the only state that has racists and homophobes. Yes, there are a lot here. I grew up in a very small town in West Texas, and I grew up around those sort of people. Yet, even in gay-friendly San Francisco, I'm sure that there are homophobes there. I guess that I haven't evolved because I'm still living in Texas.
i really love how this thread...especially the ugly comments....give me a break...leave your guns at home? whatever... its nice to see that people on this site are willing to break their necks just to make an ugly comment.
i really love how this thread...especially the ugly comments....give me a break...leave your guns at home? whatever... its nice to see that people on this site are willing to break their necks just to make an ugly comment.

Do you know what a joke is?
i personally hope that morrissey brings HIS guns! :D
He should be the only one allowed to have a gun..he would know who needs to be "dealt" with
as far as him being in Houston...

the smiths played Houston in 86

his first solo gig in Htown was at astroworld

he had the meet and greet at the record rack

came back a few months later and played at the summit

Monday will be his first time back here in 15 years.....

as far as him being in Houston...

the smiths played Houston in 86

his first solo gig in Htown was at astroworld

he had the meet and greet at the record rack

came back a few months later and played at the summit

Monday will be his first time back here in 15 years.....


thank you!!!! i was there for all except the smiths.. that happened in another state.... Hope you have a great time !!!! cheers
yes i do... i was just being nice and having a good time.. its been a long time since moz was in texas and thought.. oh never mind...

I apologize if I upset you...I just love making jokes about the "Texas mentality" (especially the gun thing)'s never personal... :)
i think suzanne was refering to MOZ's GUNS you know.. the guns..

yes suzanne i agree and i'll see you manana...

Yes, I know...what she was refering a man I prefer not to think about it

hence, I changed the subject to:What Celebrity do you think Morrissey would like to shoot most?
I apologize if I upset you...I just love making jokes about the "Texas mentality" (especially the gun thing)'s never personal... :)

Honestly Yes.. I was just trying to be nice.. The Texas "deal" no longer exists and really am surprised that people still feel that way... i would much rather live in Texas than the deep south.. no offense to the folks in the deep south.. been there, lived there.. If i remember correctly Texas is the Friendly State, not the sooner state, not the pelican state.. etc...

Frankly I was born and raised in Cali.. not that makes me great.. its now fake.. so...whatever.. i was just trying to be nice!.
Honestly Yes.. I was just trying to be nice.. The Texas "deal" no longer exists and really am surprised that people still feel that way... i would much rather live in Texas than the deep south.. no offense to the folks in the deep south.. been there, lived there.. If i remember correctly Texas is the Friendly State, not the sooner state, not the pelican state.. etc...

Frankly I was born and raised in Cali.. not that makes me great.. its now fake.. so...whatever.. i was just trying to be nice!.

Of course, and you were nice....

When I mean "Texan Mentality", I mean the George W. Bush "Don't mess with Texas" spiel...I'm sure we've all heard of the whole group of people who think Texas is so great cause they used to be their own country..I have a feeling that's only a small percentage of people from Texas...I've just seen some people get really Defensive at times...
Yes, I know...what she was refering a man I prefer not to think about it

you don't like to think about his arm muscles?!?!
you don't like to think about his arm muscles?!?!

Nope....And as a father, I am glad my two-year old is more interested in why Morrissey is so sad all the time
Many times...

As for Political comments....Morrissey doesn't make an ass out of himself like Rosie O'Donnell and The Dixie Chicks

As an anti-Liberal Civil Liberterian, I really appreciate the fact that Rosie speaks her mind > She's an extremist and she's kinda mean but she has the right to speak her mind no matter how left-wing it is..... The one who's and idiot is Elizabeth Hazelbeck.... she's a complete moron who drinks Fox News flavored mind of her own:rolleyes:

Barbara should replace Rosie with Roseane (who is 10x crazier, funnier and more outspoken) and also replace that little turd Elizabeth with Ann Coulter....
The ratings for that show would ski rocket from day 1 with that cast.
Don't feel so bad or so alone .......One day you'll grow to appreciate it.

Oh don't get me wrong, I like it in Texas. Just not the part where I live right now. Fortunately, I move back to H-Town in about 2 weeks. :)

And Ann Coulter should be on The View, if only to make that Elizabeth chick cry.
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