Morrissey conspiracy theory

Have you seen the clip of Morrissey talking onstage about sharing his toothbrush the day Rat wrote about his toothbrush on the blog? Also Rat wrote on his blog about Morrissey dying and the next day Moz walked onstage at the London Palladium and announced, 'i live on, i live on, i live on'. I'm not making this up, it's all there in the Mozziah blog. Skinny can call it the work of a fantasist as much as he likes but anyone who actually bothers to read it and follow the BRS lot on Twitter will see it's all true. It's Moz.

:eyes: How does Skinny explain this? This surely is more than mere coincidence.:crystalball:
When he walked onstage and said ' i live on, i live on, i live on' thats as close to
a 'F its Moz moment ' :darts:than you will ever get.:crown:
:eyes: How does Skinny explain this? This surely is more than mere coincidence.:crystalball:
When he walked onstage and said ' i live on, i live on, i live on' thats as close to
a 'F its Moz moment ' :darts:than you will ever get.:crown:

Here is the blog entry that explains the 'I live on' remark. It's fascinating.

At some point Skinny is going to have to admit that he has got it all completely and utterly wrong about Wratten being the online Moz. He's quite possibly right that this Wratten is the author of Following the Mozziah but there is no way these things are all just coincidences. Even members of Morrissey's own road crew are apparently now admitting there is something in all this.
Wratten spent I dunno how many years chatting with me pretending to be this irish woman that wanted to see me for tea. I actually suspect he is a crossdresser.

I have news for you Urbanus, that was actually me. J x
Which distinctive eccentricities and lexical tics did it fail to capture? Does absolutely everything Morrissey ever writes have these eccentricities and tics? So who is this fake Mozzer and how exactly have they gotten away with it for seven years without getting tripped up? One thing that is certain is that it isn't that Wratten bloke as Unlce S says because I have spoken to people who were actually stood talking with Wratten when the supposed morrissey was tweeting.
Bore off, Wratten, I'm not going to help you with your lame fakery.
I have news for you Urbanus, that was actually me. J x

Yeah right, Wratten!

If there is a species on earth I know everything about it is women and they will send you pictures and phone numbers and email if they are interested. I spent 2006 studying them on a dating site and the amount of pictures and numbers those desperate women gave me told me all I need to know.

Next time you should supply pictures and details from someone out there that you nicked online to make it a little more believable. But we sure had fun chatting, didn't we Simon?
It may have been Surface (Skinny persona) that you were chatting to as a cross dresser. It may have been Skinny as Surface as Simon as a cross dresser you were actually chatting to in the dating site. Skinny is pretty much a master of disguises.:bow:

That blog entry gives a new spin to the situation, as Moz actually did say that about living on.:screamcat:
Right after Simon made similar comments in the blog. How can this be possible unless Moz was
monitoring the blog?:openmouth:
Wratten's had a meltdown on his blog in recent days and is having this pity party all by himself. He really is a mythomaniac and I remember how he over the years in the chatroom he had claimed to be this and that person who travelled the world and all kinds of things.
Imagine the inside of the brain on someone producing such a shit blog made up of absolute shit which is the product of his very sick brain. I almost cannot find it in me how crap his blog is and how annoying it has always been.
The authorities should place someone like that in a mental institution and throw away the key cause imagine what a person like that can end up doing when he really flips. The entire blog is a sad attempt at attention seeking from someone who wasted his entire life on nothing at all but suddenly found himself panicking over that realisation to the point he created that f***ing blog.
For me the blog is a perfect example of the state of the world of today where some absolute lunatic wastes peoples time and energy on producing absolutely nothing of worth. For me he and his blog is like a reference guide to what to not do with your life. They should print out flyers with his name and face on and alert everyone that this freak is actually free to live in a society near and around other people.
Simon Wratten and his shitty useless life should be flushed down the drain in little accurately hacked up pieces. People like him needs a slap around the ear to wake up a bit and I don't care what he did to that belly button gazer Marianne cause she actually deserved it but imagine being a man at his age going about his life like that and then questioning someone who wants to die at 40 when in all honesty the state should put down people like him at the vet next to other animals cause no one will ever tell me he in any way qualifies as a human being.
He is anything but!
Well @Alfsbutton is certainly not Morrissey. There is someone on Etsy with that handle that creates and sells Morrissey memorilbia. Someone on here has an account with that name too.

No idea about @FeebleFedelma.
There are about 1oooo accounts under the Morrissey/Moz avatars. Give or take 2-3 for Alfsbutton should not be definitive.
Besides, Moz sells Moz memorabilia too..:straightface:

We are not even sure if Simon IS Simon, he may be G23(best option) or/and Skinny.:rolleyes:
I've vomited things more interesting than the Rat's blog. It's as if horribly mentally ill and unintelligent people were given lobotomies and then asked to impersonate Morrissey, except not as good as that because at least then we'd feel sorry for them and pretend to laugh and pronounce, halfheartedly, "you are trying - isn't that something - there there."
The Rat's legacy will hold fast with other old man trolls on the internet, crying and wanking softly into their keyboards about their obsessions, but knowing they were never enough to become someone of note, so they thought they'd get into the business of argument and deception. What a sadness.
I've vomited things more interesting than the Rat's blog. It's as if horribly mentally ill and unintelligent people were given lobotomies and then asked to impersonate Morrissey, except not as good as that because at least then we'd feel sorry for them and pretend to laugh and pronounce, halfheartedly, "you are trying - isn't that something - there there."
The Rat's legacy will hold fast with other old man trolls on the internet, crying and wanking softly into their keyboards about their obsessions, but knowing they were never enough to become someone of note, so they thought they'd get into the business of argument and deception. What a sadness.

Well said!

I feel normal compared to him. Thing is though your post is kinda the same and newsflash we all get old unless we are lucky to be killed or end our lives ourselves.
This is interesting. It is a shame that the chatroom closed down recently it sounded like it was really good.
No, it wasn't and it was mostly me and Jenna and the occasional chatter like Wratten of course but he was probably Jenna too.
The guy is in the closet.
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