morrissey frink thread!


I was about to go to bed. But now I don't think I will. I am condemned to spend the night staring at this picture. Jesus.
btw, where's the screencap from?
I was about to go to bed. But now I don't think I will. I am condemned to spend the night staring at this picture. Jesus.
btw, where's the screencap from?

I found it on Tumblr, and I think it's from a TOTP performance. Not sure which one though, I'm afraid. Pretty, innit?
He does look great in pink- I've always liked that dotty blouse :blushing:. There's also a picture of him in a pink jumper which looks fantastic on him (well, I think so but it was in the 'fashion disasters' thread so that may just be me :p).

I think Morrissey is one of those people who can pull off virtually anything, fashion-wise. (Though he does seem particularly good at pulling off shirts these days... :lbf: ) Even dressed in the "fashion disaster" outfits, he still looks amazing.

Just gorgeous. Words beyond that fail me...

I hadn't seen any of these before - thank you for posting! The first one is particularly lovely. I have a strange urge to go out and buy a can of Pringles now. :p

This must surely be the epitome of frinky... :horny:
What I love about it is that he probably ended up with one sunburned nipple. :p

I would advise suntan lotion to prevent the nipples (and the rest of the body) from overexposure to direct sunlight in the future.
I could even... er... help with applying it. Oh Morrissey, do you have a vacancy for a suntan-lotion-applier?
I was about to go to bed. But now I don't think I will. I am condemned to spend the night staring at this picture. Jesus.
btw, where's the screencap from?
I'm pretty sure it's from the other what difference does it make from top of the pops:)
A gentleman on Etsy is selling prints of 2 photos he took of Morrissey in concert in May 2007 in Seattle. Shop "magphotography" will sell an 8x12 in. print for $25 but you can request other sizes. I like that first one. A LOT.

I found something a bit frinky going on in my apple tree yesterday. I warned them about sunburnt nipples but only the eldest would listen....

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