morrissey frink thread!

Suck it up, Mary. Politics don't have anything to do with this.

Someone made a comment about licking sweat off of Morrissey's shirt, a few people (including myself) said that was disgusting.

Your wife called Mozza a troll.

I joked and said that apparently she was a troll because she didn't want to suck DNA off of Morrissey's shirt.

It was a simple joke. Grow up.

Wikipedia says: "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages (for) provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

Yup, you're right, none of that applies here at all.

It wasn't "just" a joke, it was an attempt to argue for Mozza's side by using sarcasm. There isn't anything magical about jokes that makes them immune to any kind of response, or offense. Jokes can and do deserve responses.

I love people saying things like "suck it up" on Solow. Some people just love to try to win arguments by accusing the other side of whinging inappropriately. I'm not sure exactly what I was whinging about though. You sound upset by what I said about you. Was I perhaps close to the truth? It was just a joke, so no reply was necessary. Suck it up, Mary.
OMG! This is like listening to your parents fight. Make it stooooooppppppp.

*grabs headphones and turns music up LOUD*
*puts pillow over head*


Yes, of course, I'm BSC.

And yet the attackers on this issue seem to roughly line up on the conservative side, no?

I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I think Mozza made a number of excellent points about connection and love. Just sayin'.

Not quite sure how politics entered the argument, seems straw mannish. :p
Thank you for the discussion, I'll bear the off-topic rule in mind next time and I'll never darken this thread's doorstep again. Enjoy your pictures.

I'm going to live my life, I hope you're enjoying yours.


Buh bye! Now hopefully the Mozza supporters can take their discussions to more appropriate threads and the rest of the frinkers can get back to appreciating Moz's good looks and sexiness which is why I come to this thread*(but of course not the main reason why I'm a Morrissesy fan).

edited to say I also come to the frink for humor and kinship of the fellow frinkers - a great bunch!
It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives have such problems with the truth.

Mozza is attacking, we're defending. Mozza is saying our preferences are disgusting, we're saying everyone is different and can't we all just coexist. I cannot believe your brain would equate these two beliefs. We didn't come here to argue with logic that Mozza should suddenly desire to suck the DNA off Morrissey's shirt, or that not liking to suck DNA off of a shirt is disgusting. That should be obvious, because arguing that everyone should think the same way would just be stupid and pointless. And yet you're supporting the person here who is trying to defend the illogical view that 100% of everyone on the planet should find Moz DNA disgusting.

Conservatives over and over seem to see life as black and white. There's your way of thinking, and everyone else who doesn't agree with you is obviously wrong and needs to be convinced over to your side. And then you come here and use "projection" to try to attribute that kind of flawed black-and-white thinking onto us. E.g. when we try to defend our right to like or believe something, you interpret that as us trying to force everyone else to believe as we do.

And the ironic thing is that conservatives are always complaining about liberals and their "political correctness" wherein they're trying to use rules to force other people to believe as they do. When actually it's the conservatives who try to pass laws and constitutional amendments criminalizing various kinds of "immoral" sexual activity like abortion and gay marriage, behavior that smacks of "political correctness." Once again: MYOB.

What nonsense.

Go to bed 'james'.

I've said my piece, you're rambling now and making no sense.
so I saw all these added pages and was like "sweet more morrissey photos" and then I came on and there are all these words. More Morrissey, less Misery

K, Thx
One Of The Lurkers
Suck it up, Mary. Politics don't have anything to do with this.

Someone made a comment about licking sweat off of Morrissey's shirt, a few people (including myself) said that was disgusting.

Your wife called Mozza a troll.

I joked and said that apparently she was a troll because she didn't want to suck DNA off of Morrissey's shirt.

It was a simple joke. Grow up.

Scarlet Ibis said she licked the sweat from Morrissey's shirt infront of her husband and she said he was "repulsed" I only backed that up by agreeing that that is disgusting.

And that makes me a troll!?

They're both lunatics
Can't I say what's on my mind then? Just because a few don't like it, It was something I said to Scarlet Ibis and then everyone leapt to her defense, like i'd said something terrible. Sometimes people need to say what everyone is thinking.

I thought this entire place was for open discussion? If you can't speak up for yourself and be part of a debate (Which it's now become even though I just left one short comment to Scarlet Ibis) then don't get involved.

We jump to her defense because we are all friends go back to the front page with all the other haters and leave us alone. If we bother you so much don't come in here anymore, in fact you bother us so mind your own business. What the hell did you think this thread was about anyway...the word FRINK should have given you a clue, dumb ass.
Scarlet it was very nice to meet you in Vegas, did you get up front? You must have been close cause we saw him take your mag! YAY! Way to represent frinker friends!
Suck it up, Mary. Politics don't have anything to do with this.

Someone made a comment about licking sweat off of Morrissey's shirt, a few people (including myself) said that was disgusting.

Your wife called Mozza a troll.

I joked and said that apparently she was a troll because she didn't want to suck DNA off of Morrissey's shirt.

It was a simple joke. Grow up.

YES BUT YOU DON'T SAY ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR WHEN YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO CAUSE AN ISSUE! I have never ever ever seen you post anything here on this thread so you OBVIOUSLY came in to cause along with everyone else I'm ignoring now.
Wikipedia says: "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages (for) provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

Yup, you're right, none of that applies here at all.

It wasn't "just" a joke, it was an attempt to argue for Mozza's side by using sarcasm. There isn't anything magical about jokes that makes them immune to any kind of response, or offense. Jokes can and do deserve responses.

I love people saying things like "suck it up" on Solow. Some people just love to try to win arguments by accusing the other side of whinging inappropriately. I'm not sure exactly what I was whinging about though. You sound upset by what I said about you. Was I perhaps close to the truth? It was just a joke, so no reply was necessary. Suck it up, Mary.

You certainly don't upset me; you humor me.
Aren't you supposed to be in LA having fun? Or is staying on the Frink thread all night your idea of fun, too?

I love your sig! guess we know where you stand

right back to lurking...going to the back pages till this resolves.
Here are the few pics that came out. My husband would get shoved every time he tried to take a picture.


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