Morrissey's female fan frink thread

MILFs represent! you coming to chicago friday to go have dinner and drink with corrissey and me?

Oh, I wish I could! *sniff*
We'll get together yet.....

Especially if a certain singer decides to announce some US dates in the near future.
(and let's hope he does, with a new album coming out and all)
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could this be the next posed photo...

Hm... probably not, if only because that would be hard to explain to my in-house "photographer." Unless I make some big prints for him, too.
Here are a couple more pictures from my goth fairy princess days.


Striking my best Bono pose:


I have no idea what a Bono pose is, but you're a really beautiful woman! :) And that corset's freaking awesome too. I've been looking for a full one with those colours forever.
I don't know if I got to the level of the gals here but I'll try... :p
This is a not so new one...

This is an old one...

You are very cute! You remind me of Liz Phair (that's a compliment) Has anyone ever told you that?


*runs to DSW*

Ok, here's me. My bookshelves are not as cool as Preg's and I've since cleaned them up so the books aren't leaning around so awkwardly.


Yeay Julie!! You're a beauty! Now I know who to look for in Michigan AND Illinois ;)
but r u slutty? cute people piss me off fucking sit on my face more bewbz plzthx scarlet got banned lawl thread of the year tits or gtfo
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